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Posts posted by Beckman

  1. Hi,

    Silly question.

    I am in a CMBB game and on the first turn a wild shot killed an arty spotter that I had with a preplanned mission. While in a building out of LOS, the shot got close enough to the building to kill him on the first turn. (ouch)

    Question, will his fire still arrive? Page 132-133 of manual says it will, but I don't see the fire line. Does the fire have to start to continue? I had him on 8 minute delay so should I steer clear of that area?

    thanks for any help


  2. Great post, the ones above with pics. I was going to add pics tonight involving BUILDINGS. I was thinking about this on the way home, and bam here ya go, someone beat me to it. THE BUG is not just guns people. Have we put to bed the silly notion that it is not a bug?

    As with any bug, this is repeatable, and not just with guns but with buildings guys.

    Aim at a building, and all you get is a tight grouping, and they are ALL short. Thus the gunner thinks he is doing a good job, NOT.

    I can't hit a house now, I can't hit a ATG now, but we have folks telling us about bla bla bla. Wittman can hit all these things, why can't the game? Cause it's a BUG, that WILL get fixed.

    Also, yes MG's from AVF's DO SUPPRESS crews but the HE never gets close, as stated.

    Why should it? The bug prevents the gunner from thinking he is missing what he is aiming at.

    HE thinks he is doing a great job. WE see him miss with all this ammo AND we see buildings not get touched.

    AND we see folks who think this is NOT a BUG!! Can I play games against u folks, or can I sell you a bridge.

    As to something prodcutive, it seems to be related to HULL DOWN and the line of fire ot the NON vehicle target.

    I agree with another poster who said they think BTS moved the problem down stream but failed to completey solve it. I concur.

    Thanks for the pics and screen shots man! Good luck takin that town!

  3. I am shocked people think this is NOT a BUG. Do people who think taht way not know what a BUG is?

    I have several games where, just as described, 88mm rounds from GOOD german tanks fall into the ridge, just short. My opponent, a good chap, is joking about how he is going to tunnel under the gun so it falls into a hole.

    This discussion is not germaine; drop rates, trajectory. While all good, they are utterly and completely NOT germaine to this discussion. The ATG is NOT hittable. Is that clear all you "it's not a big crowd". Whittman can't hit the gun, no one can hit the target. There is NO variance in these shots. The tankers are shooting where they are programmed, at the gun, AND they think they are hitting it, based on what I have seen.

    Because of bug, it is hitting a few meters short. If it was they are bad shots, you would see variance. I had 5 King Tigers and 3 105 stg's blast away at my ATG. ALL 83 shots, over a few minutes, landed within 4 meters of each other, hence the tunneling comment.

    The software running the game is in error, no question, PERIOD.

    I am shocked people think this is NOT a bug. lol

    Anyway, I need to go back to work. I will post a screen shot tonight if that will help.

    BTS, please fix, and fix SOON.



  4. To Yankee and Ken,

    NO it does not matter if INF are around.

    It does not matter if INF are close even. I am having the same issues as the topic starter. You area fire a building, IF YOU CAN SEE IT, see that thread, and the tank does not shoot all turn.

    IF he does shoot, it's always short, and consistent, blasting away 30m short of building. I will go get a pic of the shortness into my men. I have this pic of when I did shoot and it's all tightly grouped short, over 2 turns.

    i have another topic about seeing past buildings but can't shoot at the building. That has been maddening to me. I don't really know how to post a pic however, sorry. I took a pic though. 2 turns where it paniced 2 sqs approaching.

  5. How can it be too hard. I am plotting orders. I have t34's overwatching green inf getting chewed up. I can see PAST the buildings, but I can't spot anf inf sq right in front of the building, nor can I shoot at the building, but I can shoot between.

    This ROW battle is VERY frustrating because this stupid game won't let me hit, or see, anything.

    Oh, with 1.02 i had 2 tanks for 2 turns shoot into the ground, and into a sq of mine, for 5 shots in a row. My SMG panicked due to me, and this "feature".

    rant off

  6. Thanks guys.

    Yes it's a pixel short, that next pixel and "BLOCKED". 1 or 2 story does not matter. Th next pixel, the LOS is lost. Now this is only at range. Closer in, even a few more meters in, this ceases to be a problem. IN the mean time, a HMG in the building is cutting up your covering HMG's. GRRR

    Glad to hear I am not alone.

    BTS, what's the deal with this one?

  7. Well this is probably a really dumb question but it is bugging me so I'll ask.

    I will have say a tank. The tank can see 200m. A building is right in his face at 180m. He can see 20m past the house on each side of the house. BUT, he CAN NOT see the house??

    I can not area fire buildings in which I have units that have a CLEAR LOS to it.

    Can anyone tell me wha'ts up with that. I have screen shots if necessary. It is totally driving me insane. The LOS line goes all around the building. YET, I can't TOUCH the building with an area fire line.

    WORSE, he has units in a building right on my corner, and I can't see them, but I can see past the house on each side.

    Anyway, thanks in advance smile.gif

  8. I agree with Oddball as well. I still struggle with the views. I can never get comfortable behind an AFV and zoom in and watch a shoot-out. When you zoom out you run into the ground. I never seem to get close enough in battles either.

    Also, not many people have mentioned it, but unit bases are CRAZY. MAybe it's my machine but all i see are squares with feet hanging off them, it looks horrible. BO never did that to me, ever. Also the 3 man sq icon is useless to me so far cause the 3 men are packed so close together I can't tell anyway how many there are.

    Sorry to rant, but I am not overwheled by the new look at all of the new game. Units in trees disappear, but the base problem is killer for me. From top down all ya see are squares, even when really close zoomed in.

    Is it just me or everyone? When a unit is down in the dirt crawling/sneaking whatever, it turns in to it's colored square, ICK.


  9. Nice Summary.

    I TOTALLY agree with the camera angles. I know I am struggling with it.

    I can live easily with all the other stuff though.

    I also think the unit bases should be SMALLER. They were WAY too much in the way. To the point where I was playing agaisnt red squares with feet hanging off.

    I would also ungroup the 3 man sq icon. Can we do that? They are so close together I really had to zoom to see what it was, but maybe thats the point?

    [ September 02, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Beckman ]

  10. ASL I TOTALLY agree.

    I really fiddeled with the views myself. I tried chaning camera angles. I could never get comfortable in really any view. I always seem too far from the action. I had enlarge +2/+3 on all my units.

    I use top down a LOT and I felt the unit bases were always covering the units cept for head and toes.

    Maybe the views will make me move from top down to other angles.

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