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Posts posted by Snarker

  1. Meh! I was playing an MMOG (or whatever they are called) with a buddy at his house and a guy with a character named "Brianbrou" broadcast he was in the Canadian Army.

    So, I publicy messaged, "Hey! I know a guy from the Battlefront forums, he's in the Canadian Military. I think he's the only soldier in Canada. He's part-time, and owns a mannequin. Are you Grog Dorosh?"

    He said some VERY naughty things to me, involving private parts and what to do with them.

    Guess it wasn't you, Mike, you have a sense of humo(u)r.


  2. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Day off.

    I think I shall drink a few glasses (litres, firkins, pecks, pipes, aams, hogsheads, gills, fifths, tuns, kilderkins, rundlets, mutchkins, thirdendeals) of Pilsner Urquell, which I discovered while in Chicago. Then a golf tournament tomorrow.

    double-you-effing-00t!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    P.S. megadeath = unit of fatality equal to one million deaths

    As in, combined I have caused Pseudosimonds, Dave, Watson & Crick, and Snarker 600 megadeaths in my CM career. :mad:

    GRRAAARGH! :mad: :mad:

    Sounds like you drank the beer with 'shroom juice, maggot! :mad: :mad:

    The proper statement would be, "As in, combined, Pseudosimonds, Dave, Watson & Crick, and Snarker have caused 600 megadeaths in my CM career. As a matter of fact, the only chance I have to win is when Paula intercepts the turns and randomly moves stuff."

    Yeah, I know, I'm still indivisible-like. My 'puter went belly up ages ago and I'm just getting around to getting a new one. On the bright side, it's made me VERY angryolized and I found out I have kids! They're 9, 7, and 4 and the woman who claims to be my wife says they've been in the house that long.

  3. What was his question? I'll make up a suitably confusing answer. With car, computer and gun parts referenced for extra :confused:

    If you really want some fun, try explaining drying times and relative humidity to a sheetrocker when he applies his three coats on consecutive days in 95/95 conditions and complains about excessive shrinkage.

    Duh! "None of the coats dried before you applied the next one. Did you happen to notice you used about two thirds less compound than usual?"

    "Um, no."

    "Each coat can take well over a week to dry under these conditions. Basically, you applied one big, fat, thick coat and that will shrink and crack when it finally dries."

    "No, I applied three. They shrank and cracked two weeks later." :rolleyes: :mad:

    [ June 07, 2005, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

  4. Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

    Keeping the roads free of moose?? Is this what you told your employer what you would do if you got the job? Did you tell them HOW you would do this? Sicko moose humper. :mad:

    Axe and a lackey went out to clear the road of moose every day without success.

    Finally they came up with a foolproof plan. They got a very authentic cow moose costume and learned the mating call of a cow moose.

    The plan was to hide in the costume, lure the bull, then come out of the costume and shoot the bull. They set themselves up on the edge of a clearing, donned their costume and began to give the moose love call.

    Before long their call was answered as a bull came crashing out of the forest and into the clearing. When the bull was close enough, the guy in front said, "OK, lets get out and get him."

    After a moment that seemed like an eternity, Axe, in the back, shouted, "The zipper is stuck! What are we going to do!?"

    The guy in the front says, "Well, I'm going to start nibbling grass, but you'd better brace yourself!"

    :mad: :mad:

  5. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    House hunting....the saga continues.

    I finally made an offer on a house today. If I get it life will be sweet. I can not believe I actually found something decent. Things did not begin on an upbeat note today.

    First house I show up at 9:30. Waiting for my agent to arrive. House looks ok and the neighborhood doesn't look too bad. Within a few minutes a 8-10 yo boy emerges from my potential neighbor's house and approaches my car. Being a bright lad, he come around street side when I wave him off my passenger side (still locked btw). The following exchange was cordial as I begged poverty, told the lad no kids would be coming to play, and explained my present dating situation as prompted by the lad's un-ending questioning. But then things went south...

    ghetto boy: Does your girlfriend have, er, em....

    mtw: huh, what was that?

    ghetto boy: Does your girlfriend have tits?

    mtw (struggling to figure out why the feck some lil freaking prevert even would be so dumb as to utter those words): Well, normally gentlemen don't discuss such matters. Excuse me but my agent has just arrived and I must be going.

    OMFG, there is no fecking way I could deal with such a sack of ****e IRL, for any period of time. This lil soon-to-be-convict-bitch was so unsocialized as to make a cocker spaniel puppy to look like a prince. I should have put a bullet into his parent's heads and called CPS to take the lil sacks of ****e away. Who knows how deep the ghetto runs...maybe a grenade, or three, in the house could have stopped that infestation.

    On the upside, I may have found a new abode later in the day. :D

    Well, does she? :mad: :mad:

    Resend what ever it is you thunked you sent. Odds are good my ISP at my homework.

    Oh, and send me wine now that the Supreme Court says you can. tongue.gif

  6. And yes, my ISP has been delaying my mail. Apparently some mail with an attachment gets caught in the spam filter thingy (that's the technical term) and is freed days later when it figures out your attachments aren't porn.

    Obscene, yes. Porn, no. :mad:

    So resend if you didn't get anything back from me recently. So I can get it Sunday, and the whole process can annoy us yet again. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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