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Posts posted by Jadayne

  1. Addendum:

    Flag rushes are NOT gamey if:

    A. you outnumber your opponent 3:1

    B. there are still 10 turns left in the game

    C. the flag being rushed is the last remaining hiding spot for your opponent's broken, shattered, or otherwise cowering troops

    D. the rush causes said cowering troops to jump back in their halftracks and flee the map

    E. you are playing against Mensch

    Newbies take note!

    [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Jadayne ]

  2. You want an update? Here's your update.

    vs. Mensch: Yeah, I rushed the one flag on the map he was holding. I know he's scared because his description of me went from "guy" in his first post to "git" in the second. Of course, he's failed to notice the flanking maneuver going on on his left. (The guys on the camels, mensch)

    vs. Ace: I forgot what was going on except that like the dumbass I am, I left all my mortars on a hill to the right with almost no cover. Who knew that's where he was going to make his first assault?

    vs. Philistine: As far as I can tell, I am vengeance incarnate for all the guys I lost in our first round game. There's nothing but dead Jerries as far as the eye can see (I'm americans, BTW) and his Flanking Stug is now a flaming wreck on the battlefield. I'm sure he's got a trick up his sleeve somewhere, but I haven't seen it yet.

  3. Vs. Mensch -battle in full swing. He rushed 60% of his ground forces, unsupported, to the group of buildings I was hiding in. I'm now mopping up the survivors as they scurry back to berlin. That is, I would be, if he ever SENDS BACK THE %@#$%^%& FILE!

    Vs. Philistine -rematch of the century is about to get underway. I just received your set up. thanks

    Vs. Ace -my bad here. Our email correspondance has all been to my office and I keep forgetting to do the setup while I'm there. Hopefully, I'll get it out today.

  4. How about the white russians? Will there be russians fighting on the axis side?

    BTW, as far as serbs vs. croats systematic elimination -apparently the attrocities commited by the croats on the serb population were so bad that even the SS "advisors" were horrified. I could dig up the documentation if I was pressed, but I'm too busy at work right now. Save to say that, yes, the Serbs suffered pretty badly (1/4 of your entire population puts you damn near the top of the list)

  5. If we were going to do scenarios, we'd have to break it up a bit, like mods.

    1. best allied vs. computer

    2. best axis vs. computer

    3. best head to head

    4. best designer overall

    5. and a special award to anyone who's actually used polish forces in a scenario.

    As for best sight, we'd have to break it up into:

    1. best design

    2. best interface (useability)

    3. best original content (features, cartoons, or whatever)

    4. Most useful (scenarios and mods)

    5. And (drumrolllll) Best overall.

    I nominate combat visions for best original content, combat missions or krump's sight for design. I don't know about the rest. I would say CMHQ for original content and most useful but the damn scenario-lag and hard to read text cost it my vote.

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 03-21-2001).]

  6. This movie was a German/Czechoslovak production. (I think much of the steppes fighting was shot in what is now Slovakia) I actually saw the premiere here in Prague on super wide-screen surround sound, with attendant cast and director, and Czech big wigs. Unfortunately I didn't speak much czech or german at the time so I couldn't follow much of the dialogue or speak to the cast, but the one thing I still remember vividly was the reaction of the crowd as the movie ended -stunned. Literally nobody moved or made a sound all the way through the closing credits and then a few tense seconds after the lights went up. Personally, I thought it was pretty powerful stuff. So did everyone else, because after those few tense seconds WILD applause broke out. I'd never seen an audience react that way (except in the movies), and I've been to quite a few premieres.

    Anyway, I thought the movie was good. It was a catharsis picture which, as has been stated, clearly put the blame on the officer class. As for the end, I didn't mind that either. I like those abstracted war/nightmare interpretation movies (ala. catch 22, full metal jacket).

    I actually haven't seen it since then, so if I saw it now on DVD my opinion might be different.Mebbe you've just got to see it on super wide-screen to appreciate it.

    You mentioning it here, though, just brought back that memory. Thanks. I'm gonna go rent it.

  7. whereas I'm pretty happy with the current LOS tool (thouh I also like the idea of a LOS shadow map), one thing I definitely would like to see -and I know it's been mentioned before -is the ability to use the current LOS tool during the playback stage. That way, I can keep track of things that come into view as I move. A moving TC, for example should be able to make note of things that come into view during the move (buildings, copses of trees, etc.). The current system, as has been stated over and over, basically means that, if I'm moving, I am basically blind for 60 seconds until the turn ends and I can use the tool again. A moving TC should be able to make note of things that come into view during the move. This would also alleviate the "am I in hulldown or not" problem.


    "I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

  8. How come Gremlin wanted his articles pulled? It's one thing to say he doesn't want to write them anymore -but take the existing ones off the site? Why?

    Is he publishing a book?


    "I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

  9. Check the latest AAR between Fionn and (I can't remember who)on CMHQ. There are detailed illustrations, explanations, and the downloadable setup of Fionn's defence. I don't know how successful it is, since they're still playing the game, but it should be what you're looking for. It's heavily wooded terrain, so take that into consideration as well.

    I think ScoutPL also did a recent series of defence articles on CMHQ.

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 03-02-2001).]

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