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Posts posted by Lawndart

  1. In the other CM's units used to get destroyed in different ways and you could visually see it... Like the turret would pop off and be off to the side, or tracks would break... It just added to the diversity of the carnage...

    So far every tank has just gone up in flames with these sprite fires... or have I just not seen this variation yet? I think I'd seen the rails on a Stryker get banged up it was nearly on its side in an IED crater with a lot of smoke...

  2. I'd like to know this too, once I get a good pace going (as I'm learning) I start running out of time. Considering the pathing issues I'd like to take things a little slower...

    I also just learned how to handle (move) multiple units but RT mode isn't really ideal. Once you start a flank or try multiple insertions points the "system" isn't that reliable to let things happen without any hands on... This leads me to want to micro manage each squad, and I sort of jump back and forth...

    Anyway, is there a config file I can just add a few hours too...

  3. After I downloaded the game on Friday I played it and had no performance issues... Same this yesterday...

    But today, it's exacly the issues people are having with the camera... Duel Core... Nvidea drivers etc...

    I'm reluctant to change anything because it worked great... And I get swear not a thing changed on my computer in 2 days...

    I'll play arounbd with it some more, but has this happened to anyone else? And if so what did you do about it?

    I'm a core 2 2.6 with a 7800 GT... Remember it worked great so updateing drivers (already and the XP duel core patch)... etc.

  4. That’s fascinating... I've been in the game industry over 13 years and I've written volumes on PD, planning, execution, best practices, etc... And in all my time I never thought to wonder what people did back then with "creative content development"... That’s awesome, and though it lacks some detail and the steps are a little different, the principles are the same today.

    Philosophies are thousands of years old, no one is coming up with anything new there, it's the methodologies that support the philosophies that help define success...

    I've reinvented the wheel 30+ times and counting... Creative content development is an interesting beast... Thanks for this, makes me wonder what other treasures are to be found in the days of yesteryear...

  5. I would suggest strongly making it easier to get into... I'm really excited to play it, but not spending so much time learning it. I'm really not being lazy here its just life has caught up to me in recent years... And there are no other comparable games to ease the learning curve so it's truly all new... I can only imagine what its like to anyone who never played a CM game.

    Also, progressive stat tracking of some sort. Currently there is really no personal interest in my troops, I don't really feel any attachment at all... Something simple like flight sim pilot roster and medal box would be sweet.

    So, I think there a real gem here but it's lacking the personal attachment...

    After a weeks worth of great bathroom reading I'll be ready (competently) to play this for real... smile.gif

    Oh, and someone hear my prayers… I would love to see a truly dynamic campaign… Ala Falcon 4… not sure if many know but Louie planned to include a ground sim for it since the beginning… so far ahead of its time…

  6. I'm not even going to mention the state Silent Hunter 4 was in on release... But reviews were plenty nice to it in reviews.

    CM to me has been this odd attraction, there is a certain art to things that are hand made... Yeah, it might not be as smooth and streamlined but it sure is rich and jucey!

    When I played the other CM games it reminded me of playing with my GI Joe’s as a kid.. I had this "play space" where I could play around with the "toys" and knowing there was so much logic under the hook and supporting history made it that much sweeter. It might sound odd but that’s the best way to explain it, a grown up toy box... Thinking mans toys...

    That being said I play everything. You name it I've played at least one of the series... There isn't anything out there like these games, a hybrid as Steve mentioned. So as long as CM sticks to its roots I'm always going to keep coming back... Eventually, if they truly desire they will break out, much like the Panzer Generals (SSI stuff), and more recently the Total War Series… I just thank god that someone is still making games that wouldn’t make it through a marketing survey… Just look what happened to Flight Sims!

    Oh, and Steve, its funny you mentioned Redneck Rampage, I worked on that too... I was fresh from OH and sounded pretty red neck… So it was logical for me to participate. I kinda miss those old Interplay days, Descent (my first), Carmagedon, Fallout, Starfleet academy, Plainscape Torment,etc. all the mistakes we made back then... We have come so far…

    One day our industry will be pushing (planned) 30 mil budgets and games as we know it will be over. The marketing machine will be too big and the trust fund MBA's will be running everything right out of school...

    Has anyone figured out that I'm just killing time waiting for the download notification?

  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Its like walking down a long flat road. You've got a destination in mind but as far as you walk that horizon line still appears as far in the distance as it ever did. They got to 'that' point for the Paradox release, they're at 'this' point for the 1.01 release, they'll be that much further down the road for the Marine module, and so on and so on. Its only when you look back and peer at the CMx1 engine waaaay back down the road that you think 'Wow! I've really come quite a way!" The end of the road for game realism, I guess, would be a virtual reality brain insert like in the Matrix movies.

    There isn't a sane person alive that wants a realistic wargame at the tactical level. It would require the player - participant - to be able to go without sleep for 3 or 4 days, live in the rain and mud, carry from 20 to 180 pounds of gear on his back, know how to use a map and compass, a GPS, a radio, several types of grenade, pistol, rifle, grenade launcher, light mortar, anti-tank weapons, mines, entrenching tool, be able to conduct combat first aid, drive a vehicle, and on top of it - since he would want to be at least a squad leader - have an elementary knowledge of small unit tactics if not platoon and company tactics.

    No one would play it, much less make money selling it to people.

    Even if they marketed a Star Trek-style holodeck to people starting tomorrow, with all the software to do what I just described - there will still be products like CM:SF, just like there are still people who play Chess and Stratego instead of Squad Leader or CM. </font>

  8. There are some great conversations here, I always liked lurking here when activity is on the up.

    In my opinion, product expectation is huge. So far some have been receiving this game and don't really have a comprehensive understanding of what it is... but this has been a huge game year and it’s certainly easier to point out what it's not.

    That being said, last year I was one of 3 people who brought the Rampage license back to life at Midway. It had a tinny budget and a small developer in Oregon, we are pretty proud of what we accomplished for such a small budget and time frame but we made one key mistake (of many but this one was a lesson).

    All along we intended it to be a kid’s game, a little campy, kiddy humor, and off beat with lots of collectables. We always intended to maintain the roots of old rampage but thought it would be better as a kid’s game.

    Well despite some fair reviews it was obvious that no one informed the reviewers that it’s was a kid’s game… No reviews seemed to understand that… (We thought it was obvious)

    Many reviews were very reasonable but there was a common tend that many missed that we where trying to appealing to a very young audience, and we hoped it would be looked on by reviewers as a pretty decent kid’s game...

    Lesson learned…

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