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Posts posted by PraetorianXXI

  1. Eh im over going through my history lessons with you ppl who find resources on the net which are entirely incorrect, goto a library once in a while!

    Im over responding to ppl who like having a a go @ me so im out! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    (i think i'll go make my web page to pass the time) mad.giffrown.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  2. When i said that praetorians are the match of so and so, as in strength wise!!!

    And that the Emperor Nero and from there on did use the Praetorians for battles, and thats not picking it out of my nose!


    ALSO when you add a scenario from a website (custom made) does the actual scenario retain the information for the tanks or do you have to get the new tank and troops models??


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  3. With grenades when thrown towards a team, the teams try to flee from it am i correcT?

    But i find that when they run from grenades they run towards the enemy rather than fall back why is this???

    And when line up against a smalll stone wall is it better to make the troops go IN the wall wal behind it???


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  4. I was browsing through a military magazine yesterday when i came across the israeli section! it says they made a nuclear grenade, i burst out in laughter everyone in the newsagent turned round and looked @ me


    anyway what i was thinking why the hell have a nuclear grenade, you cant downsize a nuclear explosion biggrin.gif (i need one of those for PBEMs) biggrin.gif

    also how many grenades do troops carry?


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  5. Everyone else can handle me why cant you?

    Do you have an attitude problem, or do you put down ppl for a living?

    I think you need to reflect upon your actions, contemplate on what you are going to say then say it, which would beeeeeee. SORRY (or dont you have the guts to say it?)

    And if you were referring to the latin quote it states "laugh contemptously"


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  6. How mad would it be, if the little men when walking on the grass or dirt would disturb it and your men could pick it up, like trackers!!! biggrin.gif and that when walking throuhg woods the twigs would snap!!!

    and and and.......your guys could climb trees and stuff.........yeah i know im pushing it......ahh the day will comee when game will be in the infinite stage, im afraid i might be dead by then


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  7. ....its quiet sir.....too quiet!

    biggrin.gif everyone must be asleep!

    (no sh*t sherlock they are overseas)

    *silence, and then......tweet tweet tweet...

    from a far a voice can be heard "Would you shutup im trying to get some sleep over here"

    I silent *plonk* can be heard then *a sort of whistling*

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMmmmmmmmm "that'll teach him, i need my beauty sleep!"


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  8. I will not give up to incorrect information, JOHN go and quote all the insults that i have made, come back then tell me them, im not baiting you! Dont like the truth do you? It hurts doesn't it? Well tough, building on false information isn't a good hobby to take up son!

    Im willing for a truce (Israeli vs Palestein style) biggrin.gif , im cool with whatever, but if you start something i will stand proud and fight you all the way to the grave!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  9. How can i cancel myself from this discussion forum, as everyone here has a vendetta against me...

    i havent dont anything to anyone, other than the words "lalala" which then started a sprawling amount of insulence towards me, and when i try to defend myself, i get slammed even further!

    So id apreciate if you'd tell me how to cancel myself from this forum so i may find a less unruly bunch who can handle a bit of humor!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  10. Tell me what have i done to insult anyone other than "lalala" which Freyland over there started insulting me from!!!

    I dont count that as a viable reason!!!

    And im not gonna sit round idoly, watching my name being disreputed!!!

    Also you read the conversation and try to comprehend it before you accuse someone of doing something, THATS COMMON COURTESY!!!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  11. Why dont we get a priority button!!

    Depending if the unit has been in a conflict before or not he can by "experience" figure out what each threat carries Tcrew pistols maybe grenades - Tank cannon, and based upon this information can decide if it better to shoot at the tank or the trooper!!!

    one catch would be that the units have to be visible which dont help too much mad.gif

    hmmmm...what if it prioritises the units within the defensive arc???

    too top it all, i personally wouldnt have a one tank ambush standing still id try to flank 'em

  12. Oh right, whered you hear that summary about the praetorians?

    Actually the Praetorians legion was the match of Alexander the Great's, Hannibul's and Trtad the 2nd's Armies put together,

    And i dont think being veterans and having several war decorations, meant that they were elite in their own minds! I think they were elite!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  13. I soon as i entered this discussion forum i saw that everyone thinks they are king ****, acting all smart and everything trying to make use of the english language as if they knew to an extent that they had Doctorate.

    Ahh, all the little games that you all play, trying to be people you aren't, just because i said "lalala" once is not a viable reason to go off at someone!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  14. Who do you think you are you necrophiliac!

    Go play with youself as you cannot attract anyone with your attitude, i've seen some pretty annoying things but your arrogance has to be the biggest one!

    I have great pity for you and i hope you learn some common courtesy and basic manners before i talk to you again, you are extremely rude!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

  15. You can also get a specially designed tower for the AMD they have a coolant system in them (im not very sure if they scrapped them i thik they did check it out though) confused.gif

    anyway on a budget id get a celeron over all just because of the trade in value for later thats why, get a 600 lets say and you can sell for a reasonable price laterr on!!


    ~Veni Vidi Vici~

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