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Posts posted by Bozza

  1. Um, excuse my newbiness but why is every thread like this called "Peng"\ something-or-other"?

    Is it b'coz Mr. Peng founded the first ever Peng thread and it has just caught on from there or what's the story?

    .... now if I could just find that F*%@#ing envelope that has my cheque and order for CM in it I could send it off and get the damn game!

    Yeh, yeh, I misplaced a cheque worth A$120 - I know it's around here somewhere under all this other paper I use for scribbling on....

  2. I was wondering how easy it was to build and "install" new units into CM, I have played Total Annihilation for the past 3 years and have got into 3rd party unit making 8 months ago.

    Since I discovered the hidden treasure that is CM I have been interested in having more units (vehicles) in the game, the Australian Sentinal AC1 in particular.

    In Total Annihilation (TA) units were modeled using Rhino3D or other similar 3D modelling programs, then the other parts of the model was added - scripting, build pics, animation .gafs, and other parts necessary to make the model "work".

    After this process was done, the models directory with sub-direcs for each script/3D model/pic etc was compressed and compiled into a single (.hpi) file that the game would automatically load when starting.

    Doubtless CM and TA use different kinds of 3D engines but seeing as CM is so "moddable" it seems only logical (to me anyways) that 3rd party units would not seem too much trouble.

  3. I watched Saving Private Ryan (yet again) tonight and paid special attention to the tracked motorbike thingy that "Ryban" and another bloke head out on to lure the Germans into the village.

    Question is: What was the actual name of these things and what were they specifically used for? My guess is recon - but maybe something more?

    What strikes my attention is the fact that this vehicle I have only ever seen in SPR and no other war movies or documentaries.

  4. Right! That's it! I am going to go down to the bank tommorrow before I go to work and get my cheque for US$60 so I can post off to get MY copy of CM ASAP!

    Playin the demo is drivin me batty!

    Yesterday I played "Valley of Trouble" (again) and gave myself a 200% advantage for a laugh.

    To cut a long story short, I belted the living crap outta the town (spared the church) and leveled it with artillery before walting my 10 remaining tanks in (lost 6) and taking several... er flags, before the lousy hun bastards (yeh I watched Patton tonight too) decided to surrender on the 24th turn.

    As it turned out I massacred those dirty bastards with my artil fire and the best the computer could give me was a DRAW???

    Grrrrr - never mind, soon I'll get my own copy of CM and wont have to play V of T anymore. > smile.gif

  5. For myself I intend to watch the developement of this game VERY closely, because it's a dream come true.

    Although some may say that it will never work for whatever reasons, I prefer to look on the positive side and wait and hope for the best.

    Looking at the Videos on the site really got my mouth watering too.

    My only problem will be the lag times I think (being from Australia) and if these are excessive enough to deny me reasonable gameplay I would be severly disappointed.

    But if there is one positive post on this topic that supports your project 100% - it's this one! Keep it up guys!

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