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Posts posted by Chairman7w

  1. Hah!! Yes, I remember Empire. It was pretty cool, but didn't quite crack my top list. Man, what memories...

    1 - Warlords - Atari 2600 (as someone said about Mule: Screw your friends)

    2 - Gateway to Apshai - Coleco Adam (remember those Black Mambas?)

    3 - Archon - Atari 800xl

    4 - Planetfall (played over a Summer with a buddy of mine.)

    5 - F-15 Strike Eagle - Atari 800xl

    6 - Falcon - Atari ST

    7 - Dungeon Master - Atari ST

    8 - Ultima III

    9 - ATF, Longbow - PC

    10 - Baldur's Gate "I can but try"

    11 - Civ II (curse those damn Mongols!)


  2. Hi Guys,

    just wondering if anyone else has encountered a dilemna regarding the high ground. Every military doctrine in the history of war has stressed taking of the high ground, but it games I've played, darn near every time I got the high ground, it just made my units visible to the enemy, who proceeds to pound me. The one exception is when he had already lost his armor, then my armor held the hgih ground and commanded the field. But other than that, taking the high ground has just gotten me killed. Anybody else ever notice this? Is this strategy outdated?


    "Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, and preferably when they're not lookin!"

  3. Once, when I was playing a hotseat game with a friend, we were playing a quick battle with Random time/weather and it ended up being in the snow with practically zero visibility. (at night?) Anyway, he had a tiger coming up a rise (the Tiger was buttoned) and I had a bazooka guy hiding in the trees not 110 meters away just WAITING for the Tiger. Well, as the Tiger starts to crest the hill, my bazooka guy is shaking like a leaf in sheer fright as this HUGE metal monstrosity creeps EVER closer... Finally, he gets a shot off and boom! Upper hull penetration... But wait!! The Tiger crew didn't seem to mind too much, cause the tank stopped, turned, and blew my bazooka guy to smithereens!!! Talk about hardcore crewmen!!!

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