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The Oz

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Posts posted by The Oz

  1. I would recommend "From Shield to Storm" by Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay. Although they wrote fairly soon after the war and it's somewhat more 'rah-rah-USA' than others, it's still a reasonably good look at the whole war, not just one aspect.

    Dunnigan also knows how to write so you can read the book and stay awake.

  2. Well, yes, the S-2 should have an idea of what we're facing, but I'd prefer to leave that to us human players. The situation briefing for each scenario gives enough (sometimes more than enough) enemy OOB information.

    Besides, the intel boys have been known to be wrong, or just late with updates.

    If the "enemy kills" listing doesn't show 125mm AT guns until I kill one, then I as the player have to worry, "The briefing said there were enemy AT guns in the area, but I haven't seen any yet. Are those guns 100mm or 125mm, or was intel wrong, or is something else here in place of the AT guns?"

  3. As TacOps is currently set, we only have a choice of full knowledge of the enemy OOB and losses, or no knowledge of enemy OOB and losses (other than what we see and can remember ourselves).

    Would it be possible to have the switch set so that when we =don't= have full enemy OOB knowledge, we would get the "S-2" report of enemy units =killed=? Perhaps the same tabular format could be used, but only show the enemy units killed column.

    Ideally, this would only show us the unit types we've killed, too. That way we wouldn't know the enemy had any 125mm AT guns (for example) for us to kill/worry about until we saw them.

  4. One possible thing to try for adjusting play balance would be to change units from one type to another.

    For example, you could try (in the USMC Capture the Flag game) changing the M1A2s to M60A3s, or perhaps turning the T80s into T80-ATGMs.

    In the US Army Capture the Flag game, one subtle change that can really adjust the balance is to change the on-map OPFOR 122mm SP arty into 152mm SP arty, which can then fire ICM ammo.

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