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Posts posted by 27ray

  1. Having been down this road many months ago (when CMBB was going to be out by now) I would like to regester my vote for a OS X classic patch 3-6 months down the line from the actual release date (which can't come soon enough).

    I am sure that it is too much to ask that either CMBO or CMBB be ported to run in OS X native, and i am saddened by that fact, but When CBBB comes out I will by my copy and hope that they will find the time and the energy to figure out how they can get it to work in classic.


    P.S. I would even pay a small fee for the update, which I am sure most people here would.

    [ June 25, 2002, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: 27ray ]

  2. Or even better yet, Rob. Spend a fraction of the money and buy a PC and quit your cryin'. Oh what was it that I used to say, oh yes..."What's a Mac again?"

    No offense. But more often then not, it is proven that Macs just don't make good gaming machines because of all their odd file formats.

    Isn't COMOS simular to a mac mod program that came out over a year ago that allows you to preview yout mod selection and revertback at any time, and i believe that COMOS was created at the beck and cry of PC users who wanted an "easier" way to access mods. Just to set the record straight. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/wink.gif

    In addition I think that it would be ideal to have multiple unit designations (i.e. a 2Pz Division, or a Panzer LEAR Mark IV, etc...) depending on location and time of the battle) then to have 15 identical tanks (all #3 lets say) crossing the battle field. Maybe BTS could build in the functionality and the mod makers could each spend some time creating a division or two of units. Then in the battle set up you could choose what division makings to use for your force and all the tanks would have diffrent numbers. Just an incomplete thought.


    P.S. What odd file formats? http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/confused.gif

  3. i ahve a powerbook G3 400 768 Mb ram and 8MB video ram. I also love playing TCP/IP game from out side with my airport network and DSL.

    So far my machine has out clocked 900pIII's and 750 K7's while on battery power Durring TCP/IP games rendering the turn on my machine locally. Over all a very solid machine.

    I am also very glad that BTS writes for a mac so that my work machine can also be my play machine. Too Bad about OS X I plan on going that way with the next rev in Sept.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

    Well, a brilliant mid-term AAR from my game with Carboy was wiped out by the Great Crash of 2001. Wearily then and in a much more bland style our game has gone as thus:

    Deep Mud Map with wooded VL in centre

    Claymore: Axis Carboy: Yanks

    Noting that we have very slow movement rates and very dodgey LOS from setup zones for artillery spotters I purchased 3xGreen 201mm Rickets and 2xGreen 150mm Rickets. With the width of the map and the slow advance of any Allied units the simultaneous arrival the artillery should (and did) take the starch out of anything Carboy was planning.

    I filled out my kit with 4xCrack Hetzers, 2xVet 234/2, 6xREG Fusilier Platoons, 2x 37mm FLAK and 1xCRACK 75mm ATG.

    Carboy appears to have taken Shermans, 2 companies of infantry and an artillery spotter of the larger variety.

    The game stands now at Turn 12. Carboy appears to have had his infantry decimated by the ricket barrage. What armour didn't bog or bug out from the rickets was quickly put down by the Hetzers. I had one PSW bog in the mud but all other units are now overwatching the VL which is occupied by the two companies of Fusiliers.

    German casualties: 12 men

    Allied Casualties: at least 3 tanks and 2 companies of infantry.

    I expect the game to end very shortly.



    So this is the thing. in one barrage of rockets I lost 3 M10's a platoon and 2 machine guns (one shell) a platoon (one rocket) an M10 becam immoblized (on a road no less) another platoon (one shell) a HQ and 2 bazooks that were advancing to challenge his left flank armor (one shell) another platoon (one shell) the last shell missed what little i had left.

    my units were for the most part moving through cover and were spread out. When did BTS find time to model MLRS rockets. That was the single most destructive (and accurate rockt deploymment) turn i have ever seen, and i have played over 100 games in the last year. The asstional brrages have keep me pinned and un focused.


    -ray (aka CarBoy)

  5. I remember once my mom asking me why i didn't join the army like my brother (FO in Berlin 88-92) since always played all those war games and read all those WW II books with the black and white photos.

    One thing I learned playing all those games it that the battle field (and the modern one more so) is a very dangerous and violent place with little regard for your pain or suffering. (kind of like working for a dot.com)

    Sum it up to say i like the chess, the battle of wits, oh and the fact that i can walk away from the battle every time.


  6. Must just add that my Apple Powerbook 400 runs this game fast (faster than a PIII933 during one TCP/IP session and i was on battery power no less with wireless networking ... but i digress) and does not crash despite numerous PBEM, TCPIP games and many many mods. This is the best game going And i love it kudos all around!!!


    P.S. I know that this might sound inflammatory but for the sake of many users with difficulties i thought i would point out that their are alternatives

  7. First I love this game, I have been waiting for 12 years for a game like this, and I can't wait to buy CM2.

    I am also as MOD crazy as the next guy and was wondering if their was a way to open up the unit ID (for the graphics) ranges so that one could have 2,3,4,... or more tiger (for example) unit MODs or even several divisions (unit available, publication, according, etc) or units in a divisions that could be assigned by the scenario creator or random in a QB, Any thoughts about this? I would pay extra for a CD fill of division MODs ($10-$50) depending on the number.

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