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Posts posted by SAMi_V

  1. Thank you all from the welcomes. :)

    Yes i can't wait to get the full version. Should be here in 2 weeks or so i think. The check i sent should be there in next week and after they have received it the game should be here in 10 days or so. That's how i was told anyways by Steve from battlefront's sale. They seem to be very nice people by the way. :) Good customer service. I know i will be buying the CM2 as well when it comes out. Not only because it will be a great game too, but the customer service is so great as well. :)

    When i get the full version i will post a message here about who wants to have a PBEM game with me. Looks like there is quite a few already wanting to have a game with me. Cool! :)

    And Jarmo... eek.gif I think i'll pass the spanking part, but having a nice clean PBEM game of CM would be nice when i have received the full version. hehehe

    And what comes to Mika Hakkinen then and me being a Mika fan. I guess there is a little mika fan inside me and in every finn. Not too big though in my case. hehe. It's nice to see someone else to win too for a change. hehe

    Anyways... I know i will be having lots of fun when playing PBEM games with you people or through the TCP/IP. Can't wait to have the first PBEM game and ordering my troops to a certain death i'm sure... hehehe. We'll find out that later.

    Thanks again for the warm welcomes. :)

  2. Hello to all you CM fans. :)

    I just registered here and this is my first post. In a little while i'm going to be a lucky owner of CM too. I have ordered this cool game as well. I heard about this game from one website i check almost everyday and soon after reading the review i was downloading the demo. I love the 3D action when the fighting is going on.

    This is the best war stragety game i have come across. I have been playing quite a few war stragety games like Close Combat series and Steel Panthers series and some others too. I have played Steel Panthers most than others, but it's been sometime now i have played it and i don't know about Close Combat. I never liked to play it too much.

    Anyways... i know i will be playing CM a lot. I have played the demo alot already. hehe

    When i get my copy i would like to try PBEM game with someone. I post a message here when i have got my copy.

    BTW, i come from Finland. I have seen few other finlanders here when i have been reading the posts in this forum.

    I definately order the CM 2 when it comes. Especially if it going to have Finland in it too. Sure it has to, if it is going to be about eastern front.

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