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Posts posted by Herr_B

  1. Here you have it


    On this old soviet propaganda poster you can obviously see the shape of this super heavy tank...

    But the largest tank ever is another soviet design


    On this picture you can see the front right part of the largest tank ever built. It was something like 250x250meters and the Tank that forced the Germans to bring the 80cm AT-gun Gustav to Russia.

    The soviet even used this design idea combined with some medical documents stolen from the Germans to create this soldier Boris-Boris-Boris or B3 for short


    B3 is the one soldier that’s behind all rumours of human wave tactics...

  2. RERUN

    CM has included all of the German units on the Western Front during 1944-1945. All of them?


    One important unit is missing!!!

    The SS-Weihnachtsgrenadiere!

    BTS! Please fix! Or do somefink!!!

    To correct this slight oversight we (Patrik & Kurtz) have created a mod package as a homage to the hard and noble SS-WGr.


    Download the mod package from www.kramgo.se/cm/index.html



    Fighting on a silent night

    Christmas is coming

    Merry Xmas!

    God Jul!

    Patrik & Kurtz


    U can find this original thread here

    Old forgotten thread only to be brought forward once a year...

    There is anouther one comming this year, featuring the so much feared and forgotten US parasantas and if we\re lucky a all new Hi-Res coke truck...

    Merry Xmas!

    God Jul!

    Patrik & Kurtz

    edited for images

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Patrik ]</p>

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Monty's Double:

    [QB]Should ground conditions affect mortar accuracy?[QB]<hr></blockquote>

    This made me think of someting what does the marsh in CM represent (or means if the word marsh is a well defeind ground state that I don't know about). When I hear the word I think of someting ranging from moist to almost lakelike.

    And since I've never trid (IRL) to fire a mortar is that a good thing to do in a marsh?

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Doug Beman:

    I've found mortar to be very inaccurate. No matter how I pack it together, when I throw it it just flies apart at spatters all over everything.


    My experience is that they can hit things but most of the time they just hit things when you want them to shoot all over and shoot all over when you want them to hit things.

    But I can remember a recent ocation when 3 60m

    m all hitted (hitted can't be the right word but it's 30 min past midnight where I live) a squad moveing in wood at the same time and never stopped to hit (hit it's always hit) it, the squad was dead in less then one turn. NICE

  5. Dont know about if this links tells the true sory and have correct facts but there are at least som pictures there.

    Some info on dora:




    Here you can get one for your moddel railway:


    About the railway guns keep in mind they existed in several other calibres than 80cm.


    This would have been amusing in some way I think.


  6. Well enough I think...

    Sometimes the shells land to much on target and sometimes to far from target.

    I don’t have any experience with mortars so I wonder what kind of aiming equipment does the mortar crews have or in this case did the mortar crews have in WWII was it designed to aim at moving targets?

    I know that hitting a moving target with a weapon that fires a rather slow shell is quite hard without good sights, in this case the Swedish army’s bazooka or panzershreck that I fired numerous times during my military service. And that fire as we all know in a much lower and shorter trajectory than a mortar and that means less time to target. With the high trajectory of a mortar it must be insanely hard to hit any thing that moves with the first shell and if you miss that one you'll probably have a hard time since changing direction and elevation on a mortar seams a bit, missing English word here so I'll have to say problematic.

    Maybe that wasn’t all that valid but it was the first thing that I thought of…


  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo:

    Patrick and I have a really strange problem. He can't receive my email attachments at all. They just dont arrive. Emails themselves go through without a hitch. I'm baffled, can't think of anything to do.<hr></blockquote>

    All sorted out you should have your file, I had my file all the time Outlook just didn't show the attachment icon on your mails. Never happened before, but there must be a first time for every thing...

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Look I'm a member it only took one and half year

    [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Patrik ]</p>

  8. They seem to disappear into thin air, or is the last brave soldier carrying something like 10 guys.

    Ok some can walk and/or crawl out of there but there should at least be some wounded POWs after a battle specially if one side surrenders.

    For example:

    You completely overrun your enemy you'll have an AAR that says

    375 casualties (70KIA)

    80 captured

    2 guns destroyed

    1 vehicle knocked out

    Men OK: 5

    5 men left the area in time

    80 didn't have a scratch on them and got captured

    70 died

    300 where shoot and managed to get away

    5 got away ok and carried maximum 5 other.

    100 could walk for them selves

    195 missing

    Actually I just want more victory points to compensate for losing three Übertanks to a lousy AT gun... smile.gif

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dan Robertson:

    I'm not of the opinion that digging double fox holes are gamey. In combat leaders are often create extra tasks to get me ocupied, digging a second line of defence would be one of them.<hr></blockquote>

    A second line of defence aint gamey. But do the foxholes represent the thing you dig when you have spare time, dont think so. I think it's the thing you dig when you've been orderd to hold a position and the enemy is soon to be there say 1-5 min of digging.

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dan Robertson:

    In the game you do suffer a penalty of the second line of trenches since you mst split your reasources to build them. At the start of the game you must bring your troops out of one set of fox holes to get the full effect.<hr></blockquote>

    This is away to do it, simulate the missing dugged out defences. I sometimes use the fast move order to simulate the missing assault order, some pepole thinks this is gamey.

    It is but since we cant get everything in game like this we are some times forced to use a combination of other things to reach the aproximate same goal

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dan Robertson:

    In CMBB will we be getting dugouts, where troops can move to become imune (to casualties not moral penalties) to all but the largest artilery? At the expense of not being able to fire.<hr></blockquote>

    Now we're talking

  10. It's just that a foxholes here is probably someting you don't realy dig more like move some wooden things and toss some dirt on it so it doesn't realy qualify as a prepered defense.

    you can buy them for 9pts IIRC and get a lmg or a tiny mortar with it aint that a bargain!!!

    edited for being tired so I cant whrite

    Q: Do foxholes varry in size??

    Q2: what cind of prepared defences we have in CMBB

    [ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Patrik ]</p>

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Viceroy:

    what's gamey about digging two sets of foxholes :confused: <hr></blockquote>

    It's gamey in more then one way:

    it's gamey that you'll have to split your squads to do it (you have the time to place barbeire and mines but not to dig a second line of defence)

    it's gamey since you can't dig them without troops they are not ment to exist without troops (not exactly what I meen but I hope you understand anyway)

    on the otherhand foxholes are gamey since you always get them.

    and if it's not gamey then I also want dummy guns, tanks, mines, pillboxes and the werry usefull make noise to sound like a company order

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges:

    a StuG could be assembled in as little as 15 minutes.<hr></blockquote>

    And stupid me who thought that the A-team where the only guies (strange spelling there) who could assamble a AFV in that time. But they've made the art perfect in that they don't need to carry parts or equipment (always some frindly farmer with a fresh supply of steel plates and welding gear popping up when needed).

  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wolfe:

    A few simple questions. ;)

    Q1) Why are guns that sit far back in a wooded area so inaccurate? When you're targeting a tank from the woods either you can see the tank and lay the gun on it or you can't because there's something (e.g. a tree) in the way. But in CM putting a gun deep into the woods imparts a particularly harsh accuracy penalty.<hr></blockquote>

    Don't know but it's kind of hard to rotate a gun i the middle of the forest.

    20 cm to the left, 70 cm to the right on top of that there is a tree in the middle of it (in front of your gun gives you two fileds of fire and this gun is not placed all that far in the woods. Move it back some meters and you will have several fields of fire each will be 10-15 cm wide or so not that that will help you alot since you can't turn your gun as far as you want. Whatever you do there will be a tree in the way.

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ASL Veteran:

    ATRs had been around before the war started (in fact, the Germans had one in 1918). If the Germans had intended to protect their vehicles against ATRs then why didn't they start hanging these skirts in 1940? It would seem that the ATR threat would have well known prior to 1943?<hr></blockquote>

    I don't know much of Schürtzen history so I wont argue on the reson why, to this I can only say just because it's a good and simple idea someone has to tink of it the first time and then convince someone that it's a good, simple and effective solution.

    The world is full of things that didn't exist before someone inveted them and got someone else to beleve in the idea.


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