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Posts posted by jabberwock

  1. I know the Germans knew the Scots during WWI as the "ladies from hell" and they were deathly scared of them. If you heard the bagpipes just before an attack, you knew you were in for a vicious fight. biggrin.gif


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee:

    My fighter bomber killed Private Ryan in that scenario. What a bastard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I got the exact same situation as in the movie. The building Ryan is hiding in was this "" close to being blasted by the Tiger, when BOOM! the bomb hits the top of its turret. Scared the crap out of me because I never heard the plane's engine, and I was zoomed in to ground level right next to the tank. I thought the monitor would never stop wobbling! Second bomb flattened a building that 3 German squads were hiding in. biggrin.gif


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

    [This message has been edited by jabberwock (edited 08-01-2000).]

  3. LOL, I just played this mission. I lost more paratroops to them lobbing grenades at halftracks stuck on the south end of the bridge because of all the destroyed vehicles. The grenades would usually miss, arc over the bridge, and hit the paratroops hiding in the other building, who were also lobbing grenades.

    I found that carpet bombing the bridge with arty even when I can't see any enemy troops seems to discourage the germans quite nicely from even attempting to cross. tongue.gif


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

  4. As soon as the bunker appeared eek.gif, I ran my squads over to the other side of the road, which was high enough to block the view of the bunker. They ran forward, then hopped over the road coming in from its side. I had a few other squad laying down covering fire as my guys crawled through the barbed wire, then grenaded the bunker to death. biggrin.gif

    All in all an impressive scenario, kept me on my toes after those tanks showed up and I spotted the germans reinforcements sneaking through the forest.


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

    [This message has been edited by jabberwock (edited 07-12-2000).]


    One thing I found is that bloody plane that comes in later in the mission chewed up 90% of my half-tracks! eek.gif Even the flak positioned near them wasn't able to take it out.

    One thing that did work was getting the 105mm,81mm spotters to hills near the back, and carpeting the wide area near the AT guns to keep their heads down. I even managed to knock one out gun and set several wheat fields on fire, blocking their view. I kept a HT just behind the hill so that when they retaliated with arty I was able to bug out for a bit to another hill.

    Gunning the engine and sending my tanks AFAP from woods to woods helped a bit too. smile.gif


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

    [This message has been edited by jabberwock (edited 07-07-2000).]

  6. I've been trying out VoT and I keep getting my 150mm killed by arty. frown.gif

    I've spotted the arty squad running down the front of the big hill, but by the time the 150mm swings 'round they've hidden in the bush and the gun picks another target. I've tried targeting about 2m in front of where I think the arty spotter is hiding, but my 150mm won't shoot there, even though it has a clear shot. He'll just target something else immediately after the turn starts confused.gif How come he won't target the patch of trees and wipe out the spotter (or a least keep his head down so he won't have time to call in arty on the hilltop)??? He's got a Company commander sitting right beside him, and several mortars behind the hill.

    Speaking of mortars, how do I get them to target stuff they can't see but the Company HQ can? They're under his command, and in contact range, but they won't target stuff that they don't have a direct LOS to. confused.gif I'd love to use the mortars from behind the hill so that they can bombard in (relative) safety, as long as their commander has LOS to the target.


    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

    -HAL 9000, 2001

    [This message has been edited by jabberwock (edited 06-27-2000).]

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