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Posts posted by JeffC

  1. I seen several photographs of this practice by Germans:

    Numerous shots of SS PzGdrs on the back of PzIII/IVs at the time of the recapture of Kharkov by 1st SS Pz Corps (Spring '43).

    Famous photo's from the 'Bulge of Tiger 222 (part of KG Peiper) with about 15 men on the rear deck - paratroopers with an interesting selection of small arms (British Sten etc..)

    (Having committed myself to paper(?) I've promptly forgotten anymore examples!)


  2. I've recently downloaded two scenarios (Tiger Woods from CMHQ & Liberation of Tulle from ASL2CM) that won't appear in my list of battles - I've renaming them etc but no luck.

    Other newly downloaded scenarios work fine so I think the problems must relate to the cmb files themselves - I have over 220 files in my scenarios folder but I don't think that the number is the problem.

    Is it that these scenarios were generated using the new TCP/IP Beta release 1.1 (I'm still running CM 1.05)?

    Anyone else had problems?



  3. When I ordered CM I was running a Voodoo 3 2000 on a WIN2K P3-450, in preparation (whilst CM was in transit to the UK) I downloaded the latest 3Dfx drivers AND started reading the forums!

    What I read about the Voodoo 3 was unsettling but I play the game for 3/4 night without any sign of the problems, however the damage was done and I arranged to 'borrow' a Creative Geforce 2 GTS on approval from a colleague who'd brought but didn't really need or want it.

    I installed the Creative with the drivers supplied in the box and again no problem BUT I downloaded firstly the latest creative drivers and then Nvidia's 5.32 and 6.18 drivers.

    All of the downloaded drivers exhibit the flashing text and mouse problems (FSAA has no apparent affect) therefore I'm back to using the Creative versions from out of the box.

    Unfortunately these drivers are only identified as GB0010 V1.00 so you may not able to located them.

    If we get a fix from BTS (or whoever) I'll retry the downloaded versions although I'm tempted just to forget about all the video card issues and play the game instead - It's ASL on a PC - what I've wanted for 10-15 Years!.


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