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Posts posted by DavidJJ

  1. Here's what was loaded in the system 9.0.4 folder by OS X public beta. Anyone have any ideas which of these folks is at fault? My guess would be the "Classic RAVE" extension.

    Classic Compatibility Environment 1.0f3

    Apple Menu Options 72,901 bytes 1.1.8b2 APPC CDJR

    AppleShare 646,479 bytes 3.8.7b2c1 RDEV afpt

    Classic RAVE 52,581 bytes 1.2 shlb bbox

    Classic Support UI 722,504 bytes 1.2 bbox csui

    File Sharing Extension 201,902 bytes 7.6.7b2 INIT hhgg

    Open Transport 993,109 bytes 2.7.1 otsl otan

    OpenGLLibrary 193,253 bytes 1.2b2c4 shlb opgl

    ProxyApp 2,724 bytes 1.0 APPL bbox

    Software Update Engine 152,217 bytes 1.1.3 APPL soup

    Software Update Scheduler 51,313 bytes 1.1.3 appe swup

  2. Just my $0.02. CM demo worked fine on both my G4 and iMac running 9.0.4 prior to the arrival of the OS X beta. Since partitioning my drive, re-installing everything and putting OS X on the second partition then downloading a new demo of CM, boom, no luck.

    The CM demo tries to start up, pops to black for a resolution change, then falls right back to OS 9. I am not trying to start this in X Classic, just plain old 9. At least no hangs or nasty bombs.

    Gotta be an extension that X put into the 9 system disk/folder. I can volunteer to investigate if need be.


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