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Posts posted by Spike

  1. Hello everyone!

    It has been awhile but i am finally getting settled here in Holland. My household goods will not be here for god knows how long... but i am able to use the computer at work :D so i can survive!!!!

    I look forwarded to getting my computer set up and back on line fulltime!!! I am also looking forward to getting the Scenario Archive updated and back on track! I have been looking through recent posts to the board here and seen new members. Glad to see that the community is still growing!

    Special hello to Admiral Keth, Wild Bill, Super Ted and Berli!!!


  2. Admiral:

    I never had this until i read your post! Last night i was playing the scenario i sent you, as the germans.. And the same thing happened. A StuH42 got in a bit of a trafic jame and drove accross one of the bridges in reverse. Then, BLAM!!!!! he got nailed because he was driving in his slow ass reverse gear!! :mad:

    Oh well the battle was still a success.


  3. The CM Scenario / Operations Database is back and Updated in the new 2.0 Version! Craig "Harv" Harvey and Mike "Spike" Rhodes have joined forces to resurrect and update this great resource for the Combat Mission community. There are now over 740 scenarios and 70 operations listed, along with their data and location on the web. You can download this new and improved version at either Boots & Tracks (.csv version) or The Scenario Archive (Excel version).

    Craig will concentrate on the offline version and Mike will work on the online web site version. Both will be updated regularly. There is an update template available for scenario and operation designers included with the database. All you have to do is fill it out and email it to Craig or Mike and the Database and website will be updated! So stop by and check out the new and improved Combat Mission Scenario Database 2.0


  4. Hello Everyone.. Not sure if you are all aware of this or not, but there is a fully function review system in place for Combat Mission scenarios! Surf over to the Admirals site!!!

    Combat Mission Scenario Depot

    This is a great resource for all of us! With so many scenarios now available for CM, who knows which one is good and with one is only average? Well if everyone uses this review system, we can all save a lot of time!!! Check it out... You won't be sorry!!!!


  5. Slowmotion:

    As far as i know there is no such list published on the net. Using Adiral Keths review system will give you a good idea of what scenarios are played more than others. Also try out Manx's site. All the scenarios there have a good description and screen shots. Of all the scenarios i have played i can say that each one bring it own character. I have enjoyed all of them, except one where i was looking at 43 advancing tigers and only 2 platoons of infantry and 1 bazooka team!!! hey i think i designed that scenario!!! LOL smile.gif

    Just start playing different scenarios.. You will soon find out which author, or fighting force you prefer.

    Hope this helps!


  6. Panzerman:

    How about this:

    A huge map.... two seperate islands... One attacker, one defender... The only way to the defended island is by assault boat. So that means that this will be an infantry only battle for the attackers. I guess you could "Airdrop" in some small jeeps or cannons later on to help with mobility/firepower for the attackers. This kind of scenario would also allow the attacker to set up his/her forces exactly like they want.. It all depends on where the landing zones on the island are. I have played around with assault boats and found that the sink really fast!! So perhaps this should be a Night time raid or something..

    The defended island should have a medium size city on it for some good street fighting!!! Think about battalion size would make for a interesting scenario!!!

    What do you think?


  7. Just released my first scenario. It is my first attempt at map-making and putting a scenario together! I think it is okay.. Not as good as Wild Bill or Rune by any means!!! Please swing by the site and check it out!!! It is called Battle for Amstenrade. Hope you like it and let me know what you think. Play as Germans first. Surf over to the Archive and check it out!

    Thanks alot!!


  8. I have had many requests for a search page to search the archives for specific scenarios. After looking all over the net for such a device i found that you must have a CGI-BIN directory on the server. I do not have that because i use geocities. I do have plans to eventually get my own domain. Well i was finally able to track down a search program that did not require a CGI-BIN!! So i put it on the site. It is not the best engine in the world but it is better than having none at all. Please let me know what you think of it!!


  9. A small update today!!

    Added some scenarios that you just have to download and play! Terence Nelan emailed me the following scenarios:

    Canyon of Doom

    Hold on at Tourmauville

    You can find them in the scenario pages.

    Also added some scenarios to the Playtesters page:

    The Seigfreid Line by Rives Jones

    Death Ride of the Panzers by Mr. Johnson

    Beyond Bolero by Joseph Miller

    Please give these Authors some feed back on their scenarios!!!



  10. Hello everyone!

    Well I am happy to report that the operation section is now done as well!!!! Instead of breaking them up alphabetically i decided to put them on one page! There is not that many of them. I have added downloadable forms on the Ops and scenario pages. If you want to submit a scenario or op, please fill out this form and send along with the zip! This will speed up the process of adding scenarios and ops for me! Thanks for all your visits and kind emails. I have added a guestbook on the site as well. If you have time please stop by and fill it out! Thanks alot everyone!


  11. I agree totally!!!! Good point, I am trying to help out all CM'ers by archiving or linking these scenarios!!! I have all the scenarios listed on my site from chengs CM database... I have received a few new scenarios.. If no one can come up with any vaild cons to me putting the missing scenarios up on the site i will do so. I just want to get a feel of what you guys think. If the scenario was in the CM Database, that means it was on a website before right?? public domain??

    any other arguments?


  12. Thanks for the suggestions.. I will consider them! I would like some further input about the scenario question i was asking about..


    ---Remember several emails over the last 2 months have been sent out to the authors. Don't you think that they could have responded by now? I will be honest with everyone here. I would like to just go ahead and link or archive all the scenarios! However, i want a group decision, one that we are all happy with. Just like when the question came up before, when everyone attacked Admiral Keth and i about the mega scenario pack. So once again i stand before the forum with the best of intentions. Do i serve the greater good by providing all the scenarios i have to the CM community or do i delete the remaining authors who have not responded? ---


    Would anyone object to this? The authors will be given credit. The data on the scenarios they created is on the site now... All i would be doing is making the scenario available?????

    Any ideas or comments????


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