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Posts posted by Fowler

  1. Brothers:

    I just got CMBB for Christmas. Finally got a chance to load it and then found there was no Intro movie. Was this not coded or am I running into an error that's not being displayed?

    Just curious. Haven't gotten to play yet but I'm drooling.

    Thanks for the assist.


  2. Brothers:

    Wow! Thanks for the responses. I'm really impressed. OK, now for the scary part. I'm new to this as I haven't really even played CMBO yet (had it for a year or something). I'm a new grognard and am about to finish the Close Combat series (wanted to finish first since CM looks so impressive I knew I wouldn't want to go back). Does anyone have the link to the Japanese mods mentioned?

    As usual, all information appreciated in advance.

    Sorry for the ignorant question.


  3. Brothers:

    I need a recommendation for a book covering the Japanese military from around 1863 to 1945. I've seen several, but some of the reviews on them are pretty mixed. Recently I was looking closely at "Soldiers of the Sun" by Meirion and Susie Harries. However, some of the reviews indicated that the Harries were very racist agains the Japanese. Does anyone know of a clear, objective book?

    Thanks for all assistance in advance.


  4. I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere, but the other night I downloaded MODS for the first time....Whoa I know I'm way behind the times...anyway, after I applied some, probably to many and incorrectly, my system freaked and reset (or maybe it was always set, but it seems clunkier) my resolution to 640x480. Further, now everything seems to chug. I've got a PIII - 450 with a TNT2 32MB Graphics card and 256 MG RAM. I seem to remember everything running better. I tried removing and reinstalling, but it redetected the 640x480 settings. Any suggestions?

    NOTE: I haven't really spent time troubleshooting, so this may be an moronic question after my second attempt I returned to a game of Panzer Elite.

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