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Posts posted by JessRobinson

  1. I'm bumping this back up to the top. I too have emailed Cyberfox recently and have gotten no response.

    I assume that most, if not all, round 4 games have been completed. The tourney page has not been updated for months. I've thoroughly enjoyed all four scenarios in the tourney so far and am ready to start round 5.

    Does anyone know what the sitaution is for the tournament?? It would be a shame to see the tourney simply fade away.

  2. The fight against the Tiger has been an ordeal in the PBEM I’m currently playing. Certainly my talented PBEM partner has had a lot to do with it (you there Dumrox?).

    By my count le Tigre has taken out seven AFVs – three Shermans, two M10s, one Greyhound, and one Stuart. I’ve tried pairing the M10s at long range (the shots either missed or broke up on the Tiger’s front turret; both got quickly smoked by the Tiger), doing a bait and hook with a Stuart (a single clear flank shot at close range didn’t penetrate; the return shot did penetrate before the Stuart could scoot away), and various zook actions have led to disaster. Clang whiff clang whiff clang splat.

    I finally killed the beast on my last turn as the Tiger was rushing to the aid of the beleaguered green StuH. The Tiger took out a Sherman from the rear at close range prior to finally (!) taking two penetrating hits in the side/rear turret from a Shermie at medium range.

    The StuH is still alive, after having absorbed a front hull penetration from a Sherman and two zook rounds in its side (one from about 100m no less). Methinks the StuH will go down within the next two turns. Then I can swarm my engineers through town and hopefully take all three flags in the time remaining, although I know Dumrox still has something up his sleeve.

    I agree with the original poster on this thread – if I had taken the Tiger out in one shot, this match would have not have been nearly as much fun. It also speaks volumes for playing against a strong opponent who knows how to handle his armor. I doubt that the AI would have handled the Tiger with such skill.

  3. Besides CMBB, I’ve been playing the following:

    Sim City 4

    World Series Baseball 2K3 (Xbox)


    Half Life: Opposing Force (with my boys, my 5 year old hides under the computer desk)

    Rise of Nations Demo

    I’m undecided whether or not to buy Rise of Nations. On one hand, it’s clearly a great game, a fantastic cross-breeding of Age of Empires and Civ 3 evolved to a higher level. Lots of fun too. But what I’m finding is that I’m losing the capacity to multitask at the end-game. There’s just simply too much to keep track of between my economy, spies, generals, technologies, air and ground forces, etc. etc. etc. Perhaps my worn out 42 year old brain should stop playing RTSes.

    Bottom line – CMBO/CMBB is the best. It is a constant companion long after the other games are uninstalled from my hard drive.

  4. Welcome to paradise from a Fairfax CM devotee.

    Another get-together sounds great to me. The DC/VA/MD crowd had a couple meetings under the CMBO regime, but it’s been far too long. Name the place and time and I’ll try to be there. Beer can only enhance my love for CM.

    The DC area group even tried to get a trip together to go to the military museum at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds up in Maryland, but the base was closed to the public after 9/11. I think it’s back open so perhaps we can give it another try.

  5. A longtime reader and frequent lurker here.

    I'm participating in the RD tourney and I'm in the midst of both of my games. I have two comments:

    1) Perhaps if the scenario designer included in the briefing for each side the reinforcement schedule, by unit and by turn, the problem would be mitigated. There's still the issue of entry point for reinforcements, which is a far less of an problem in my mind.

    2) The Round 1 scenario is excellent! I recommend to all players to download it from the RD web site and play as Axis on the attack. No peeking though.


    [ December 11, 2002, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: JessRobinson ]

  6. I just finished my first PBEM in which I used air support - a pretty well loaded out IL-2. Is there a way to view confirmed kills in the AAR?

    I went down to view "1" and searched the skies (well, that's where a plane would be, right?) and also tabbed through all the units. My IL-2 was nowhere to be found.

    I know the IL-2 took out a PZ III and immobilized another (my opponent told me), but it also whacked one of my T-34s. I'd love to see the official tally.

    Anyone figure it out?

    [ November 17, 2002, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: JessRobinson ]

  7. Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

    I open my mailbox and what do I see?

    Some envelopes, a card, and a leaf from a tree

    Envelopes! Envelopes! Could it be?!

    No, they're too small for CMBB to be

    How silly I am for my hopes, I know

    For I live in Nebraska, a long way to go

    Only Saturday today, and though there's no snow

    More than one day, even for a flying crow

    When will I see it? When will it arrive?

    Monday? Tuesday?

    Surely Wednesday by five!

    I must have the game! I can't take it anymore!

    I'm drooling, I'm crying, I'm rolling on the floor!

    Please God, miracle CMBB to my door!

    Hey, I had to bump this poem to the top before it got lost in obscurity. Great verses, Jack Arilliac!

    (Sorry for the double post.)

  8. Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

    I open my mailbox and what do I see?

    Some envelopes, a card, and a leaf from a tree

    Envelopes! Envelopes! Could it be?!

    No, they're too small for CMBB to be

    How silly I am for my hopes, I know

    For I live in Nebraska, a long way to go

    Only Saturday today, and though there's no snow

    More than one day, even for a flying crow

    When will I see it? When will it arrive?

    Monday? Tuesday?

    Surely Wednesday by five!

    I must have the game! I can't take it anymore!

    I'm drooling, I'm crying, I'm rolling on the floor!

    Please God, miracle CMBB to my door!

  9. Hi All,

    A motley crew of CM enthusiasts from the Washington, DC area will be having our second get-together this Saturday night at 7:00 PM. We'll be meeting at the Glory Days Grill in the Pan Am shopping center at Lee Highway and Nutley Street. It's in beautiful Fairfax, Virginia.

    To any other DC-area lurkers who we don't already know about - crawl out from under your rocks and join us! You may even get to meet the legendary Lawyer, who started the whole CM get-together movement. For a small fee he might autograph your CM disk.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99:

    Well, I think I could make it. Even though the places will require me to violate my normal rule of never going outside the Beltway except by plane.



    You wouldn't have to violate your rule by very much - Grevey's is about 6 feet outside the Beltway. Hopefully we can sit outside and catch the fragance of an overturned and burning gasoline tanker on the inner loop.


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