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Mr. Johnson--

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Posts posted by Mr. Johnson--

  1. I think he is talking about crews you would think would lose more guys if a 88mm knocks out the tank vs. a 37mm killing a tank.

    From what I've noticed the number of crew dead or wounded depends more on the tank they are driving then what kills it, ie. PZ-IV crews seem to loose one less man then a Sherman tank on average when the tank brews up.

  2. I heard that Osama Bin Ladin hackers already stole a beta version of the game, they changed the US army soldiers into the bad guys, and they are releasing it all over the middle east for free.

    Maybe the world is entering into a new phase where are youth are brainwashed from age 3 to shoot first and ask questions later. Then it will come down to which side can dehumanize the other quicker.

  3. Steve and Charles already said that they are trying to achive excactlly what you guys are asking for in CMBB.

    I forget where and when, but they said that battles will be ending much sooner then we are used to in CMBO.

    But we will have to buy the game to find out how it works in a normal 1250 tcp/ip game, and if we like it. I think they even said we will be pleasently surprised with their new system.

  4. Mid to late April 2000. Wake up, turn on computer and check in at Gonegold.com to see whats new. There is a patch for a game called combat mission. Which I vaguely remember hearing about 6 months before, but its graphics did not look very good and the description of the game did not sound all that great. Plus how could anyone pull of a 3D WW2 Tactical simulator properly?

    Anyways the list of fixes for 1.03 was long and detailed, then I relized that these Combat Mission creators were serious about their game. So I downloaded the VOT/CE demo and checked out the forums for the first time. Played 2 quick games as the Americans against the Germans at VOT, then I ordered the game. Then went back to VOT and played until I killed every german on the map. As soon as the full game showed up it diddn't leave my hard drive for 2 years.

  5. Set up those small flags at nice jump off points, use a few more big flags. Then put in the briefing that the human player turn flags off when playing.

    If the AI is attacking they will almost always need massive reinforcement, thereby making the game uneven if 2 humans decide to play it, so plan ahead for what kind of scenario you want.

    Also try giving the AI a few elite battalion commanders with full bonuses. They will help keep those infantry under command better, and will help prevent a short 81mm barrage scaring half the attackers.

    here is McAullife's website


    [ May 23, 2002, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Johnson-- ]

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