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Posts posted by HoosierTreadHead

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olduvai:

    Capitalist Dog! A pox of a thousand strip malls upon your fruited plains! May the progeny of a million trailer parks vote in your elections! May a hundred Los Angeles devour what remains of your pathetic culture! Viva la revolucion!


    Hey! Now you're getting personal. I am the progeny of a trailer park. I was just going to slap you krauts around a little and send you running home to Adolph with your tails between your legs. But now you've made me angry. At them boys, and crush the Nazi swine!

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrBrydon:

    This is part critism and part suggested tactic.

    It seems to me that the biggest problem with computer games is the unrealistic nature of flanks. I realised way back in the SSI 'Kampfgruppe' days that, if you move along one edge of a map when attacking, you cut your exposure to enemy fire. In reality, only in very favorable circumstances would an opponent's flank being hanging in the air like that. Normally there would be other units covering the flank, or, more importantly, the *possibility* of other units on the flank. The effect is that while the flank is always vulnerable for the defender because there's no support, it also means that the attacker doesn't have to worry about his own flanks.

    Now the bad (good) thing about 'Kampfgruppe' is that it would rarely shift units towards a breakthrough. you could just roll up the line. The good (bad ;) thing about CM is that the AI reacts realistically when I get onto his flank and begins shifting forces.

    I think that the only way to make this more realistic would be to have an attack zone or corridor that was set in from the map edges. The defender would then have the whole map width to set up on. To prevent the defender from ignoring his flanks (and piling on) there could be 'defender only' objectives on the flanks. He could abandon them only with the knowledge that he'd be losing VPs against whatever gain he hoped to make (I love the way an objective goes neutral in CM if you don't occupy it).

    Well, those are my thoughts. I'd be interested to hear what others think.


    I agree that the board edge advance is quite gamey. Your suggestion is very good. Another possibilty would be to have units take random loses if they move too close to the map edge, thus simulating fire from adjoining enemy units. There might also be a random chance of units placed on the edge to leave the map. This would simulate the unit getting sucked into the fighting going on off-board.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olduvai:

    Three smilies and an umlaut say the Mighty Axis (with a capital M) take out the feeble allies in Pillar's CM RPG!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Take out? No thanks, I don't like Chinese food. I think that you, my little German friend, are having delusions induced by too much cabbage in your diet. So I will see your wager, and raise you a tilde. The Allies will grind your little PansieGrenadiers into sausage. God bless America, Mom, and Apple Pie!

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ASL Veteran:

    I have been looking over 'All or Nothing' after the issues I had with it when I played as the British. I examined the German forces and have come to the conclusion that for PBEM purposes this scenario is maybe 80 to 85 percent pro German if the British can't clear the minefield in front of the secondary bridge. One engineer platoon added to the initial OB for the British would reduce it to maybe 60 percent pro German. The only variables here being how effective the British artillery is and how lucky the British get with bogging. So here goes ... I am publicly announcing that I can't lose as the Germans in All or Nothing. Are there any intrepid souls out there that are willing to try to prove me wrong (and boast about it afterwards) in a PBEM match? Don't worry, I won't sweat it if you want to pack it in early ... just let me know when you have had enough.

    If you are a crusty veteran who wants to teach this newby a few manners ... bring your A game and be humbled. If you are new to wargaming and love abuse, let me know and I will heap it upon you. If you haven't played the scenario before you will probably want to try it first - although playing it blind might actually be an advantage in this case. I will reveal no more! Let me know if you are interested.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sure, I'm ready to be slapped around! Send your setup (1.03) to stakerw@home.com

    I am currently at work, but will be ready to rumble tonight.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Stone:

    Been reading alot of books lately, and I keep getting the impression that CM crews are too numerous?

    Meaning-- do too many crew members survive their vehicles being knocked out? I do not think I have ever seen a crew totally eliminated from a vehicle hit...

    Just Thinking

    Stoner <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I just finished "Strike Swiftly" a history of the 70th Tank Battalion. According to this book, it was not at all unusual for most of the crew members to survive a knocked out tank. Most casualties seemed to be inflicted by small-arms fire as the crew bailed out of the vehicle.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by James Bailey:

    It is a great scenario if you are driving those Panthers. Not so good for Ami's... has anybody won it as the American?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I managed to get a tactical victory by attacking on my right with one infantry and two tank platoons. Also launched a holding attack up the middle with the reamaing tanks and infantry. VERY slow going and I lost three tanks to general mud. Gotta love those 76mm armed sherms. They make short work of the German armor. The bunker covering the town sqaure was a tough nut to crack. Ended up in a duel between three tanks verus the bunker. Lost one tank destroyed and one gun kill, but we got the sucker.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerdude:

    Here's another newbie to the PBEM world, but not to wargames. Anyone up for a game? I haven't even tried the pbem setup, but I'm sure it's very straight forward. Let me know...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Panzerdude. I am up for a game of VoT, either side. Send me a setup.

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