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Posts posted by TexasJeff

  1. A book by F.W. von Mellethin is wonderful. I know this probably has been covered before but for the newer members it might help. It is written by a staff officer that was in Poland, France, North Africa for 15 months with Rommel, Russia with Genaral Balck in 11th Panzer and 48th Corp and the Western Front.

    The insights on North Africa and Russia are the best. Also, numerous and good maps. [Why do they write military history and put few maps in. It is more on a grand tactical level but still excellent.

  2. I was re-reading for the 5th or 6th time von Mellethin's "Panzer Battles". He says that in the Crusader battles the Germans used 5 Matilda's "of which we thought highly". Also, the Panzer III "only mounted a low velocity 50-mm gun" and the Matilda and Crusader tanks completely outclassed us in armor.

    [ December 25, 2003, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: TexasJeff ]

  3. 1000 Point, ME, Map- village, small hills, light forest. Nov,44

    forces- 2 platoons Allied Inf., 3 Halftracks, 1 Sherman Easy Eight, 4.5 artillery, .50 HMG, 2 bazooka's, 1 Sharpshooter. We had the computer pick forces.

    Map- village in the middle, thin trees, and not much cover or elevation. The flag was in the right center edge of the village. There were some trees on that side on my approach to the village and a road that ran to the center of the village. My plan was to load the HT's and put my HQ, 2 Squads, Artillery spotter and the HMG in the right rear corner of the village. Walk my other assets up thru the trees. I put the Easy eight on the left side of the map HD with good sight lines to the opposite side from my infantry. Trying to get a pincer effect.

    Action- My EE took out a StuGIII the first turn. That was the only good news the whole game. Somehow he beat me to the village and took out a HT, the squad got in a bldg. Then the Arty spotter and HMG were hit dismounting. I realize, I should not have put either unit up front. Also my bldg's were lined up and he crossed my T, so he brought multiple fire on each unit. I couldn't advance. Then his other StuGIII [late] got my infantry in a pincer and started pummeling them. He was HD caddycorner from my tank. Finally on turn 15 of 20, I moved to attck his forces in the town from the rear with the Sherman. I knew it would come under fire from the StuG at a disadvantage but I was already losing. It did get knocked out and that all she wrote.

    What a thrilling experience. I am hooked on TCP/IP. I can see I will not have nearly enough time to play. See you on the battlefield.

  4. This is my first try at purchasing units. Nov. 1944

    1 Vet Rifle CO HQ

    3 Vet Rifle Platoons -1 Squad

    2 Vet M4 Shermans

    1 Vet M10 Tank Destroyer

    1 Vet M7 Priest

    1 M 1917 HMG

    1 M2 .50 HMG

    998 points

    This seems to me a fairly historically accurate force with the glaring exception of artillery and air support an American Company would have had. Comments?

    P.S. Just in taking a cursory look at the Axis point costs, it seems they have the more gamey units. Pucchen and Flak guns are very cheap, IMHO, validating some comments I have read.

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