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David Caughell

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Posts posted by David Caughell

  1. One of the things that really upsets me about CM is that there are no topographical maps.

    It's true that you can just literally walk around in the map, and it's true that you could even choose to make or use a texture for the ground that would show a gridpattern, but there's no numerical topographical maps.

    I would really enjoy this.

    If you do update this, please include it in the demo, because it's one of the things that really stops me from getting into the game - personally.

    I know there are lots of people that really like this game, and I have fun at it, but I have a little bit of difficulty using the game interface and understanding where things are spacially, without actually going to ground level to see, and that takes way too much time.

    Thank you very much.


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