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Bugger Stein

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Posts posted by Bugger Stein

  1. Pentium IV 2.0

    2gig ram

    geforce 6200

    Game nearly unplayable as soon as the shooting starts, considerable fps drop. Movement and position works fine up until then. Have tried to play the game on the lowest setting, 1024x768, with all graphic settings to low, no EAX - but with the same result. No such probs with games such as Medieval Total War 2, were tweaking the settings actually makes a difference...

  2. Actually, "Captain Corelli´s Mandolin", is a great novel, not sure if it will be that good as a movie though. It´s not really that much of a love story., more about the complex situation of an occupying army and it´s relation to the local people. There are some really great caracters in the book and it´s actually a joy to read. A couple of "battlescenes" that are some of the most horryfing stuff I´ve read, for instance an assault on the "Metaxas line" etc.. . But a war movie???? Naah!!!

    Read the book if you´re on holiday or something, I think you´ll be pleasantly surprised.

    And one more thing, "WTF" is a GREAT movie!

  3. I remember seeing "Come and see" in school, a long time ago. We were just kids and a couple of us started crying, can´t say I remember much of the movie other than it was frightenig ( I think i recall a scene where an einsatzguppe sets fire on a building with elders and children it it - a very schocking scen by any standards). Maybe it´s time to watch it again?

    This time I´ll remember to have the napkins at hand.

  4. Hi Pops

    I have the same problem (smoke comes up in squares?). But then again I´m using a lowly voodoo 2, luckily enough I have a quite good imagination, and can easily get carried away (like that time in the kitchen when I used the peppershaker as a divebomber to take ut the evil peas, but thats another story...)

    Try posting on the tech forum for more qualified help. But I think it´s a voodoo problem that can´t be patched... think I read that somewhere here some time ago.

  5. I was in fact referring to the rodents. Everyone knows that it´s the RATs and not the HAMSTERs that rule all the universe. But of course they prefere to rule in secrecy so they just send the hamsters out to create a diverson until the real masters of the Cesspool arrives. And not to mention the cows and the ozelots. You guys had no idea what you where up against where you???

  6. Well Bratch, it seems you feel the same way as I hope most of us do. I´ve been away for a couple of months and then I come back to this, I honestly don´t recognize this forum anymore. Let´s just hope things can return to "normal" again. And it would truly be a shame if potential CM customers would be scared of because of this messageboards last incidents.

  7. Well this probably has been stated time and again but I have to say IM SHOCKED!!!

    Part of my daily morning ritual for the last year or so (yes I have read most posts on this forum until recently) has been to check out the posts here and either get a good laugh or a nice link or something. Anyways I have been away for a couple of months and when I finally get back to some of my normal routines I find this forum degenerated in a way I didn´t think was possible. I´m not going into details about JP:s sick pic posts etc, (but as WBW said this kind of behaviour cannot be ignored).

    From the beginning I have to say I was quite worried about an open forum like this one on such a potentially "dangerous" subject which ww2 trivia at the end of the day is. I just hope this place can once again return to what it was not so long ago. Otherwise I will always remember it like a sweet fairy-tale:"Once upon a time...".


    Bugger Stein

  8. Well, what a ride this thread has been, a real pleasure to read, however, the philosophical question still stands:"Is there a moral truth out there that we discover or is it just us who change the rules ever so often?". ANd as soon at the question is asked lets drop it and merely use it as a means to challenge our intellects when the rain pours down and the computers broken... smile.gifArgument goes on and on, and yes, now we have reach the beginning once again.

    Agreed Fionn that it´s dangerous to just take moral truths provided by society for granted for a great many resons, and probably the moral avantgarde of today, if we believe that moral progress is beeing made (probably feminism, enviromentalism, enhanced humanism etc) will be taken for granted moral truths tomorrow.

    Intrinsically right or wrong I don´t know, but somehow I know what I like (feminism, enhanced humansim, environmentalism etc and playing CM! smile.gif

    Maybe we get the society we deserve?

  9. I owe it to myself to clarify things,

    Hmmmm, looking at my post in the thread of fallschirmjägers is very confusing, I just popped in without reading the background, stumbled across the Tickle-Me-Hitler post and got this image of a MATTEL series of the wartime leaders. This was a bit unfortunate (Jochen, seriously, "Rat**** Roosevelt", come on...)

    Honestly, I was way out of line, getting carried away, actually now in the light of things, I´m feeling a bit ashamed. Thinking more in terms of satire pointed towards the toyindustry commercial, rereading it makes it look like a political statement of a very ultrarightwing suspect nature, to make things clear, before anyone has a go at me for this: I do believe that ww2 was as close to a fight between good (Yes that´s the allies) against evil (Yes the Nazis) that you can get (if those terms can correspond to something as horrible as war). I did not intend to make fun of either Roosevelt or Churchill for their wareffort (FRanco and Stalin on the other hand can have it, though i know the Russians actually won the war I don´t se Stalinism as a much nicer thing than Nazism, they are both all time lows of human history). And if "Rat**** Roosevelt" is a way of Jochen to applaud my post for it´s unfortunate political implications I feel sorry for him, and if he didn´t mean it like that lets just leave it there,(and I still think tickle-me-Hitler is kinda funny, and maybe a the series of wartime leaders too, in a Southpark Kind of Way). Needless to say I am really glad that the Third Reich was never forfilled. In short don´t read in politics in my MATTEL post. It simply is NO political statement. So don´t use it as such!!! (not that anyone has yet).

    Sorry for posting without thinking (as I have this time around). And no Jochen I´m not accusing you of anything, just clearifying my own standpoint!

  10. seriously, just using my immature humor to get this silly subject of my mind. sorry if I offended anyone, that was never my intention.

    couldn´t help laughing at the tickle-me -hitler (actually, wouldn´t be surprised if a toycompany picked up that sick idea, and as a satire of the toyindustry and commercial for kids it actually works quite well, on me anyway )commercial sans Jochen or a<nyones grandparents. Well, this isn´t the right forum for pushing "jokes" to the limit. And I can understand in hindsight (5 minutes) that satire really oughtn´t be directed towards person, who we in a way owe democracy to, I can understand if anyone gets offended.


    I´m sorry

  11. definently wan´t one of those. not to mention the other MATTEL ALL STAR GREATS!

    How about the:


    "drink-me-winston", he puffs smoke and if you squeeze his stomach he burps(tommy-gun included, but no batteries!

    "slap-me-stalin"what can we say, YOU GET TO TRIM HIS NOSEHAIR (Comes with a Playmogulag module)

    and "ramblin-rallying-roosevelt" YOU GET TO BE THE CONGRESS!(Fake money included)

    and as a Spanish side show IT`S

    "FAR-OUT-FRANCO" chill out with this inflatable gent this summer, bargain trips to Torremolinos for the first lucky hundreds!!!!

    The Summer is far from over!

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