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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dell Wade

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Posts posted by Dell Wade

  1. Nope to both case's

    Unit A1 could be a Rifle unit, A2 could be a 2nd rifle gunit, and A3 could be a Bazoka unit. Only the unit moved has a box around it (Yellow) and no blue, green, red, rainbow colors around any other unit. Also I never use the box around movement (Tried once cause me more problems than worth) Also never do a double click. There have however been HQ units near when I've had this issue, but I prefer to keep the HQ back a bit so as to keep them safe. Why rush a HQ into combat unless you have to.



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  2. I've seen this issue so many times it is fustrating me.

    Here is what happens. I order a unit (call it A1)to move to point X on the map. I then click on another unit (A2)and that unit has been issued the exact same command. I issue halt to that unit (A2)and makes his orders. I (A3)and find that that unit (A1 or A3) has been issued the same move order as the 2nd (A2. I will keep doing tjis unit I either get mad and quit odering units or let the PC do as it wants. Any one else seen this.

    Its almost lost fights for me many times.


    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  3. LOL

    BUT I have some corrections to make. On the list you say Nobody but Americans play American Football. Not true. Ever here of the WFL? (World Football League) Teams like Barcalona, London, Munich, etc) Also ever here of the CFL? (Canadian Football League) You have Alberta, British Columbia etc. Both of these do have some Americans but most are either European or Canadian.

    As for taking a rest. I have heard Rugby and Non-American football players say that American Football is MUCH harder and physical. Since when has Rugby or Non-American football player weighted in at 350+ American pounds? Take that American football player who at a minimum weights 180 pounds (Wide reciver to defensive back) to up 400 pounds. Now take that person running at top speed, full out and then add on top of that strength that would match most weight lifters (Power lifting 400 pounds) and have him put a hit on you. I will wager your Rugby or Non-American Football player would be dead or crippled. Lets use a scietific example. Take 2 cars moving at full spped (lets say 60 MPH) and crash them into each other head on. Would you like to be one of those cars. I wouldn't. I must admit though that Rugby or even soccer does take more endurance running all over the field like mad fanatics that you are.

    Be glad there is a America.

    As for Bush and Gore and this new election. Most Americans believe that it is a mockery of the electorial system here. Not all of us live in Florida.

    No offense taken in your post


    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  4. I've been trying and trying for the past few days and cannot seem to get to the Scenario section on MadMatt's site. Anyone else have this problem?

    Also anyway to get around the new page opening with all the details when you click on a scenario do download (I find this cumbersome and would just want to Download the scenario. I go off the little info on the scenario (actually I download all of them when I can) when I want to download. Is there a FTP site that just has a link to the file download? Or anyway to bypass that new page opening and then having to click multipule windows to get what I want?

    Thanks in advance



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  5. Lorak

    Well you must have stuped low enough to have played him if you know him so well.

    Joe and I have been friends for many years. We crossed paths playing AOR back when Lead Eaters was the place to play PBEM games.

    I find Joe to be honerable, enjoyable and a pleasure to play. He nor I may be the best but we have fun and THAT is what is the important part to playing.

    Thanks to those that have replied. I look foward to playing many of you.



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  6. Well i've been Playing Mr Joe Shaw a long time PBEM opponent (Dating back to AOR then SMG) And what a fine opponent he is seems we like to fight to draws he has always been. I think its time I add a few more opponents. SO I guess the dispatch here is I am looking for a couple more PBEM opponents. I can do usually 1 and in some cases 4 or more turns a day (count on only 1 though) I like to keep the battles small and random. Email me at dellwade@info2000.net if you want to play.



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  7. Surviver? Come on give me a break that wasn't Surviver! It should have been called Caniver. There was NOTHING about surviving it was who could stab backs, lie and claw their way to winning.

    You want a surviver? Lets do this take 12 people, Dump them off in the Jungles of South America some were by parachute. Give themn a knife and that is it. He who makes it back to basecamp 1st wins or least amount of weight loss.

    Or how about take take Death Row inmates, Put them on a island with a knife. He who is left standing Wins. This way you don't have to deal with Electic chairs and all.

    Seems brutal but hey you Reality TV give them the Running Man. Or give them Special Forces.

    But give me a break that was not a survival of the fitest it was survival of the Most politacal caniver.

    On a final note I to was voting for Rudy the Ex Navy Seal.



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  8. Guys do this little trouble shooting trick and see if this resolves any issues. I had some issues with my V3 2000 AGP until I did these steps.

    1st if you are running Microsoft Plus disable it or remove it. (This was the root of my problem and weird graphics)

    If this does not help go to your start button and go to run.

    Next type in MSCONFIG This will open up a grey box with man check box's and radio buttons. Click on the box that says remove from startup (I think thats the one since i'm at a NT system while typing and cannot look at the exact statement) Once you check this box you need to reboot your system. What this did was take out 99% of the stuff in your start up. This alone will cause havic in a system.

    Hope this works Email me if you need help



    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  9. My 2 cents worth.

    The ACW is to this date still studied by the military minds of the world on how it was fought. Never before in war were so many men moved such long distances and supplied in the methods done. Napoleon was close but was still not there. Trains were used to move men, and weapons long distances in a short time. The tactics did not meet the weapons. You must also remember that trench warfar was never used in the methods that they were used in the ACW. Cold harbor was a good example of this and grant lost thousands of men in minutes. Men did in fact march in-line across open fields to the enemy which was hidden behind fences, log's sunken roads you name it. The machine gun also came into being durin the ACW as did the 1st sub that worked and the grandfather to todays battleships.

    The ACW was a very brutal war. the mine ball and low muzzle velocity would hit you in the knee and take out your hip or worse, killed you.

    Medical tech also did not help. remember more men died of diease than from woulds. Many men lost limbs because of Ganggreen setting in from even a small would that would in todays society cause a little scar.

    In no way was the ACW a IGOUGO war. men would fire at each other over rivers, roads, fields. It was a very tactical war. Look at Jacksons tactics at Chancellorsville. He out flanked Hooker and routed him with a force much much smaller. Lee fooled the enemy as well in this battle. he keep Hooker tied up in the fron so Jackson could out flank Hookers men,

    Many many times a much smaller force in the ACW beat the enemy who had a much larger force. Lee in most cases had from 35,000 to 70,000 men while the union had 50,000 to 100,000 men. The union had better weapons, but the Confederacy had better moral and in most cases generals.

    if the ACW was not so much a war absent of tactics, then why is it that every military mind in the world studies it today and in the past?

    Collages and schools of today fail to recognize this critical war in US and world history. The ACW had potential of becoming the 1st world war. Britian, France, and Russia all 3 almost entered into the conflict. the king of Siam even offered up trained War Elepahnts to lincoln to use. Many times in the 1840's and 50's we tried to help Cuba gain independace of Spain, Mexico with its French influence too may have joined.


    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  10. Well actually i've been playing the heck out of S:TW (Sorry Joe) I did do some CM late last night until I fell asleep at my PC (1 AM)Beyond that I try to do 10 minutes of Vampire and lose interest and go back to S:TW and CM (Late night) Last night took my 1 King Tiger and 2 Tigers Vs the british army and slauthered them in a town setting. never seen them Brits turn tail and run so fast


    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  11. "The Angel of Marye's Heights" - A Move about the fine young Confederate soldier who after the fight at Fredericksburg went out and gave dieing, wounded soldiers one last drink of his water. He was then killed at latter in the war.

    "Boyington's Bastards" - The real story not the TV Non Historical version of the VMF 214 sqaudron and its Leade Maj Greg "Pappy" Boyington

    "Fox of the Desert" - What else but Rommell's story

    "The Red Baron" - What else The Red Baron story

    "Little Napoleon" - General McClellan and his days of being duped by the Confederate armies and his trusty info from Pinkerton

    "The Wizard of the Saddle" - Forrest and his side of the story. This movie would be doomed to fail because of Forrest's history


    "Just Give Me the Prize" Kurgen

  12. I can add a bit on this Disti bit. I'm really good friend with Jeff Fiske and Ken Parker of impressions Games. Both of them told me that they asked if CM needed a distributor and help in marketing (I.E. Sierra/Havas to help) Basically they got a Not No but heck NO answer. So here is a bit of fact and not some big software designer complaining about the compition


    "Just Give me the Prize" Kurgen

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