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Posts posted by sneaky

  1. Ted,

    Alas, I think I committed by reserve platoon too quickly. The question remained whether he would move into the scattered woods (where the flag was) or take up position in 3 buildings. I guessed the latter and was WRONG. If I had kept my reserve in place, it had great LOS and proximity to the scattered trees.

    But, Jester forced me to into the decision with good tactics and I commend him. The game is over and I am awaiting the file from him for the score.

    One thing I've learned is that against the AI, mistakes can be covered over. Against humans, it's almost like a chess match. It takes luck and mistakes by your opponent to recover your position.

    As far as the camping goes, it was great. We hiked about 1.5 miles (pretty short) to our campsite beside a nice small stream (good for the weight since I can filter the water I need and not have to lug it around). Just did lean-tos and woke up to snow - in the air and on the ground. Great morning since it was snowing and not raining. Hiked back after thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet at 11,000. The previous evening had perfectly clear skies (and boy does the heat escape quickly). Absolutely spectacular.

    If you're interested in a QB - do a setup and we'll get it going. Take your pick and I'll go with what you setup.


  2. That's a good idea Ted. I was wise to NOT do that as his attacking platoons came from about 120 degrees of difference. In between that arc sat his TD about 190m away. If I cross the field to make an approach, they die horrible deaths. As it is, they'll die horrible deaths against his infantry.

    I really WANTED to do that to the TD (close assault with a squad) but decided to protect the flag with what I had and not commit my reserve platoon (which is now engaging his attack).

    Hind sight is always 20-20 isn't it!?


  3. von shrad/Ted,

    Hmmm...I'll check my sent log. I sent turn 25 movie to Ted but didn't receive anything back from him yet (he needed to view the last minute before the AAR report would come up). I'll check when I get home.

    Jester and I are in minute 22/23 and he is attacking with everything (smoke, 2in mortar rounds and 2 platoons - glider and airbourne). I have two beat up Wehr platoons on the defensive. He'll either take the flag shortly and it'll be over, or we'll draw. And here's my luck this tournament: Alex pings my moving TD with a schreck from 210m - no problem! I line up a schreck on Jesters immobile TD and I miss twice and am out of ammo for all my anti-tank guys. Sometimes I hate this game...

    Ted, the arty was late. But it would not have made that much difference.


  4. von shrad,

    I'm doing poorly with the Axis, but that is because all my AI training was with the Allies. The one game I did well in was with the allies.

    And yes, I think the luck of the maps has something to do with it.

    BTW, E4 is done but I haven't heard from Ted what the final impalement is...er how much he beat me by. Hey Ted, send the score in, but don't forget to let me know what it is too!

    I think I'm going to be 1-2. Following Alex's lead for the worst of group E.


  5. I still can't figure how I "Whupped your butt". There was nothing left on the map when we were done.

    But hey, Ted's eliminating me quite well. I'm hoping the AI decides my troops have had enough and auto-surrender. If only my schreck had not been distracted...

    Brandon and I are starting up again after a pause. It'll be a challenge to get done in time. I'd send out patrols to find your other platoon Jester but if I did that I wouldn't have anybody left.

    One thing is for sure. Ted has a good grasp of terrain use and timing.


  6. Ted,

    Don't sell yourself so short. You've creamed 2 entire platoons with nary a loss and have 1 platoon at the hedges with the pincer coming in from the hill position.

    Your only tenuous position is the squads in the scattered trees on the hill as they are slightly exposed (remember, I went over that same hill the other direction when I tried for the other flag).

    You may not think much of it, but when I watched it I just sat there and said to myself, "amazing".

    My troops are not long for this game. Alex and I are almost done and I am in the 16th minute (I think) with Jester.


  7. Ted,

    Actually, I was backing off to get hull down. But you didn't move him far enough up the hill to get a shot even with me in the woods (no LOS).

    But it doesn't matter. That was the most humbling turn I've ever encountered. Other groups, watch out. I think Master Ted will be advancing. I'll be lucky to get 1 point out of this game after his last manuever. Suffice it to say that it was extremely well timed and you now have perfect position for cross fire on my only remaining platoon.

    My situation is dire, and auto-surrender looms, but I'll do my best the rest of the way.

    My only regret is my 81mm arty has not fallen after 4 minutes. Now, I've encountered a delay before, but this one was truly critical. And I'm almost positive it'll be past 5 minutes after the end of next turn. Alas, too little too late.

    Bravo Ted. That was a LESSON.


  8. Alex, hope your child is okay and all things work out.

    I STILL think the schreck behind the stone wall is wondering just WHAT IN THE HECK AM I DOING HERE since they are looking at the bodies of the last schreck - at the same spot. But I guess that's a sideline to our scrabble game in the woods with the flag.

    John and Frank will be joining Franz and Fritz very soon now. They have their scrabble dictionary and 1 clip. If Franz spells "captured", they'll not use the clip.

    The rest of my guys are down the large mounded hill with rubber bands just in case.

    Brandon, King of Arty. I think we've all experienced it. This makes me want to check point values when I get home tonight.

    TED is pushing my weary troops and they'll soon break. He had a great opening move when he decimated an entire platoon at the second victory flag. I've been falling back ever since. However, as he said, when the armor lights up (could be mine or his), that will determine the end game.

  9. TED,

    Yeah, the nerve of some people...preparing for your future when a battle is waiting.

    Oh, and feel free to squeeze right on up the hill with the TD. Your troops rushing the two story and moving along the valley should protect him pretty well...

    I did see your richochet on the panther. I lucked out there. 30 seconds on the next turn though and your TD would have been flamed. Lucky for you, you popped him around the woods for some smoke action in preparation for your current assault. Of course there could be a few schrecks hanging out in your path (or even to the side) as well as the panther, but I'm not saying...

    It's interesting though. I think Brandon enjoys arty. He's been peppering me all game long. But now, it's a 2 inch in the woods to my right. Looks like he ran out of off-map (I hope). Now, if he'd just poke his little squads heads out somewhere, I'd be happy...


  10. Well, I'm still active in all my games (can't speak for the others).

    Alex and I are now throwing stones at each other and there isn't much time left (he's really trying sneak his last schrek to get my TD - the last one that tried that met Mr. Infantry in the woods).

    TED and I are driving around in circles, he in his TD and me in my Panther, trying to get position on each other. Kind of reminds me of Greco-Roman wrestling. His objective may be different however. It's winding down as well ( last 10 minutes of the game).

    Brandon - haven't heard from in a while. We're mid-game and if I can take out his TD and M3A1 HT, he'll be defenseless. Of course this presupposes I can rally all of my paniced squads from the woods and buildings...

    I fear that they've all chewed me to bits...

  11. Just call me ohfor 'cause that's what I'll be soon. And to think, two nights ago things were going well in two matches. Poor decision making and bad timing with a good opponent equals a REAL BAD DAY for my troops.

    Now, let's see what the manual says about surrendering again (and how I might save some points somewhere). I'll be lucky to get 30 points total at this rate.

    I guess that's why I'm not so super...

  12. Ted,

    You only THINK you waited me out. Actually I have no idea what I am doing. But, since you decided to mass your infantry in the scattered trees to the right of my out of position half squad recon "thrust", it's only a matter of time before the "incoming" comes again (they wont die for nuttin).

    But, by that time, an entire platoon will be dead and I'll be well on my way to losing the battle.

    Sorry I've been out for a few days unable to re-engage. Will begin later today...

    Oh, and if I'm sneaky, you're downright surreptitious. You spooked Jester for me and he's nowhere to be seen except creeping along the edge of the map. Little does he know that I am completely out of position for that thrust.

    Alex has a 50mm that's been banging on me and I'm waiting to see if the next turn has us exchange shots at the same time and we both get plinked.

  13. Things are "starting" to heat up. I thought I'd never see Ted anywhere on the map so I gave him a few bursts of arty. Still, it's pretty tame at this point.

    I'm on turn two with Jester with a map that looks like it's made for quick death. Little do you know Brandon, I'm already in position, so bring it on! My troops should be pushin daisies real soon...

    Furthest along with THumpre. We're actually firing at each other!

    This is my first experience with PBEM and human opponents with CM. Everyone of these guys is totally different. Never a dull moment.

  14. PeterNzer, 82nd,

    "Hmmm, you may want to rethink that. Take from the rich and give to the poor is classic bleeding heart politics."

    Contrary to popular opinion, the man nailed to the tree did not espouse TAKING from anyone. He did however espouse GIVING to the poor. TAKING would be stealing and I seemed to remember His Father having a rule or 10 about those kinds of things.


  15. Chupacabra,

    Yes, I agree that people will rise above things once a certain minimal level has been reached. And it will certainly cost more before it costs less. But in two different ways.

    One where the people who have the means to help give up some of their wealth to stop the cycle (and this is currently done via taxation and entitlements).

    And two, the cost for those affected in breaking that cycle. It is not easy, neither psychologically, spiritually, nor physically. I was living with a 3rd generation family and believe me they would suffer first before they gained.

    I would also mention that education, housing, and food were all taken care of for them. But there was no incentive for them to take advantage of the program since the reality of a brief painful future as they made the transition kept them from taking the leap.

    In that sense then, the easy road seems to be chosen. Is the solution to make the transition "easy" with more money? Who knows.

    Then I visited Mexico and Guatemala. Our poor look rich...and who was more motivated to work? Makes you wonder...


  16. "Fourth. I think that there are very few people in the world who wouldn't love the chance to work for a living. Yes, there are people who are lazy. Yes, there are people who abuse the system and look for free handouts. I believe that these people are the exception rather than the rule."

    I sure hope so. Having lived with a welfare family for 1.2 years and experienced their side of living, the problems faced, etc. it grieved me to come to the conclusion that as long as free handouts were available they would be used. Many (not all) of the people I came to know wanted to work but the system had so many disincentives, they preferred to sit around and do nothing.

    The do-nothings will be the exception when we stop making it the only avenue available. At it's heart, redistribution of wealth encourages this kind of result and perpetuates the exact thing it is trying to erradicate.


  17. 82nd,

    Yes, this line of reasoning has believers on both sides. Again, I am not stating my position, but that MJ will need to make a decision about that very thing.

    And, if you care, my position is: he should serve where his commander tells him. Ultimately that is the President of the United States. If that happens to be under a UN commander, that it his duty and he should execute that duty to the best of his ability.


  18. It's amazing. I could probably write another 100 paragraphs to every single person here to no avail.

    I gave an opinion on the UN and what I thought would happen in the future and it's role as a governing body. Obviously, the majority of thought here is that this is ludicrous, paranoid and of the X-files variety. I have really appreciated the consideration and abilty of members to refrain from disparaging remarks about another member of the forum.

    It's funny. I believe this little thing (and it is little) will happen in the future, not with a non-existent army, but with approval from the House of Representatives, Senate and the President, along with the people of the United States. If that's paranoid. Nothing I can do. I don't think it is, it just an opinion of how I see the world developing over then next 10-20 years. The reponse from this forum has been less than I expected.

    Lesson learned.


  19. "Fair enough Sneaky. But really, if the Germans were coming to get your gun, it would be at the behest of the US government.The fact that they are Germans is irrelevant and slightly paranoid IMHO. "

    You're right! I used the Germans as an example only. There are certainly allies and even former "cold war enemy" troups which have trained or been stationed here in the US.

    And, in the end MJ does need to know what the UCMJ is all about. It is that which he must obey. The court martial case that was mentioned earlier was due to the infantryman's refusal to wear UN insignia's on his uniform (as far as I remember). MJ should remember that he may serve under the authority of another nation's commanders. He should understand that within the context of the UMCJ and his own beliefs.


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