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Posts posted by TinMan

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jaldaen:

    I've got a tiny scenario that you might enjoy, it is still in playtesting so there are no briefings, but I'd love to get some more feedback... thus far the majority of people who have played it have 1) enjoyed it and 2) fought to a draw...

    Just post here if you want me to send it to you ;)


    Sure I'll try it, just let me know what side,if any, that I should play it from.

  2. Looking for some challenging scenarios that can be played by one person against the AI that has plenty of surprises. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Also I would like to see if anybody might like to try a pbem or TCP/IP game. Never tried it so I don't know what to expect or how it really works. I've only ever played hotseat with a buddy.(and frankly he's not much interested in strategy games and sucks at it to boot!). Oh I have a crappy dial-up connection so I'm not sure if this affects play much or not. Thanks for any and all replies. :cool:

  3. Are Rune's scenarios any good to play against the AI or do you need to play them against a human opponent? I don't seem to have much time to play much against a real human, so most of the time I play against the AI.It is a bit of a challenge to find good scenarios that work good as a one player scenario. Any good 1 player scenarios out there that anybody knows of will be much appreciated, Thanks. :cool:

  4. What I really am wondering is if I will be able to change a squad's inherent small arms make-up, either in future releases or Mods? I tried a search on this and found nothing. Also if some of the more obscure small arms will be added later for specific units. In particular, the FG42 for Fallschirmjagers (probably spelled that wrong), the U.S. Airborne carbine(which had a folding stock and wasn't as good as the regular carbine),the U.S. Grease gun( which saw some action near the end of the war), captured Panzerfausts(read of an account of an U.S. 82nd Airborne unit capturing a truckload at Nijmegen and using the left-overs at Bastogne) captured German ATMM (Russians used captured supplies of these to a limited degree),etc,. These weapons saw little action, but I was hoping that we could manipulate the editor in some way to change the allotement of weapons that a squad has for specific scenarios and operations. Does anybody know if this is going to be possible in the future?

  5. Hey sniperscope, are the flame throwers any better than they are in VoT? I must have played that scenario 30 times and I have never seen the flame throwers do anything! I have tried hiding them, crawling into good positions, mad rushes, you name it, I've tried it! I've even tried rushing as the Germans to a known computer flame thrower to see if it would flame me,... nothing. The flame throwers are always killed without getting off even 1 squirt. It doesn't seem to matter how suppressed the enemy is, he's always got just enough guts(and wits) left to stick his head up and kill the flamers. So I was wondering if the flame throwers seemed to be able to do more now than they did in VoT or if anybody has some tips on how to effectively use these units?

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CanuckinDixie:

    Well, shouldn't you be gearing up for the "Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth" right now? Its only a couple of weeks away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Like every good Calgarian, I try to stay as far away as I can from this event every year. Although I do like watching the rodeo highlights on the evening news. Nothing personal but I just find the Stampede far too expensive for my tastes, if I want to get ripped off I'll plunk my money down on another C.C. rehash. (I'm a bit of a sucker for these as I have Close Combat 1-4 and get more dissapointed with each release. Kinda like going to the Stampede each year)

  7. I was wondering if, in future releases or Mods, different specialty squads would be made available. What I mean is are Cossacks, Commandoes, Pioneer Battallions, etc, where the troops had a totally different squad small arms allotement(and the Cossacks rode horses as transport). Or be able to manipulate the allotement in the editor. I did a search and found out why some of the more obscure small arms are not depicted (i.e.FG42 and the grease gun) due to time constraints and all but will you be able to model them at all? The reason I'm asking this is so as to be able to design a specific Scenerio or Op. For example, the Raid on St. Nazaire and also Stalingrad. I know that next on your plate is the TC/IP patch and then CM2 Russion Front, but is there any way in the future that you have plans for being able for us to change the inherent squad small arms make-up?

  8. Hey Fionn, do we get to read about you getting your butt kicked by Bil in an upcoming AAR? It would only be fair, that is, if this is the same Bil that got his butt kicked in "Sunken Lane". It would certainly be entertaining nonetheless, as I would like to read about how you react and think when the shoe's on the other foot.

  9. ...unless customs sticks its nose into it.

    Shhh!!! Don't want to jinx us. Customs get hold of it, ships it to the Government and next thing you know, we gotta register the damn thing before we can claim it! By the way, nothing in Calgary but hopefully with a 3-4 day delivery, it will be soon.

  10. That was great, kudos to you!! I too sang along with it to get the full affect. Similarily, I was listening to Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" song this morning and starting adding my own words....I want my,...I want my CM-Deee(isc)!!! I will have to try to come up with a whole song.

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