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Posts posted by Onejob

  1. Dear Combat Mission,

    I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I have left you on the shelf several times in the past 2 years, flirting with those pretenders from Micro$oft, flying high in those flight sims and having a sexual relationship with OpFlash.

    But everytime I come back, you are there to amuse and delight me without a hint of frustration or boredom. I still love you for you are the ultimate and sum up everything a computer game should be.

    May we always be together. It's just a shame you don't have a box.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los:

    When you buy or select TRPs they show up on the map just like regular units. You then click on them and place them where you want. Hopefully that's clear enough. If not let me know.


    Cheers. So obvious really!


    Simon "Onejob" Page

  3. After a little time away, I recently came back to Combat Mission (with a bunch of newly downloaded mods). Just a quick game to see the new scenery, not too late as an important day at work looms).

    Oh dear, 5 am and I'm crawling into bed again.

    Thank you CM, I still love you. Please reimburse me for the lost custom, sleep and revenue caused by the addictive, well thought out and thoroughly enjoyable gameplay has caused.

    If only some of the larger games designers could learn from your success.


    Simon "Onejob" Page

  4. After a little time away, I recently came back to Combat Mission (with a bunch of newly downloaded mods). Just a quick game to see the new scenery, not too late as an important day at work looms).

    Oh dear, 5 am and I'm crawling into bed again.

    Thank you CM, I still love you. Please reimburse me for the lost custom, sleep and revenue caused by the addictive, well thought out and thoroughly enjoyable gameplay has caused.

    If only some of the larger games designers could learn from your success.

  5. I came across this game by accident (looking for Falcon 4.0 stuff on Combatsim). After reading the reviews, of course I had to get the demo).

    One word comes to mind. A very important word some games designers tend to forget. FUN.

    This game is FUN. The minute by minute decision making is a fantastic idea and has been implemented well.

    I must admit, I was a little dissapointed with some of the graphics... at first. But it's like getting used to a painting style. It grows on you, especially when those mortors are raining down. WOW.

    With all 4 speakers turned up I could almost feel those clods of earth falling on me. And the shaking camera effect really adds to it.

    Not only all this but the game is so accessable. In the readme file it says just do what you think will work and that's precisley it. No mucking about.

    At one stage a German tank came thundering over the ridge and my little Shermans went mad. Popping smoke and back peddling trying to find cover without a word from me! Excellent.

    So I've ordered my copy which I eaggerly await and Close Combat can go back in the draw. It's a shame it's not in the stores as it would really give Microsoft something to thin about!!


    Simon "Onejob" Page

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