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major disaster

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Posts posted by major disaster

  1. As a defender I can make a trail into a forest that allows my armour to surprise unsuspecting attacking forces. Although certainly not unrealistic some might consider this to be gamey as movement is usually restricted in woods/pine forest terrain and so players that do not know about this loop hole will feel cheated. Of course if everyone knows then it is probably not an issue.

  2. I performed a search and didn't find anything. Barbed wire allows armour to cross normally unpassable terrain. I laid some barb wire across some woods end to end (each barb wire section touched the ajoining one) with some wire sticking out on an "open" ground tile. I was then able to move my armour across the woods. It appears the Barb wire (which can be crossed normally by vehicles) overides the ground tiles attributes underneath. Is this meant to happen? BFC please fix or do sumfink. :rolleyes:

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