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Posts posted by General_Petrovsky

  1. Hey I'm with Colin, a beer is nice here and there, but there's nothing like pulling tubes and pumping out turn after turn of mulitiple PBEM games. One nite I came home drunk and did a couple of turns, I was so mad at myself the next day when I saw the next action phases!! Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly.

    My bong rarely leaves my computer station either Colin. How do you get the buds out from between the keys on the keyboard?

  2. I saw above where you can load bmps from the CD in case you download a mod you didn't like. I downloaded some sound mods and I'm wondering if I can do the same thing by loading the original sounds from my CD. If so how can I do this and how do I know which sound file is which? I really just want the engine sounds for light vehicles changed back to the original. The sound mod I downloaded makes them sound like pieces of crap!!!


    If you see white planes it's the Americans, if you see black planes it's the British, if you see no planes at all...it's the Luftwaffe

  3. yo rune, take it easy buddy!!! This is a GAME remember??? I'm not bad mouthing BTS or anyone else, but this one seems like a little more than bad luck. As far as all the other variables, the weather was clear and dry, daytime, I think the crew was Regular, maybe veteran, but I never thought troop quality had anything to do with spotting or lack of sight. I'd be happy to send you the movie file too, because explaining this is getting redundant and who knows maybe after someone else see's it they'll say it's normal. It just didn't make any sense. Try to imagine: I had a sound contact for light armor for like 2-3 turns behind a patch of trees. So I had my TD positioned on the other side of the patch just at the corner with a CLEAR LOS down the side of the patch of trees. Now we're talking about 50 meters tops from my TD to the corner of the patch of trees where I was thinking the contact might come around. Sure enough he drove around the corner as I anticipated, drove directly through my TD's LOS, right through his gun sights at less than 50 meters, remained a gray sound contact, drove right up next to my TD at about 15 meters and hosed me. All the while my TD did NOTHING, just sat there. And yes he was unbuttoned. If this is part of the game, it's part of the game, my bad, but it just doesn't make sense.

    ps. Rune this is an open forum for people to speak their opinions and minds, these opinions are going to vary so you shouldn't be cursing at me or anyone else on here. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you should talk like that. Have some respect for your fellow comrades.

  4. Maddmatt:

    It was during a PBEM game and I'm using the latest version (1.05 right?) I do have the movie and I'd be happy to send it to you, maybe even the movie file for the turn or two after as well. Because the gray sound contact continued on and then finally materialized into a scout car. The sound contact wasn't an approximate location of the vehicle is was the exact vehicle, but just appeared as a sound contact. Where do I send the file(s) so you can see what I mean. Thank You.

  5. Ever since I've participated in this forum it always says Junior Member by my name. I just noticed that it now says Member. How did that happen? Is it because after you put up a certain amount of posts your promoted or is it because what you write is good stuff so the CM gods bring you into the circle? Just curious. And by the way I am proud to be a member smile.gif

  6. I think defending can be a lot of fun if you take the time and do a good setup. The most important part of a solid defense is your setup, because you're really not going to move many units once the game starts. Once the game gets rolling you'll probably jockey tanks and the likes around to better positons, but for the most part your men are going to keeping their heads down in their dug in positions. I agree with everyone is saying that the bad weather is definitely in the favor of the defender because you don't have to go anywhere. A good defense starts with setting up nasty kill zones on expected enemy avenues of advance. Like that long strip of woods coming straight down the map? Good place for his infantry to advance in cover right? Lace it with mines, then have big guns/tanks postioned in cover, but with side angle LOS to the same spot. Have some MG nests/mortors with LOS to the same spot and an arty spotter with LOS to the same spot. Whichever lucky souls make it through this will then be eaten up by your infantry who is waiting beyond your kill zone in good dug in ambush postions. Believe me there is nothing more exciting than seeing your opponent march his army right through the hell hole you've set up. And you really don't have to do much if you've set up your defense properly, just sit there and watch the enemy get blown away.

  7. In a PBEM game I had a German stug advancing slowly (Hunt Mode) through open terrain in the snow, first it got bogged in and then I heard a noise and it got immobilized. It's not near the enemy yet so it wasn't being shot at or anything. No arty is falling near it. My first guess was that maybe it was Anti-Tank Mines, but that would be impossible because this is a meeting engagement and this happened on my side of the VL so it's out of my opponents set up zone. It's been a few turns now and my stug is permanately immoblized. Did it throw a track trying to unbog itself? Has anyone seen this before? Does it just happen in snow or can it happen anytime a vehicle has become bogged? Come to think about a similar thing like this happened to me in another game where I had a German armored car (wheeled) become immobilized after being bogged, did he get a flat tire? This incident happen in dry grass too, not snow. I thank you in advance for your thoughts.

  8. very educational comrades, thank you for your responses. I now know that all vehichles have a certain amount of MG ammo and where to find that data. The grenade launcher on german tanks is cool, I saw one of my panzers do it before, but as a general rule I don't like to bring my tanks too close to infantry. Well to let you know how I finished my PBEM game with that Tiger who ran out of HE shells vs just infantry. I stopped fireing AP rounds because they seemed ineffective and actually they were. So all the enemy had left was about 2 platoons of troops left firing at my beaten up troops holding the VL. With my heatless tiger behind my men I had him fire smoke in front of the enemies two platoons so they were unable to fire on my positions anymore. With only a turn or two left in the game my opponent got frustrated and charged his men through the smoke and tried to take the VL by storm. My men mowed them down with SMG fire and he was destroyed almost to the last man. I won a Axis Major Victory and my Tiger crew all got medals smile.gif

  9. Chupacabra: Don't take me the wrong way, The reason I brought this to the forum is to make you and the people at BTS aware of a probable bug. I'm not putting you guys down, this is a fantastic wargame, but it has bugs just like any other software. Here and there these little annoying bugs are exposed and this forum is a great place to identify them to you and BTS so they can be patched or fixed by the time CM 2 comes out in order to further improve our CM experience. I'm sorry if I seemed a tad irate in my earlier post, but it just seems that a lot of times when a bug is identified the moderators and people from BTS get very defensive and come up with excuses or say oh that's what would happen in real life. Nobody expects the game to be perfect, but that doesn't mean we can't improve it, and together the players and the designers can improve it very close to perfection.

  10. No, I don't think some of you understand. It was a sound contact, but the gray truck was actually a scout car. It drove around the corner right in front of my TD's face, drove up right next to it, saw my TD, machine gunned it till they abadoned it then machine gunned the crew till they were dead. Now the scout car saw me perfectly. And even after it killed the crew it still appeared as the gray ? vehicle. Not until the next turn when it continued driving into my army's rear was it identified and I eventually smoked the SOB with a Puma. There's no excuse, I checked the area it drove through over and over for LOS 1 and 2 turns before this happened and it was all blue LOS, clear as day. My TD should have sighted the scout car the second it came around the corner of the woods, targeted and shot at it. Or if it was going to stay just a sound contact then it shouldn't have been able to see me. It drove within 15 meters of my TD stopped next to it, said hi, then hosed it and still remained just a sound contact. I don't care what you say, it's a bug and it's BS. The more I play the more of these unfair and annoying bugs I find. And when you have PBEM games that go on for a month it sucks.

  11. Don't tell me it's not a critical game issue when I spend all that time and effort (as well as my opponent) on a game and then it get's ruined like that. You shouldn't have to worry about losing units to the edge of the map, that's beat. Not only did it ruin this game, but now it changes my thinking for all of my other games because I won't move anything remotely near the edges in fear of this happening again. And on a small map that really limits your routes of advance. As a matter of fact I don't even want to play on small maps anymore. How do I send the game file to BTS?

  12. While playing a PBEM game I had a panzer near the side of the map and in between turns it disappeared! I wasn't on the edge but it was near. There was probably 20 meters between my tank and the map edge. The next turn in was just gone, not knocked out, not abandoned, no tank no where. I know u can move units off the map, but c'mon am I supposed to draw an imaginary margin and keep everything in the middle of the map? How am I supposed to perform flanking manuvers?? Is this a bug? Has anyone else experienced this? It ruined my PBEM game and that sucks.

  13. I'm nearing the end of a PBEM game and I have control of the victory flags and I'm basically defending my opponents last rush. I've had my Tiger tank punishing his infantry for a while, but now my Tiger is out of HE rounds and only has AP rounds left. The past few turns I've continued to tell the Tiger to target infantry and then it asks if he should use the Main Gun and I say yes and it shoots AP rounds which seem to be very ineffective. Is this one of the rare situations where I should say NO when it asks to use the Main Gun? Would this increase the machine gun fire? Or should I just keep on shooting the AP rounds anyway??

  14. You can take into your hit calculations many factors. The experience level of the tank crew, the angle of trajectory, distance of target and so on, but the one thing you can't calculate is LUCK. Some games you have it most you don't. One other thing you'll notice is the more you shoot at the same target the more likely you are to hit it due to gun bracketing.

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