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David Dahlstrom

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Posts posted by David Dahlstrom

  1. Replacing 1913.bat with the one over at CMHQ was actually one of the first things I tried. Unfortunately, it didn't help. I have also taken further note that the C&C and target lines are not appearing in color. They too are white (interestingly, the LOS line is still in color). None of these problems occur in WinME on the same machine and running off the same CMBO directory. If it helps, here is some futher technical detail about my environment.

    Windows 2000 Pro


    Voodoo 5 5500 w/v.1.04 drivers

    (problem occurs with and without FSAA)

    Pentium III 600

    256MB RAM

  2. Well, I'm kind of answering my own question...in part. I've found that this seems to only happen on Win2000. When I run under WinME, this problem does not occur. Other than this glitch, CMBO seems to be fine under Win2K. Anybody have a cure for this?

    BTW, I'm using a Voodoo 5 5500 with the latest drivers.


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