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Posts posted by gashford

  1. Guys

    I can foresee a problem with the micro management of turrets that people are asking for whilst also allowing the AI to keep hold of ones you don't want to manage.

    How will the AI know when you have finished micro managing the turret and when you are still in control, consequently your tank will get killed by some other threat and we will be reading posts about how the 'AI sux'.

    It seems a good compromise to me at the momemnt?

    Just my pennies worth.


  2. If I am playing a large/huge battle I buy some air power but until recently I have not been convinced of their effects.

    In a recent huge battle where as the allies I am on an assault of a city outskirt (I suppose), my attack was going very badly (I have since read up on assaults and hope to do better in the next one), however when my planes turned up they swung the tide a bit for me (personal note - you know what I am on aboout jwild!!!!).

    Damaged and ruined hetzers litter the field and they are still flying back and forth even now after a few turns so I have to change my mind and say I quite like them.


  3. Took two working weeks for the orders to come to me and I live in the UK.

    Occasionally though a package can be stopped and opened by customs which can add anything up to another 2 working weeks onto the time.

    It will get there eventually, I have an extra three copies on order now (not for me ... presents), sometimes these things happen.


  4. I can see what the differences are:

    1. In the proposed new version a player gets to setup and then plot the moves straight away rather than having to send the file away with just their choices.

    2. There has been an error in that Miles has accidently missed the fact that you can plot movement directly after the second person has watched the movie without having to send a PBEM to the opponent.

    At first glance point one could look good, however I think that the reason this has been done is because of the fear that if you allow movement plotting directly after unit choice and positioning you oculd end up having something spotted in the movement phase which may influence you so much you redo the unit choice.

    For an example of what I mean, start a single player QB on a small map in perfectly flat/open conditions, after the setup phase you move directly into the movement phase almost any armour the enemy has becomes visible.

    This is why I think things are doen in the sequence they are at the moment... me thinks?

    Hope this is useful to you.


  5. Earlier it was said that our teeth was the main reason that we are good at making armour, although I seriously doubt that to be the case (mind you my teeth aren't as good as they used to be), I should imagine that should the tests be successful on the new plastic tank that it will go the way of most of our inventions.

    Great ideas, past the tests and then the money dries up so it gets shipped to America for massed production at half the cost we could manage to make it. =)

    *sighs* ah well.

  6. Hello all,

    When FCOs call in a mission on a certain area how is the mission called in, would it be in clear or would it use some form of batco (battle code).

    I am particularly interested in this at the moment as I am learning about cryptoanalysis for work and spent sometime in the forces using the batco of the then modern British forces (late 80s early 90s).

    Many found the batco very difficult to get a good grip of in the classroom let alone under stressed conditions.

    To this end I am wondering whether:

    1. Anyone has any information on the 'batco' used during the second world war on the front lines when clear would have been too insecure.

    2. Whether information exists on how the FCOs would coordinate their missions quickly using some form of 'batco' bearing in mind the urgency of the required mission.

    Thanks for any help with this, I have always assumed that the time taken by the FCO in the game is due in part to this problem?



  7. Hi,

    I ihave had a similar thought about the FCOs but have never said anything. In my limited training we where called occasionally to do a FCO role, to this end we brought the shot in and gave the order 'fire for effect x rounds'. x being the amount of ammunition we wanted brought in on the target, I seem to remember something about giving the fire order in a time as well.

    To this end if I gave a FCO to fire for effect 10 rounds and was then promptly shot dead the attack would continue.

    How did they control FCOs in WW2, did they call in each round, designate a time, give an amount of shells to be fired or something else, perhaps if we found a proper answer to this something might be seen to be changed or left as it is?



  8. Might be an idea if you are in defence of an area or are supposed to be passing over ground you have presighted.

    When I was in the RM I saw some support guys setup and 3 team GPMG ambush like this, it took a lot of time to setup but when used it was deadly (against the wall they shot up).

    Not sure how this could be modelled though in the game, the setup in the killer in real life but I suppose markers might be used?

    Good idea though, did the allies use this much in the European theatre?

  9. Guys

    Is there a simple way I can identify which BMPs are for which models?

    Increasingly I am toying with the idea of giving the MOD making experience a try for something to do, can anyone help at all?

    Thanks in advance.


    Warning... shameless plug about to come....

    Incidently if you are interested you can visit a slightly more ancient combat type at my rather humble website on www.geocities.com/secutoruk

  10. Whilst the world spins upon its axis and continues to revolve around the sun it means that when it is daylight in one side of the world the other side will be plunged into darkness (both of varying degrees of light or dark, dependant upon relative position).

    This means that as stated before it may be 5am where you are but it can be anytime in other areas of the world.

    I hope this helps explain the problem...

    Please don't flame me it is just a joke. =)


    Well, I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it I wouldn't get shot, because I'm not going to shoot myself.

    Mores the pity....

  11. Well I have read your rants so here is mine about the worst war movies ever, haven't seen these mentioned yet, except for my last couple.

    Spartacus - Where are the auxillary troops the romans used as fodder? Where did they get the roman tactics from the LAdybird book of the Romans?

    Gladiator - Again were where the auxillaries. Why are the cavalry wearing lorica segmentata, why did they build their palisades in a forest? Why did the Romans leave the obviously fantastic defensive positions of the pallisades and embankment for a open battle with the Germans (see they where there even then - but no KTs that would have really changed things i imagine!!

    SPR - Not bad, but where were the other allied troops? he rest of you have made most of the points I have picked up except the horrible bit where the party are going through the town shortly after the French child incident and they come across a machine gun barrel pointing out of a window into a narrow alley, not up it but across it giving a field of fire of about 4 feet to the front, who would position a weapons barrel poking out of a window across an alley way!

    Anyway there is my rant, I realise the first to are war films at the furthest stretch of the imagination but there you go.

    All being said and done I still enjoy watching them... oh oh there is one more with James Cagney in, he and his buddies are advancing across a field toward a ruined building when a machine gun starts to cut everyone up, Cagney in a fit of anger throws a couple of grenades at the ruined two story building then dives for cover, a few moments later the building expodes like it has been hit by 'off board' artillery, I would have loved to get my hands on a few of those grenades in times past!! =)


  12. I have had the self same thing happen to me with the same vehicle and I was gutted, I checked teh movies and found how it happened.

    My priest was part of a desperate flanking move against a panther, with a little skill (ha) and a heap of luck big enough to call it a mountain I managed to creep up on the buttoned panther and kill it, moving my priests forward from this position I realised that I had in fact stumble upon an excellent hull down shelling position of the enemies heaviest defensive positions about 600m away.

    I moved the priest into position along with his buddy (another priest) and let rip. By the end of the next movie both had been knocked out, after nearly crying I took a look to see what had happened.

    The left hand of the pair was happily smashing the defences with free abandon, however the right hand one was happily firing shells into the small ridge 5m in front of it causing the shells to explode, after a few moments of, what I can aonly assume was trying to achieve the ultimate hull down by creating a gulf to fire through the priest teams decided they had had enough and deserted the vehicles, on ewas knocked out and the other I suppose was just abandoned.

    Hope this sheds some light on the subject for you.



    Well, I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it I wouldn't get shot, because I'm not going to shoot myself.

    Mores the pity....

  13. Hello all,

    I have been wondering recently, but I am unsure how to test it, on the effects of the presence of tanks to friendly and enemy troop morale.

    Let me try and explain.

    The physical presence of enemy tanks in real life can have a direct effect to the battle field morale of a fighting force if they have little or no anti tank capability among them.

    It can cause the deliberate or accidental (fearful) redirection of troops in a battle even though the tank may not be engaging them directly.

    When a tank is spotted on the battle field by troops does it have ay effect upon their morale and path finding - I shoudl imagine this would be directly related to the troops experience and the type of tank.

    Secondly does the destruction of your own tanks effect the morale of your troops, no those caught in any blast radius but the trrops in general.

    Or is all of this abstracted in the overall morale level?

    Thanks for any answers or experiences.


  14. I am by no means and expert oin this subject and only make the following suggestion in the hope it might inspire one of the mod experts out there or give every a good laugh at my lack of knowledge - just go easy I have a cold.

    Could the 3d maps for the buildings before they are reduced to rubble be used and turned into rubble looking structures by the skins placed over them.

    I do a lot of graphics work and the 'transparent' function on my system is truly a life saver! Could the 3d building skins be replaced by blown away structures which leave much of the outside structure and a good protion of the first floor and sometimes the roof standing. After all much rubble that I have been through in real life was just this, not just a heap of brick. The remaining parts of the structure that would normally be presen could be replaced with a transparent skin, so although the full building is standing it looks very shot up an dno one would know just to look at it.

    Just a thought - go easy. =)


  15. MOdern 51mm mortars have two settings on the base plate a vertical and horizontal barrel setting. ALthough primarily set for wather and canopy cover (woods etc) the base plate just needs to be turned through 180 degrees to get either setting.

    I do not know whether the older 2" mortars had this setting, if anyon eknows can they say. However if they do it would mean that you could fire the bombs through windows and door ways. However the bombs give a nasty little 'kick' when fired, so if the the mortar was not solidly grounded (the first move taught in basic) then you would probably be in a world of trouble as the mortar skids backwards and the bomb flies out to who knows where?

    Hope this hlps a little

  16. My five pennies worth on what I have found a Jeep useful for. In a game I have made, called Surrounded! An American force has been surrounded in a crossroads by an Aggresive German force intent upon capturing the crossroads for supply.

    Anyway, a church stands in the main town with a two storey barn a building collection to the north. I have one .50 calibre machine gun for the defense (among other units) knowing the punch of the .50 cal I set it up in the church overlooking one possible line of attack from the germans. Unfortunatly my enemy has come from the north, so using the jeep I had ready for redeplying the .50 cal, I jump him aboard and drive as fast as possible to redeploy the .50 cal just n time to cause a Wespe to be abandoned.

    In reality I would imagine the Jeep woul dbe for the TC, but in a case like this I would not imagine he would mind the reallocation?

    Hope this helps

  17. Hello all,

    A while ago (no source I am afraid) I read somewhere that during mortar attacks one of the worst place the WW2 veterans found to hide was in buildings with a complete roof above them, as the bombs hit the roof the resulting air burst caused more rouble underneath it than it would normally as it included flint, clay or whatever the roof was made of.

    Indeed during my basic in the RM I was told the same.

    Does anyone know whether this is abstracted in the game, if infantry are hiding in single story buildings or the top story of the tallers one, do mortar bombs landing on the roof cause more damage in the resulting air burstor are the men considered under better protection?

    Thanks for any comments, I have not setup tests for this however I have looked through the manual and can find nothing about this particular problem.



    Well, I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it I wouldn't get shot, because I'm not going to shoot myself.

    Mores the pity....

  18. I played the game at ECTS (European Computer Trade Show) and it was awful, now I only got about ten minutes play without the aid of a manual. But bearing in mind that this was the games presentation to the industry (gaming) it crashed twice whilst I played and generally had a very old looking interface and game engine, movement and so forth was based upon a very abstracted action points regime.

    Not very good in my books at all. But then the final version may be much better who knows, just initial views did not make me worry about disk space on my PC.

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