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Capt. Lortie

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Posts posted by Capt. Lortie

  1. Was said:

    "I don't know how common King Tigers were, but when I last saw the production figure for them I was surprised at how few were actually made. Then in a PBEM you meet a Dream Team of two Tigers and a King Tiger, which are basically invincible"

    Well help me here Mr. bates. You call 2 tigers and a King Tiger a dream team. I ahve before my eyes the pretty record of Michael Wittman's "dreamy" day on June 13. Only marginally supported by his 4 tanks, brought the 7th Armoured Division to a complete halt (Michael Reynolds: Steel Inferno, p. 126) Believe it or not, he knowcked out 20 Cromwells, 4 Fireflys, 3 Stuarts, 3 artillery shermans and the list goes on. So as you say, meeting a tiger and a king tiger was not rare and yes, it was a hell of a bad day for whoever was standing in the way. Notice how much ink, in veterans' memoirs, is dedicated to the day they had to fight a couple of panthers or tigers.

    But notice the brilliant element of luck introduced in CM. I have played the Villers-Bocage battle at least 7 times: Wittman was killed in 6 battles, although I used different strategies. There you have it. If I had been as experienced as the real Wittman was, CM would have allowed me to carry the day. But I was not up to the task.


  2. `Sorry for the mistakes; it should have been like this:Thanks for all the feedback

    For your information, John carmack has never answered one of my question, simply because I never asked him one. But ID software has not been known for their excellency in the field of Customer Service. On the other hand, Mr Broussard has, on several occasions, e-mailed me and some of my friends PERSONALLY. Now I am sure Broussard had other things to do; he still did it though. Therefore, I am not afraid to compare BTS to a big company like 3DRealms. I remember when Broussard came under fire on the board. He took the time to answer ALL criticsm one by one.

    Can you just admit it wasn't done during Stransky's debate?


  3. Thanks for all the feedback

    For your information, John carmack has never answered one of my question, simply because I never asked him one. But ID software has not been known for their excellency in the filed of Customer Service. On the other hand, Mr Broussard, has, on several occasions, e-mailed me and some of my friends PERSONALLY. Now I am sure Broussard had other things to do; he still did oit though. Therefore, I am not afraid to compare BTS to a big company like 3DRealms. I remember when Broussard came under fire on the board. He took the time to answer ALL criticsm one by one.

    Can you just admit it wasn't done during Stransky's debate?


  4. BTS support has been good, not perfect. Look at the long thread of Capt Stransky. Was he given a coherent answer? No. He was instead labeled to have "bitched" at BTS. Ok, he wansn't too polite. But he still didnt deserve that kind of mockery...

    I think that CM is awesome. But it could be even better. Capt. Stransky's critics, although not constructive, should be taken into consideration.

    As Broussard said, "why not aim to make it a Tripple A game when you can?


  5. Hi,

    After reading the long thread initiated by Capt Stransky regarding AI issues, I felt compelled to react to the responses that were given to him.

    For starters, I think the kind of mocking responses given by the CM community is disappointing at best. Not only was he mocked at, but some people actually insulted him. In all the 60 posts, only about 4 or 5 denoted maturity; after denouncing Capt Stransky "unwelcomed tone", they pursued to help the fellow the best they could.

    However, it is BTS answer that disappointed me the most. Stransky was first told that HE should look himself for the previous threads discussing this topic. He should have been at least pointed to the threads that discussed the issue. I know criticism is hard to digest, but you have to take it. The guy shelled 45 US on CM, it's his right to complain. However, on this board, anyone who argues agaisnt any issues in the game is almost imediately laughed at by the community. Granted, his tone was impolite. But he is still a customer and has every right entitled to it.

    For the sake of comparison, let us take the case of Valve's (Half-Life) infamous 1.5 patch that was released a few months ago. The patch, although a wonderful improvment, had indeed created big connection issues. I remember noticing on Valve's message board virulent messages directed against the patch that some people called "incompetent work". Moreover, name calling and slander was even directed toward Valve. Nevertheless, Valve kept assisting the very same people that insulted them, giving them hints on how to connect to multiplayer games...although an extreme case, THAT is customer service.

    Later, Capt Stransky was told that these issues were unlikely to be fixed, because of the "lack of time" with regards to the CM2 agenda. Now I think it is sad and it reflects the general trend observed in the last few years in the gaming industry.

    I will explain my point. A few months ago, in the PC Gamer magazine, the issue of release-now-patch-later games was thoroughly discussed. To a certain extent, this is what is happening here. Steve assumed that we, as gamers, we rather have CM2 in a year than wait 2 years, but have CM fixed the way it should have been. Don't misunderstand my point; CM1 is an outstanding game in itself. That being said, it is not flawless. I am sure that BTS would be surprised at the number of gamers who would rather like to wait for the game to be completely patched.

    Let us take the case of 3DRealms. I must admit, I admire these guys. Instead of rushing the game out-of-the-door in order to cash in, they keep the release date as "When its done" Now isn't that pissing me off! But God knows, at the end, I will be damn happy because the game won't need 10 major patches. Under frequent criticism from fans asking the game be delivered "right now", George Broussard, CEO of 3Drealms, has answered that excellent games take 3 years to do. He continued by saying it amazed him why developpers agreed to release a Tripple A product...

    My point is the following: I am willing to wait 2 years for CM2, if BTS is to continue improving CM. Why? Because it won't need 10 patches and the issues that plagued CM will have most likely been solved in the second release.

    Just my two cents on the matter,

    (now watch the flow of insults...)

  6. Thanks for the reply Steve,

    I am sorry if my message appeared like I meant Charles purposely programmed "cheats" in the game. That was not my intent.

    As for artillery, I am positive Fog of war was Full. So, like you said, the AI got lucky. In fact, it always seems to be "very lucky" with regards to artillery. But thats just the way things are I guess!


  7. Hello all,

    I know a lot of you guys are experienced CM players. Thus, I am sure many of you people have encountered this problem while playing the Germans.

    It goes like this: I play the scenario "First clash at something". I kill all GB tanks and wind up destroying almost all of the enemy infantry in the town. As I search for survivors in and around the woods, gigantic rockets or mortars fall, hitting my 150 infantry gun with deadly accuracy. Now the computer is blatantly caught cheating.

    Why? Because I hid my 150 MM behind a house way back and it never actually fired at anything. Moreover, NO infantry whatsoever was sighted in line of sight and in or out of the woods ( I had cornered them there).

    Unfortunately, the Allies in CM rely solely on this strategy to kill German infantry gun. I think it is sad. I mean, during the Normandy campaign, particularly around Hill 102, well-hidden 88s ripped through horrendous numbers of allied tanks. Allied artillery was never able to pinpoint the location of these German guns. In CM, however, there seem to be "spotters" everywhere, rendering the use of German artillery nothing short of useless for more than a round.

    Does BTS actually intend to correct this all-too-obvious "sighting cheat"?

    Thanks for listening to my pleas my fellow CM players.

    Any suggestion???

  8. Hello,

    I would like to submit the the CM community some problems I encountered while practicing my skills as a German sniper. It seems my snipers are just not able to kill infantry troops now matter what I do. I have tried everything; from green to crack, from range of 50 meters to 600 and from firing to an enemy exposed on a road to firing on an enemy well hidden.

    So far, in no less than 15 CM games, I have yet to see ONE kill credited to my snipers.

    Do you guys have any hints on this matter? I would really appreciate any tips, as the only competence of my snipers lies in their suppressing fire.

    Thanks for the info

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