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Posts posted by frag

  1. 1. Put in 3D what is supposed to be 3d. Like brushes, rubble, marsh.

    2. I know that it was discussed, but the real number of man (not 3 men to represent 12)

    3. Hunt command for infantry

    4. Pursue command for infantry (pursuing an half track by example to kill it with grenade). Because at this time, if a vehicule go back on reverse, it will be able to reach the distance where the infantry is no longuer able to hit it with grenade. And the infantry just look at it going back and try to shoot at it with their riffle.

  2. First of all, thanks for answering my small survey that I made on the topic "PC MOD MANAGER UNDER DEVELOPMENT".

    But I still have a small problem...

    Once again, it will be very appreciated if someone can send me the description of the BMP and WAV file in CM. Do someone have it somewhere, I don't want to disturb Big Time Software for it, they have a lot of work to cover.

    I'm at the point where I can't continue the development without it... My email sdaigle@reflexnet.net If someone help me on that, you can make sure that you will be the first one to have a beta version of the mod manager...


    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 10-03-2000).]

  3. Shugger, what you say make sense, but I think a sniper unit must be able to hide LOT more efficiently and shot at a greater distance than the sharpshooter does in CM.

    It's praticly impossible for a unit to see where a sniper is shooting from at the first shot (it's why sniper change position between every shot). Try to shoot a bullet with a sharpshooter in CM, and you will be spotted as if you shake a big yellow flag up your head. One turn after and you are dead meat...

    So, if Big Time Software implement sniper. Just construct a very stealthy sharpshooter, with greater accuracy, at longer range.

  4. Guys, I have to disagree here. Snipers made a BIG difference during the fight of Stallingrad. Near the end of the conflict, entire German platoon refuses to fight, afraid to see their head explode from a bullet coming from nowhere.

    What I'm trying to say here is that you can't reproduce the fight of Stallingrad without them. Study Stalligrad war and you will agree with me on that ... pretty sure about it! Hitler himself worried about this point. If Big Time Software want to reproduce Stallingrad campaign, they will have to insert sniper in the game…because they had a terrible impact in this conflict.

  5. 1. About the resolution:

    It's looking like the resolution standard for most of you is 1024x768 ... pretty happy about it, because theirs a lot information to fit on the main screen.

    2. About the folders:

    I will consider you able to have a copy of the BMP and wav folders.

    3. About the internet connection:

    In my next version, their is a possibility that you can download mods directly in the mod manager from "Standard" internet site like CMHQ (with the permission of MadMatt for sure...)

    It's not to late for recommendation if you have some...


  6. Answering Robert,

    yes, you will be able to select the files you want to install from a package.

    Here is the main feature of the manager:

    - Install full or partial package of BMP or WAV files.

    - Browse all your packages to see or hear them before installing or removing them from the game.

    - Browse every files or your BMP and WAV directories and know where the files are coming from.

    - Create new package in wich your personnal information will be build-in (Author,Name of the mod, version, Date, Screenshot...). Those packages will be easier to the user to install.

    If you have any recommendation, please let me know. I will ask for some voluntary beta tester as soon as I feel that the software is fully functionnal...


    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 10-02-2000).]

  7. At the same time ... here is a kind of survey that can help me a lot if you can answer it...

    1. What is the resolution you usually use on your desktop (800x600,1024x768,1280 ...) NOT IN THE GAME, but on your commun desktop.

    2. Are you ready to have a copy of your original BMP and wav file on your hard disk. It's a lot of space, but it's permitting me to roll back the mod's installation if you don't like it. I can use the file from your cd drive ... but if I do so, your not be able to have a kind of "your standard" installation of the game (by example, the original bmp files+ MDMP1 and MDMP2).

    3. Do you have a direct connection (cable,dsl,isdn...) to the internet?

    Thanks for answering, I will give more detail this week...


    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 10-02-2000).]

  8. Hi guys,

    As a software engineer, I presently use my spare time to develop a Mod's Manager for Combat Mission ... the things are going well and fast, but I'm at the point where I need some simple help.

    Is someone can send me the list of the nature of all BMP and wav file. I need this to keep control of wich mod is currently installed for the game. You can send me this at sdaigle@reflexnet.net

    I will post some screenshot probably later this week, I'm already using the software for myself, but I still have some little thing to improve to put it public...

    Thanks in advance

    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 10-02-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 10-02-2000).]

  9. Day after day, CM grow in the wargaming community. This product had a lot more success than predicted. So know, what happen to this kind of successfull product … I will tell you : If Combat Mission take as small as 5% of the pie of Close Combat (and it will be more than that if Big Time Software decide to hit the shelves), Microsoft will move their ass in Big Time Software office and will make an offer to buy it, and for big $$$.

    Here in Silicon Valley we are seing them running around like crazy for revolutionnary product. You have one here...

    So surprise Charles, you’ll be a rich guy. Here where the good work send…

    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 09-25-2000).]

  10. If Battlefront have to cut in the gameplay to improve graphics ... no way.

    But when I talk about better graphic, I'm talking about graphic engine that permit light reflection, shadowing, deep effect and all this stuff (without coding).

    But I understand that Battlefront is a small company at this time and they want to put their efforts in gameplay. May be in future, when they will work on the gameplay and they will have a couple of guys to tweak up the graphics.

    I'm not sure if I am right, but it seem that they construct their own graphic engine to work with visual studio software. So it's kind of difficult for them now to reconstruct a new one.

  11. First of all, don't guess me wrong! I think that CM have nice graphic. But when you make a CM show to one of your friend, the first thing you always hear is "Oh, the graphic seem like old...", but after few minute, the game is sold.

    I personnally think that is the only glitch of CM. I heard that the processing of the combat eat a lot of CPU time ... but machine speed are increasing very rapidly now.

    So now, with the great success of this game, maybe Battlefront can try to catch the "good graphic" gamer in offering an high quality graphic engine... It's only an engine, it will not change the precision of the game ... only CPU time.

    Again don't guess me wrong ... I just LOVE this game, and I play every day. Just a recommendation.

  12. If you want to read a good book over snipers combat in Stalingrad, read this! I did, and it's excellent!!! It was so good that I finished it in two days...


    David L. Robbins grimly recounts the merciless determination of the German and Soviet combatants of the battle of Stalingrad in War of the Rats. Drawing from real events, Robbins tells the story of one of the battle's most pivotal contests: the famous sniper duel between Chief Master Sergeant Vasily Zaitsev and S.S. Colonel Heinz Thorvald. Zaitsev, a cunning Siberian hunter hardened by Stalingrad's butchery, has formed an impromptu sniper school in the midst of the battle, training his comrades to kill with implacable efficiency. The hundreds of bodies left in their wake prompt the Nazi leadership to send Thorvald, the cold-blooded master of the Wehrmacht's elite sniper academy, to assassinate the Soviet prodigy. Robbins's nerve-wracking prose depicts the two adversaries as they pursue their private war across a twisted hellscape of burning tanks and gutted factories. In the novel's most impressive section, Robbins leaps between the thoughts of Zaitsev and Thorvald as they struggle, in their final battle, to put the crosshairs on each other's head. A war novel that reveals the shrewd savagery in human nature, War of the Rats vividly reveals why the Germans referred to the fighting at Stalingrad as Der Rattenkrieg. --James Highfill

    [This message has been edited by frag (edited 09-25-2000).]

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