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Posts posted by dbaulch

  1. Why isnt CM in the shops? What a travesty of justice. Who would buy Close Combat if they knew this was around. I only heard about it from a brief mention in PCzone and the demo was on the coverdisk. I`ve had the game for a week now and cant stay away from it.

    For goodness sake get it in the shops! This is the case for Panzer Elite too. i had to order that online as nobody stocked it. Madness! mad.gif

  2. What you really have to look out for is America`s Arogance on the whole deal. The US is trying to re-word the Treaty signed with Russia and China. At the moment any form of Missile Shield is not permitted. However, the US is trying to get a section added to allow them to create one ( In fact testing is still in a preliminary stage and hasnt been too successful yet ). China and Russia are naturally against the idea and with good reason. An active defense shield would make their technologies obsolete but allow the US to launch a missile strike if they felt the need. On a wider picture, if the US gives this technology to its Allies, i.e. South Korea as has been suggested in the past, the world could once again fall into a massive arms race. Weapons to counteract the shield system, weapons to countact the counterweapons etc...

    Why not just get pissed and shout a bit. Works for me after a weeks work!

  3. Im completing work on a set of kellys hereos scenarios and need some help. When Im setting up a battle can I use individual unit members instead of units of 10, i.e. to set up the characters from the film.

    I`ve just set up the final village ( bank heist ) sceen and will need to do some more work on the railroad complex battle from the film.

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