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Posts posted by dogcow

  1. I must really be missing something with this game, or it's just impossible. I've played both sides on the demo's "chance encounter" and I always just get shot to hell before the battle is half over while capturing maybe one objective. Playing as the germans I had 1 stug destroyed, then the other 2 the next turn, on maybe turn 7 or 8. One rolled up over a hill and sat there for a few seconds in front of 5 shermans, not aiming or firing or anything, just stopped (it had a target with los), before getting blown to kingdom come. The other 2 fired once each before getting blown away, one missing, the other doing "front hull penetration" or some such to a sherman, which did exactly nothing, the sherman was perfectly mobile, had all guns working, etc. My troops go "shaken", "panic", "broken", "routed", anything whenever they get shot at once by anything. Basically 1/3rd of my troops were "breaking" or whatnot at any one time. Panzerschreck guys couldn't hit the broadside of the empire state building. The breaking teams are always under C&C but it doesn't seem to matter. 2 of my mg42's had jammed guns and apparently "broke" or "routed" because of that. One smg squad actually "broke" and ran out of a heavy building *toward* the enemy line. I quit the german scenario after a sherman actually leveled a 2 story building, killing several smg squads.

    What am I possibly doing wrong? This game is impossible, when I quit that particular game it was at maybe the 15th turn and all 3 of my tanks were gone, most of my mg's and panzerschrecks were "routed" or killed. Anyone want to provide a basic walk through of either demo scenarios for those non veteran-army-commanders among us?

  2. I must really be missing something with this game, or it's just impossible. I've played both sides on the demo's "chance encounter" and I always just get shot to hell before the battle is half over while capturing maybe one objective. Playing as the germans I had 1 stug destroyed, then the other 2 the next turn, on maybe turn 7 or 8. One rolled up over a hill and sat there for a few seconds in front of 5 shermans, not aiming or firing or anything, just stopped (it had a target with los), before getting blown to kingdom come. The other 2 fired once each before getting blown away, one missing, the other doing "front hull penetration" or some such to a sherman, which did exactly nothing, the sherman was perfectly mobile, had all guns working, etc. My troops go "shaken", "panic", "broken", "routed", anything whenever they get shot at once by anything. Basically 1/3rd of my troops were "breaking" or whatnot at any one time. Panzerschreck guys couldn't hit the broadside of the empire state building. The breaking teams are always under C&C but it doesn't seem to matter. 2 of my mg42's had jammed guns and apparently "broke" or "routed" because of that. One smg squad actually "broke" and ran out of a heavy building *toward* the enemy line. I quit the german scenario after a sherman actually leveled a 2 story building, killing several smg squads.

    What am I possibly doing wrong? This game is impossible, when I quit that particular game it was at maybe the 15th turn and all 3 of my tanks were gone, most of my mg's and panzerschrecks were "routed" or killed. Anyone want to provide a basic walk through of either demo scenarios for those non veteran-army-commanders among us?

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