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Posts posted by KhanQueso

  1. Scott,

    It was one today, though it seems to go in spurts. As people here have stated the supposed owners of Big Time Software have even asked people not to spam other boards, but magically someone does. One unsolicited post is spam. If you do not think that is the case I can send you thousands of unsolicited e-mails?



  2. KwazyDog,

    I do not use mods so I could care less what you do. Everyone at the CC forum knows about CM, but it is CM players (Or owners) who have to spam other sites. I could care less if you never come back to CC, just don’t make the mistake of thinking I care about CM. You may call me a child, but your “I’ll take my ball and go home” response is more telling than anything I ever posted.

    Bye loser.



    [This message has been edited by KhanQueso (edited 06-26-2000).]

  3. You mean spamming competitor’s boards? No, I do not think this is a success. If their product is so poor that they have to do it I think that speaks for itself. I looked at the product, as have several companies they were pimping it too and it is not that good. Wait for some real games coming down the pike.

    -Igotmilk™, Big Time is just a bunch of Big Time Spammers.


  4. I ignored the earlier spamming of the CC board, but it seems you little losers are so insecure about your product that you continue to spam it.

    In retaliation I will start to spam your boards, if this does not produce the desired effect I will move on from there.

    You reap what you sow.

    I tried combat mission and the whole 3D thing is a joke, it is just pictures, and I could not play in that mode because it sucked, I would play in one of the more overhead views.

    So take what I am going to give you like men or we play hardball, I could care less Big Time, remember you started it.

    -Igotmilk™, You are my sunshine.



    Die! Die! Die!

    I hope you all Die!!

    If you like the game fine, do not spam my boards!!

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