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Posts posted by ThunderDuck

  1. It is amazing the things I am noticing for the first time even after 8 months of playing the beta and now gold versions of this game. I was just now trying to work off some frustration from not receiving the game as yet, so was screwing around with one of the scenarios. I took a couple of Shermans and just started charging around the battlefield. I would put the camera view on ground level and right behind one of the tanks. For the first time I noticed the teads moving, the really fine detail of the tanks themselves, and the way the turrets tracked a target as the tank moved across the terrain. I also had the unit scale on realistic for the first time. I cannot adequately put in words my amazement at how much detail there is in this game. I better end this before I start crying.

    I'll preorder CM2 now if I can and BTS can send it anyway they want too. Regards to all.


    Just did a quick first turn with VOT and used the default setup for the American side. Both FO's, the 105 and the 81mm (?) mortor are pretty close together. I tried giving both of the them hide command. Then I gave them a target command. As soon as I did that they were not hiding anymore. When I pushed go, they almost immediately started receiving fire from 5 units. How do you use the FO's if they are seen as soon as they move into a position from which they can see enemy units? Once again I feel that 2 men should be able to hide behind trees to a certain degree at least and not be seen. They fire they were receiving did not appear to be area fire. It was direct at them directly and it was deadly. The german 150 took out the 105 spotter with one shot. Any advise as to how to place the FO's for maximum safety and effectiveness will be appreciated. A general response that would be appropriate for all scenarios will be fine. Once again, thanks.

  3. Thank you for your advise. I am playing against the AI. I have been using the default setup as well as moving the unit to the colored portion of the tall pines terrain on the big hill. Once the game starts, they do not move, and I have not hidden them. Will have to give the hide command a try. One last question on the terrain tiles. I notice that there is the graphical rendition of the terrain plus a colored area around the graphic that is identified as tall pines, woods, or whatever as well as the graphic. Does the colored area in effect represent the edge of the woods and therefore not as dense as the graphic repesentation or are they both of equal density? I hope that makes sense. Thanks much and cheers.

  4. I enjoy this game so much I have decided to come out of the "woodwork" and join in the fun. My question concerns the forward observers. It seems to me that even when in exellent covering terrain, they are easily spotted by enemy units. Without getting to specific, in VOT my spotters are being fired at a few seconds into the game even though they are in tall pines. It would seem that 2 men in the cover of trees would not be easily seen. Aren't they hiding behind the trees? What am I missing here?

    Enough ranting. Now to introduce myself to the board. I got my start with wargames playing Panzerblitz with a buddy while stationed at the NAVCOMSTA on Adak, Alaska (over 30 years ago). Now work for the Dept. of State. I have been looking for the "perfect" wargame for a long time (Across the Rhine, Amored Fist, Panzer Commander, iPanzer 44; just to name a few). CM looks and plays great. I learn something new everytime I play it. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

    Sorry for running off at the 'fingers', so I will close this now. I have learned a lot from reading the posts on this board and am sure I will learn even more in the future.

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