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Posts posted by Toni_Top_Gun

  1. Just wanted to add to the power of artillery.

    Some ten years ago I did my military service here in Sweden and although I belonged to a Tank Brigade I did six months of service at the artillery. Once I got the opportunity to see the Brigades howitzer battalion fire real 155 mm shells (usually they will only fire 105 mm shells during practice, just to save money). And I must say I don’t wont to be beneath that barrage.

    The crater was so deep that I could stand in it and don’t see out over the top. Maybe it could have blasted a bunker, or at least knock the guys in a bunker out for a while. But the mortar rounds of 120 mm mortars (used here in Sweden) can probably not knock out a concrete bunker.


  2. Read the same thing in "Citizen Soldiers" by Stephen Ambrose. So I was somewhat surprised when I read the manual and it stated that WP was not used much in combat other than marking targets.

    ASL had WP grenades in it, even for the infantry. By the way I miss the ability to let

    The infantry pop smoke.


  3. Now I will take this in Swedish (and let the

    rest of them out there guessing what we're talking about).


    Jag är med på ett e-mail spel när jag får CM.

    Räkna med det.

    Vad menar du med att du inte får det på 2 veckor pga att det är stängt?

    Jag funderade på det med att posten här hos mig har semester stängt, men jag borde få den ändå. Har fått annan post (typ. räkningar).

    Ser att CM har kommit till Huvudstaden i alla fall. Kunde de inte slängt ut mitt ex. genom fönstret när de flög förbi.

    Undrar om man får CM i brevinkastet på dörren eller om jag får gå till posten???


  4. I now see that CM is starting to arrive in Europe, but it has not reached Göteborg in Sweden. I'm just wondering if any one in Scandinavia has received their copy yet.

    I thought I should have gotten mine today and that I'd be able to play with it all weekend. Well that's not going to happen!

    I guess the customs people have it and play with it.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    I can't tell you actual sales figures, but I can tell you that we passed the 1000 mark a long, long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away).

    No fears. We'll make it. smile.gif




    I read on Computer Games Online that you had sold out all of your copies and had to print more.

    I just hope my copy had been sent (I'm climbing the walls here), but I guess it'll take some more days for it to arrive here in Sweden.


  6. I just had a thought yesterday when I played the CM demo. Wouldn’t be great to do a Napoleonics battle or a Civilwar battle based on the CM engine. With nicely rendered units marching around the battlefield. I know that there’s some 3D games out there that like SM Gettysburg, but I don’t give much for realtime games. It tends to be a click feast (and feels like and action game with no strategy what so ever in it).

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