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Posts posted by Enfors

  1. Allowing more different elevation change levels (apart from the 2.5m and 5m) we have now is probably very easy to code. They already have the code that multiplies the height coordinate with the elevation change level (2.5m or 5m), so all they'd have to do is allow us to set that variable to several other different values.

    Unless, ofcourse, the game's code is more complex than that, but that seems unlikely to me. But one can never be sure. smile.gif


  2. I've considered that point, Coralsaw, and I agree for the most part that assaulting is meant for capturing important ground, not for killing enemy units.

    But ponder this scenario:

    You're playing a small-scale scenario defending a town with infantry. All your 'zooks are either dead or out of ammo, and the enemy still has a halftrack / light tank / jeep inside the town. Then wouldn't it make sense to assault that vehichle with a platoon, with the aim of ending up close enough for grenade attack? In this case the aim of the assault is NOT to capture key terrain. I really do want to kill the vehicle - I don't want it to leave the town and attack my platoon from long range. In this case, a "close assault" command would be very useful.

    And no, my units won't end up chasing the vechile all the way to Berlin unless I want them to, I can always cancel the assault during the next orders phase. smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Enfors (edited 01-23-2001).]

  3. Just like Mika stated above, this command could also be used against infantry. I've often ordered my infantry to charge a lone squad, only to discover that the squad moves 20 metres sideways over the crest of a hill, leaving my charging infantry sitting exposed in an empty spot for the remainder of the turn. With the proposed "close assault" command, the assaulting infantry would simply follow the target over the crest. This would seem perfectly realistic to me. The current behaviour on the other hand, seems very unrealistic.


  4. I think this has been discussed to some extent before, but I don't think there's ever been any official BTS response to it (atleast I couldn't find one).

    The only thing I really miss in CM is a close assault command, which causes your troops to advance on their target, and to FOLLOW the target if it moves.

    Last night I assaulted a StuGIII with a platoon of infantry from 200m. When my infantry reached the StuGIII it reversed away for obvious reasons. So in the next turn I again ordered my platoon to "Run" towards the StuGIII's new position.

    The only problem was that as soon as my platoon started moving towards the StuGIII it moved off to the side about 100m, which resulted in my infantry assaulting an empty spot. This continued for another 10 (!) rounds before I finally managed to surround it and get a track hit which immobilized it (all I had was ordinary grenades, no rifle grenades or anti-tank weapons).

    Now I know I should have used troops better suited to the task of assaulting a AFV. But the point remains: no matter what kind of unit I want to assault with, and no matter what kind of unit is the target of the assault, I still want the assaulting unit(s) to FOLLOW the target if it moves. That is what I want a "close assault" command for.

    Being a programmer myself, I realise this might not be as easy to implement as it seems, considering the new order would have a destination waypoint that _moved_ during the turn, something which currently does not exist in CM AFAIK. You also have to consider the possibility that the target of the close assault command moves into its friendlies' kill zone, and thereby "luring" the assaulting units to follow it to certain death. But I'd appreciate some kind of official word on this matter.

    Thanks in advance.


  5. When I'm defending a village, there's one think that always makes me hesitate.

    Should I place my infantry inside the buildings, or in front of them?

    Putting them inside the buildings gives the best cover and concealment (I think), but then my opponent will probably shell the building, causing it to collapse on top of my infantry. But putting the infantry in front of the building doesn't sound too attractive either, since they will be more exposed there.

    So, where should I put my infantry? In the buildings, or in front of them?

    I know, I know, you're all going to say "it depends on the situation". Well then, in which situations would you place them in the buildings, and in which situations would you put them outside? I'm guessing terrain is a key factor here.


  6. Regarding the holocaust: The figure "6 million killed" is WRONG. The TRUE figure is 11 or 13 (I don't remember, and don't have a book to look it up in right now).

    The figure 6 million really refers to JEWS. 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust, plus an additional 5 or 7 million (again, don't remember) homosexuals, percieved enemies of the nazi party, handicapped people, people of "lesser races", etc.

    Let's not forget about them.


  7. Oh man, don't even get me started on Robosport!

    I played the Amiga version, and it's one of the most brilliantly designed games I've ever played. The flexibility of the game setup, networking, etc was just incredible. If someone made a Robosport 2...

    I hear someone made a similar game inspired for the Mac a few years back, if I had a Mac I'd be sure to get that one.

    Anybody know of a more recent version or similar game? Or where I can get hold of the original for PC?

    "Welcome to the Robot Network! Coming up next... Robosport! Sponsored by: The Maxis Foundation/Killham weapon systems!"


  8. Skorzey mission pack? I'll be sure to check it out, thanks. Sounds like great fun.

    Elite UK glider squads, huh? I guess that's better than nothing, but I still want specialized commandos that don't depend on a HQ unit. smile.gif Any official word from BTS (or somebody else who knows) whether they aren't included, or if they will be in the future?


  9. I was advancing one of my sharpshooters through a woods in an QB last night, when I came upon an enemy artillery spotter only 20 or so metres away. I didn't want to try to take him out with the sharpshooter at that close range, so I thought "gee, I really wish I had some commandos right about now."

    I'm sure commandos (as in small groups that go behind enemy lines for special purposes / missions) were fairly uncommon during WWII, and I guess that's why they haven't been inlcluded in CM. But if done properly, I think the "fun factor" could outweigh their historical rarity. This is how I picture they would work:

    A "commando squad" could consist of 4 to 6 men. They would be somewhat like an "ordinary" squad, but one that's not dependent on a platoon HQ, kind of like sharpshooters. They would have poor firepower but would be hard to spot. They could possibly carry satchel charges like engineers, to blow up tanks.

    The way I see it, commandos would have the same purpose as sharpshooters - taking out key enemy units like HQs and mortars - but would go about it differently. Instead of picking the targets off from a distance, they assault it. That would make them preferable over sharpshooters on maps with short visibility, lots of woods, etc.

    I think commandos would be a lot of fun. Sneak through the woods, assault enemy HQs, mortars, bazookas, machine guns, POW guards, etc.

    This is probably not very historically accurate, but if commandos were equipped with a radio, they could radio target coordinates to a platoon HQ which directs mortars within its command to fire at those coordinates.



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