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Posts posted by dog6880

  1. make a flat map with all scattered trees except for a large clearing in the center of open ground. put one tank in that clearing and as many as you would like in the scattered trees. the aircraft have yet to target any in the trees till the one in the open is dead. with a dozen aircraft and 19 tanks.

    i still dont see much damage register on the tigers however the panthers seem to take the damage like i would expect but i had a King tiger take multiple direct hits with no damage incured. NONE!!!!! and i mean direct hits to the side rear and top over about 3 turns. on the third he went imobile and on another turn the gun went down. the crew decided to jump ship soon after.

    i still think the tigers are too bullet proof

    tell me how to post a screen shot i will show you what i got

    [This message has been edited by dog6880 (edited 01-09-2001).]

  2. Ok i posted one saying allied tanks suck. i think it is just that german tanks are too god like. what i did was i made a map where i had 15 german tanks and a dozen allied aircraft.

    1)an interesting thing i noticed is when given the option allied aircraft will always target tanks in the open as opposed to in scattered trees. of the 15 tanks i put 6 in scattered trees and they were never targeted after 20 turns.

    2)only direct hits from the smaller bombs will kill a tiger, and very close hits from those big ones will do the job.

    3) those guns the aircraft use only serve to button up the tank and scratch paint

    the same proved true with the panter G & A and the king tiger

    what bothered me was i didnt get much in the way of damage to the tank with really close shots near the treds. i have the screen shots to back it all up. i belive the treds would have been utterly destroyed with some of the hits i took on those tanks

    i dont know how to add screen shots to my post tell me how and i will show you one that ticked me off

  3. ok i checked out old posts and they all say the same thing mass rush hide run ect. so what the hell do i do with my tracked coffins?

    i had three sherms and one tiger killed them all in two rounds. all i got were cannon balls bouncing off the merimack type of thing.

    should i run and hide and wait to mass them with my reinforcements?

    should i just send the sherms out to see what shoots at them sinc they will get killed anyway?

  4. ok i'm not a Ranger or a Beret, only a lowly specialist in the National Guard, Infantry by the way.

    can i utilize the training i recieve at benning in this game? it seems to work well against the computer but how would it fare against real people... so far i found applying infantry tactics that i know to this game work pretty good. has anyone noticed this or does any one feel this to be an untruth worthy of a flaming?

    I'm not asking for the best use of infantry(i think there is a different post are for those Q's) just asking if anyone has had any success using real world infantry techniques. both WWII techniques and modern. i have against the computer, but i dont think the AI is much of a challenge.

  5. ok, am i the only one or does this game intrude on your dreams? i think i have problems.

    in the past when i played a game too much i could close my eyes and see it. but with this game i keep dreaming of the last battle i had and what i did wrong, or it will turn almost into a nightmare and i dream that the enemy force turned out to be bigger.

    but last night i dreamt that masses of three man squads were running through the woods at a fox hole that i myself was in with two other men. the freaky part is that there were dozens of yellow lines coming from out of the woods toward me.

    am i the only one that experiences this? is it normal?

  6. ok i dont really know but in the games i have played i havent noticed any supression unless the tank gets hits real bad then it reads on the unit stats "shocked". this happened to me only when near hits by 500lb bombs landed, and when crossing a minefeild and taking damage.

    i feel supression should be a factor i could only imagine the head ache after taking a few hits.

  7. ok how do i record the turn. i did a search and only got an idea about usiong a "screen to AVI program:

    that was no help. anyway it involved a lot of switching back and forth and editing out desktop frames.

    i dunno anyone know what to do? i keep hearing people talk about watching it again or something like they can go back and review a turn after the game.

    any ideas? thanks

    [This message has been edited by dog6880 (edited 01-02-2001).]

  8. CAP ON CASUALTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats rediculous. that shoul dbe the number one reason not to have a time limit. if an operation ends in 3 battles instead of six due to heavy losses then thats how it shou8ld be.

    if i force cant fight on then too bad. the reserves could be used and sent in on the computers judegment. i read something in the book about that.

  9. aparently a few people feel that time limits in operations are a bit combersome. there should be an option put in to extend or eliminate the time limit in at least operations..

    As for supply issues: 1)reinforcements, the supply truck idea, ammo caches: these could solve the no ammo situation.(pull back resupply and back to the front.) this might take a few but what if

    2)both sides break contact then both sides could just secretly agree to resupply, just like the cease fire. t hen battle can pick up shortly after. maybe a night attack to disrupt resupply

    think how interesting it would be to ambush supply lines or raid ammo caches?! or to defend them from attack?

    i did a few training operations wiht the United states army where we had to locate supply caches and ambush supply routs. adds a whole new use for scout units and small squad uses to CM. personallyl i found the hunting and raiding fun.

    come on at least put in the option. i agree that single senarios need the time limit. but operations are long term, and the clock gtets in teh way.

  10. time table or non what is five or ten mins in taking a hill nothing gos according ot play in really life and nothing gets done on the min. i like the continue or end option. if there is still a fight to be fought then let it be settled. if some one has a limited amount of real world time then let it be known. "i have to end this game its been going on for too long, i got stuff to do"

    the option should be present for those who like to do or die.

    [This message has been edited by dog6880 (edited 01-01-2001).]

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