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Posts posted by Stahl

  1. I generally capture the screens with HyperSnap. It's an excellent screen capture program. It's shareware and the unregistered version will place a little "captured with HyperSnap" type ad line on the bottom of each shot, but then it isn't all that expensive should you decide to register it.

    Besides capturing the screens, HyperSnap will let you save the resulting captures as practically any type of image file.

  2. I did some testing of the white out situation and might have discovered a quick fix to the problem. It's a simple matter of reducing the resolution. I haven't tested this theory extensively yet, but it seemed to work in my case ... at least for the moment. I was fighting a battle at the time and experienced the white out bug about every two turns. I was running the simulation in 1024 x 768 resolution. Just for the heck of it I deleted the Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file so the program would ask me to specify my preferences again. I then set it to run in 800 X 600 resolution.

    After restarting the program and reloading my battle I was able to complete the thing without once having the white out bug bite me again. Although I cannot say for certain this will solve the problem, it certainly is worth trying. The graphics do not suffer from the reduced resolution as far as I'm concerned, and I found it much more enjoyable in any case.

    Hope this helps a little.

  3. I've got a quick question and someone can offer sund suggestions. A friend and I like to run scenarios in cooerative mode rather than having to figh in opposition of one another. Afterall, we do this for relaxation and fun. The trouble is there seems to be no way to save the results movie files created at the end of each orders phase.

    Not only would it have been helpful to be able to save the movies files for replay at later dates, but it would also have benn nice had there been a way to link all the files together to create a whole movie from start to finish of a given battle.

    Needless to say, I've tried various ways of capturing the video, but none of it seems to work satisfactorily. Both my friend and I tend to watch the results movies from various angles to get a good insight on the situation before moving on to input the next set of orders for the next minute of battle.

    Is there anyway possible to accomplish the objects I'm looking for? Any information or suggestions would be of interest.


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