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Col. Klink

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Posts posted by Col. Klink

  1. Greetings. I have run a search and cannot find what I need so I call upon my fellow CM brethren for aid.

    Computer crashed, trying to locate all my mods. There was a website with several mods by Fernando Carrera (I hope I didn't mangle your name) that I thought were outstanding. But now I cannot find that page or even a starting place to find Fernando's mods. Can someone help?


  2. I'm on the verge of buying a new computer and am looking at Windows XP as the OS and an nVidia GE Force Ti4200 graphics card and an Asus P4B-533 motherboard.

    Since CMBO is really the only game I play anymore, I thought I would check this forum to see if there were any problems with XP, this graphics card and CMBO. Needless to say, the configuration I am considering now has me more than concerned.

    Just looking for some advice here, wondering if XP and nVidia is the way to go at this point, or do I need to look at other options.

    Comments and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Col. Klink

  3. Gentlemen,

    Please forgive me for an off-topic question but I can thnk of no better resource than the good folks devoted to CM.

    Time for a new computer. Would love to have an Alienware Area 51 or the Aurora or a Falcon Northwest Mach 5 but those are pretty much out of my price range. Does anyone have any opinions on the Falcon Talon series or a stripped down Mach 5 or Alienware. Or any other suggestions for that matter.

    All I use my computer for is to play CM, internet DSL, downloading and playing tunes off the internet and some word processing. That's all I need. Thanks in advance for all your help and comments.

  4. Yeah, I checked there first but no luck. I found the total flag replacement pack as well as the full german swastika replacement set both on page two of the flags and interface mods. But I can't find the simple little mod I'm trying to find. It's frustrating ... but thanks for your help.

  5. Greetings,

    My computer crashed and I had to reformat the hard drive. I am trying to recoup the scenarios I lost and am having troubles. Specifically, I am looking for (check spelling) Antanville (SS vs. Americans in the snow), Hoenstauffen Attacks (SS vs. English) and the invasion of England operation. I can't find these anywhere.

    Does anyone have these or tell me where to find them?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Everyone loves CM and everyone is looking forward to the Eastern front version. But let me ask BTS this - would you consider a "retro" CM? That is, from 1939-1944? Would be nice to smash into Poland just for fun and try and take Anzio. How about it?

  7. Thanks for the advice. Actually, one of the scenarios is an operation, so discount that possibility. I just checked the scenarios through explorer and they all have a .cmb extension.

    I really don't understand this since I have downloaded many, many scenarios prior to this trouble.

    As far as the proper scenarios folder goes, there is only one, isn't there?

    Any other ideas?

  8. HELP!

    Running CM v1.o5 with new beta patch. I downloaded the 10 newest scenarios from CMHQ. Of the ten, only four (Polder Bridge, Debut of the Jadgtiger, Tiger Trap and Omaha East) show up on the game's menu of scenarios.

    If I go into explorer, the other six are there, yet they do no show up on the game's menu.

    I had upgraded to winzip8 and thought there might be a bug there so I went back to winzip7, downloaded the scenarios again yet got the same result.

    As far as the beta patch goes, I downloaded it, pushed the test button and hit finish. I assume I did that correctly to install it.

    So HELP! Why are there scenarios listed in explorer but not in the game menu. This may all sound trivial, but an uncle was at Waurichen and I neeeeeed it bad! Please help and Happy Holidays!


  9. I DID IT! I DID IT! Thanks Madmatt but I figured it out. Couldn't see the forest for the trees - it never occured to me that the folder I was looking for was the cmbo folder itself! Anyway, my baby is v 1.05 now. Thanks again. The product you put out is surpassed only by the tech support you supply.

    BTW, after the Russian front, will there be a Pacific Theater version? Drool.

  10. Madmatt thanks for your help. Checking the readme file on installing 1.05, I managed to move the contents of the new BMP directory and the wave file okay. However, the file extensions aren't shown and the only thing I see that might be the Combat Mission exe file looks like this: C Combat Mission. Is that the exe file I should be looking for? I moved it to the BMP folder but the same thing happens - there are no scenarios in the game and it's still the 1.o version. I also tried putting it in the scenario folder but that didn't work either.

    Of the four folders you listed (MOV, WAV, Scenarios and BMP), which one contains the exe file? Which of the four do I put it in?

    I guess you tekkies get a real laugh from guys like me! BUT HELP!

  11. Thanks for the reply. However, when I tried to upgrade to 1.05, ALL the scenarios were gone from the list on the game menu! The ONLY thing on the list was the feature in which you create your own battle. Everything else was just missing! So I uninstalled and then reinstalled to get back to square one.

    I think my problem was that I could not figure out where to put the new Combat Mission.exe file.

    More help?

  12. Forgive my stupidity but please help. I downloaded four scenarios (Turnbull, Benicourt, Reckless and Cabbage Patch) and can't get the game to recognize them. I extracted them to the scenario folder in the program files and they show up looking at them through windows explorer. But they are not on the scenario list in the game itself. Using version 1.0, PC. Can you help me?

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