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Posts posted by dutchman

  1. I have instsalled all of MDMP-1 and MDMP-2 and then wanted to use the grid overlay. I DL the Hi-Res MDMP grass one and installed. I can barely notice the lines on the few scenarios I played. I know they are there because I can really see them crossed road tiles. Any idea on what my problem is.

  2. A couple weeks ago someone on the board was

    talking about building a scenario based on a scene from the movie "The Longest Day". The particular scene was the one when a French unit got pinned in a small town with a canal and had to get some tank support to silence a Pak unit held up in a hotel. Anyone know if person ever built the scenario and if it is posted anywhere?


  3. I think you did a fantastic job designing the scenario Dick. I just finished reading a book about the bridge and was anxious to play the game and see how close to "real" it would play. Except for the night thing ( I believe they landed before 0100 and the whole thing was over in 15 minutes or so. The counter attacks went on through the night and the next day.) I was most impressed how the 2 tanks never made an attempt to pass the T junction of the two roads.( at least my game ). Historically well represented. The author of the book explained had they made the correct decision with the tanks and attacked the bridge area the Germans most certainly would of regained contol of the bridge. Most everything else was historically correct as far as I could tell. The book mentioned a nasty German sniper that caused a bunch of problems and the fact that the British actually used the 75mm AT gun after they took the bridge. Anyway, thanks for the pleasure of playing out a historically well presented scenario.

  4. When my men enter buildings I can't see them.

    If I run my mouse over the building I will get the action menu, however I still cannot see them. Smoke looks great, however it appears to just disappear rather then fade.

    Is this the way it works? Anyone have similiar problems. I have a 400 Gateway that is only 1 year old. Got the best graphics card available at that time.....Can anyone help?

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