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Posts posted by eba1

  1. The equivalent to 'bases' in CMx1 are really the overhead floating icons on CMx2. And those can be toggled on and off. CMx2 bases are informational, they not only tell you which unit you've selected but which man in holding which weapon, what task they are doing, which one is the commander. Lots and lots of information at a glance.

    Right. But I'd like to be able to toggle them off once I've glanced and been informed.

  2. I've found the AI to be plenty agressive in version 1.05. I just finished a Quick Battle as Germans defending against a British attack. The Brits appeared in some woods on my left flank about 30 meters from my forward 9-man rifle squad, which was dug in on a small wooded hill. The Brits gathered in the woods, enduring mortar fire and a mine field. Then, for about six turns in a row, the AI charged two or three rifle squads uphill, across the open ground, to try to overwhelm my forward squad and get a toehold in my defenses. They drew point blank fire plus grenades from my squad plus enfilading fire from a couple of other squads and a MG. Some turned back but others charged right into the woods and fought to the last man. They finally wiped out my squad on the last turn of the battle, but not before that one squad racked up 29 kills. Looking around after the battle, there were four British 10-man rifle squads eliminated in that area, plus five others that took more than 50% casualties. That's pretty damn aggressive if you ask me!

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