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Posts posted by Boru

  1. After several failed attempts, (thanks for the advice folks)I saved my games files, did a complete re-install and the sound came back.

    Shift-S, did nothing and the sound card/drivers all checked perfectly and EVERY OTHER program ran fine with sound! I have no idea what happened.

    Wow... life without CM flashed before my eyes.

  2. Help.... sound went away!

    I have new system, 1 month old. All has been working perfectly. Today sound just went away. Nothing!

    My computer is plugged into a stereo, the stereo still works with its components, other computer programs still make sound, so the sound card and connectors are right.

    I have tried shift-s.

    Is there any other reason the CMBO sound might just stop altogether?


  3. Originally posted by Jadayne:

    could I have Boru in my group so I won't have to spend any points on artillery? wink.gif

    My dear Jadayne,

    I'll have you know that ALL of my artillery spotters have just spent a glorious week of training in Washington DC, USA, being drilled with unceasing vigor in the art of actually getting your target.

    It does worry me that all the instructors were from the Republican committee to impeach Bill Clinton. And it also seems a bit odd that their new enemy seeking weapons come equipped with Self Addressed and Pre-stamped return envelopes. But nonetheless, they have come back with lots of vim, vigor, enthusiasm and excitement.

    Bring Jadayne on! Hear the new battlecry of Boru's Batteries - "When you see the whites of their eyes.... THEN call for artillery!"

  4. I am a "numb nut newbie." In fact, I am THE "numb nut newbie" as my recent autobiographical post clearly illustrates.

    As evidence: Big Ron is currently kicking my newbie natal cheeks in Pbem.

    I offer my credentials as an applicant who has seen more of his own men die from friendly fire than at enemy hands.

    Hallmark has even named a new line of "Sympathy cards" after me. Count me in and you will surely soon be able to count me out.

    [This message has been edited by Boru (edited 02-28-2001).]

  5. Ummmmm.... Man did I get excited when I saw this thread... then I saw the dates.

    Did this tourney ever happen? It seems like such a good idea. Especially to me, author of the recent autobiographical "Story of two numb nut newbies" post. I was Numb nut newbie #2 in the story. Two weeks later I am still wandering around maps looking for a LOS that does not end up on my own men.

    I would gladly be a numb nut in a newbie tourney if such a thing existed. If one does not, then it should and I for one would be glad to help. If there is an interest.

  6. Who would have known the misadventures of two tactical twits would have solicited such a response. My humblest thanks one and all for your kind posts.

    I am, admittedly, somewhat intimidated by the cryptic references to Peng, assimilation, cesspools and the like. But, not unlike advancing over that next ridge, there are times when the turret simply has to be exposed.

    For the time being, till I discover the nuances of CMBO messaging, I'll remain respectfully "hull down" about the boards.

  7. I have no idea if this is the right place for this kind of message, but someone will surely tell me.

    After three weeks - I love this game. For more than the obvious reasons.

    Two weeks and five days ago I was embarrassed to say I owned it.

    Two of my ilk (numb nut newbies) were trying to learn the game and tcp/ip at the same time, both had tried the tutorial earlier that day and were still in the foothills of the learning curve. Squads and vehicles were running everywhere. It looked like a violent rendition of Riverdance by the local residents of the epilepsy half way house.

    In the midst of a steel toed pirouette, an Allied tank came over a ridge backwards, turret blazing, HE shells disintegrating a close knit group of his OWN troops.

    Numb Nut Newbie #1 had given an AREA FIRE command by mistake while experimenting with the "targeting command." The tank ran butt first up to the tree line of a woods loaded with enemy Axis warriors.

    Numb Nut Newbie #2 sent off a "radio chat" message calling NNN#1 names that would have made his every forebear question the validity of evolutionary progress.

    #2 grabs two panzerschrecks and a couple of squads with panzerfausts and anything else that even resembles an anti-tank weapon and rushes them all to the woods edge. A couple of artillery shells land nearby but the stolid group is undaunted.

    The allied tank relentlessly blazes away at his own shaken troops, bare butt exposed for all Germany to see. The Allied commander "chats" away begging for help over the radio on how to tell his tank to knock it off, come home and promises if he stops shooting now the court martial will be swift and painless.

    NNN#2 offers no help. He's geeked. He knows only that he is about to make his virgin tank kill in CM. An experience we all remember in cordite soaked dreams.

    Just as the Axis heroes ready their weapons, total hell rains down upon the poor wretches. Noah had fewer raindrops with which to contend. Artillery shells sent them all into a face-planted, mud sucking posture that would have made ground moles green with envy.

    Numb Nut Newbie #2 had thought he was checking line of sight with his big gun spotters a couple of minutes previously and had yet to learn the exact meaning of orange line/blue line, countdown clock. He had just thrown the full weight of ALL off map arty onto his OWN tank hunters.

    It was a priceless moment. There these two novice generals sat, on two phone lines, in the same house, just one floor apart. Two dumbfounded numb nuts blowing hell out of their own pixelated armies, staring at the screen in disbelief.

    Out came the manual. Onto the web went the plebians. This is no normal game. Two twitch crowd egophiles did something previously unimagined - research. A book on WWII tanks now graces the downstairs coffee table. Calls were even made to old family members who were vets of the real thing.

    Commands were learned, tactics studied, experiments tried, brain cells exercised. In time, they now say, they may even join a ladder somewhere.

    My thanks to the authors. My family bought a game, now owns a passion.

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