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Posts posted by RetardedKeydet

  1. Governmental regulation of computer games or anything like that is so laughable because all it will result in is the government further alienating the law abiding hard working people in this country. In the case of the child who played too much doom and talking about wanting to kill people when he grows up I would sooner blame that on a broken home than on a computer game. I know my childhood wouldn't have been the same if I hadn't been able to shoot the garden hose at both my mom and dad! Well heh that's enough from me.


    You may be whatever you resolve to be. "Stonewall" Jackson

  2. I am 18 and I have finally managed to fight off that young and dumb invincibilty crap... though the dumbness still strikes from time to time. Wargames have always interested me but the only one I loved as much as Combat Mission was Sid Meier's Gettysburg. I never really liked any of the turn based wargames because I could never get a good feel of the battle on a 2d board.

  3. Heheh I just finished some verbal jousting about the Third Reich and how some people here are living in a fantasy. Before I read this I just got through a long series of posts on what is "gamey" or not. I think most of the people who post in this forum are a little if not very delusional. When one of you (us if I include myself as one of the afflicted) starts calling another delusional it reminds me of some variation on "the blind leading the blind" well anyway that's my two cents.

  4. I remember the story of a Marine from Vietnam and what he said about prisoners. The reality of the matter was no one wanted to walk prisoners back alone through the rear area so they usually just shot them. He wasn't too clear about whether he participated in this but you got the idea anyway. "War is hell" and that is one more reason why.

  5. I am still sort of ticked off that I didn't even learn about this great game until I was flipping through this month's computer gaming world. Heh hopefully I will actually get a chance to play it before I have to return to the "Institute" because I would rather play with guns and knives in the comfort of my house than the barracks heh. Well I just realized this posting was entirely meaningless .... but heheh I couldn't resist.

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