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Posts posted by TrixxTango

  1. I am fairly new to the game, and last night I started fooling around with the create scenario feature. In the manual it describes creating "pillboxes" and "bunkers". I figured that a bunker might be a larger version of a pillbox, (just like you have both large and small houses), but all I could find under the fortification purchase option were variants of pillboxes. Am I looking in the wrong place, or does "pillboxes" and "bunkers" mean the same thing?

    Also, it would be nice for CM2 if you could have your forces move in/out of fortifications the same way as houses and vehicles in CM.

  2. I've had the full version of CM for a couple of weeks now, (although this is my first posting), and I've just have to say that this is one of the best, (if not the best), games I have ever played, wargame or otherwise. The demo is impressive, and it was an incident that happened while playing "Valley of Trouble", that hooked me.

    I was playing the naughty Germans, and during the deployment phase I lined up both my Pak pillbox and artillery piece, (75mm?) to have the best LOS on the main road in the center. A few seconds into the first turn, a Sherman tank appears, with a HMG team hitching a ride. The artillery gun gets the first shot. BLAM! Round falls short, but right in front of the tank, killing the Sherman CO, and half of the HMG team, who immediately rout off to parts unknown. In addition, the crew is "shocked". (At this point, I cackle fiendishly, awaiting the Pak gun). The pillbox takes aim and fires! A hit! No hull penetration, (Damn!), but their main gun is damaged, (Hooray!). Seconds later the Sherman comes out of shocked status. The driver slams the Sherman into reverse, backing the tank up behind a tree line, while a friendly mortar team lays down a smoke barrage, protecting their armored buddies.

    This is just one exchange of just one turn of just one scenario. Just amazing!

    (Excerpt from "Black Adder goes fourth"):

    Lt. George: Well, according to the map, we are in this field, surrounded by all these tiny mushroom symbols.

    Capt. Black Adder: Look in the table and find out what the symbols represent.

    Lt. George: It says "Mine".

    Capt. Black Adder: So, what does that tell you?

    Lt. George: That whoever the fellow was that created the map owns these mushrooms?

    Capt. Black Adder: No! It indicates that we have walked into a minefield!

    Lt. George: Oh. So the chap owns the field as well.

  3. An example of what happened to cavalry when it charged during WWII can be seen in the movie "The Battle of Neretva", a story about Yugoslav partisans who fought the Germans and other partisans in Bosnia, defending the bridge at Neretva. The Chetnic partisans charges the Yugoslavs on horseback, and were torn to pieces. Best part of the movie!

    (Excerpt from "Black Adder goes fourth"):

    Lt. George: Well, according to the map, we are in this field, surrounded by all these tiny mushroom symbols.

    Capt. Black Adder: Look in the table and find out what the symbols represent.

    Lt. George: It says "Mine".

    Capt. Black Adder: So, what does that tell you?

    Lt. George: That whoever the fellow was that created the map owns these mushrooms?

    Capt. Black Adder: No! It indicates that we have walked into a minefield!

    Lt. George: Oh. So the chap owns the field as well.

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