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Posts posted by Tiny

  1. They were mainly drawn from SA sources so were you would say less 'glamourous' than their SS counterparts, and yes many 'destroyed' formations were integrated into them.

    But they were not normal Heer formations, they always recieved high class troops and equipment.

    There is a very good history of the Feldherrnhalle units.

    Feldherrnhalle: Forgotten Elite by Alfonso Sanchez. isbn 1899765662

  2. Due to the change in armour points given to Axis forces which will most likely carry over into CM2 (I hope). It would be nice to see the Sd.Kfz.251/22.

    It was a late 44 improvisation mounting the 7.5cm Pak40/L46.

    As the axis have more points to spend on vehicles and as this HT was very vulnerable like all HT's it would be nice to see its inclusion in any future versions(CM2) as it is unlikely to find it's way into CMBO in a future patch.

    Any comments



    War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

    Bertrand Russell

  3. I really don't see the problem. Tank or no tank.

    Bring on a KT and I'll kill it with a bazooka.

    Bring on a Jumbo and I'll kill it with a panzerschrek/faust.

    Done it before and will do it again.

    Armour cannot win a battle, armour cannot hold a position on it's own.

    I don't see any posts regarding the superiority of the majority of Axis infantry. Or allied players moaning about their 'inferior' infantry.

    ie : regular Brit platoon waiting in formation with support. In marches regular girbiljaegers - result dead Brits.

    The fact that the new point split gives the axis player more infantry with it's inbuilt AT capabilities I think makes up for the fewer armour points.

    That is my opinion flame me if you want.




    War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

    Bertrand Russell

  4. I just asked because I am in a 'fun' game with a friend trying out the toys we haven't used.

    My armour consists(ed) of 3 panther G's & 2 Jagdpanthers + various HT and AC's.

    I have lost 1 panther to a 17 pndr.

    All the other kills 2AC's, Ht's and 2 panthers have all been to air support. Everytime by friend tries to engage with Tanks my Jagdpanthers toast him.

    As for the aircraft my Flak assets are doing sod all



    War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

    Bertrand Russell

  5. Don't think, BUY !

    It took about 10 days for my copy to arrive and cost about £35.

    To be honest since it came I haven't purchased another game so the extra £10 spent is worth every penny.

    It is very rare these days to get a game of such quality with such a lasting appeal. Most games I have played in past last only a couple of weeks until something new is released. Not CM.

    Hope this helps




    War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

    Bertrand Russell

  6. Has anyone had any success with Flak against Allied aircraft. If so what is result, because no matter how much flak I have I never hit anything that flies.




    War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

    Bertrand Russell

    [This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 01-20-2001).]

  7. As a player who plays Axis and Allies in equal quantities I have found and seen no real shift towards the Allies.

    I have played games where allied tanks are quite willing to unload tungsten which when hits kills more likely than not. But then again I am in a game where my opponent is cursing his armour and its inability to fire 'All that bloody Tungsten' at my Jagdpanther.

    I feel that it makes the Axis player a lot more cautious in his approach when engaging Allied armour, unlike before when most of the time he would steamroll forward with his heavy armour.

    In this respect I think it adds and improves the game no end.


    I am not technically minded like a lot of people on this board so cannot see if there is anything wrong with the physics behind the game, but I have been playing wargames for a long time now and I know when something feels right and works well.

    For me at the moment CMBO works well.


    (My God that was the largest post I have done so far)

    [This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 01-16-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 01-16-2001).]

  8. What scares me is how one of my few nights out at friends (watching films drinking beer talking to girls !!!!) becomes a CM tactics discusion.

    Suddenly one of my friends mentions a cunning tactic or someother CM related event then movies and women (not beer) get forgotten and we spend hours discusing CM much to the disgust of of the non-initiated.(read girls)



    'Sticking Feathers in your butt don't make you a chicken'

    Tyler Durden

    [This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 01-04-2001).]

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