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Lloyd Heilbrunn

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Posts posted by Lloyd Heilbrunn

  1. Oh-- great stuff!!! Hard fought 48-53 draw as the Axis. Night and Snow makes an interesting combo..... BTW, after action I noticed a couple of AT guns still trailered almost off board and undeployed by the Allies--- AI have trouble deploying these, or did I just get lucky? smile.gif If they had been deployed I probably would have lost.....

  2. Thanks for the reply, Bill. BTW, is there any ratings posted for the scens on the CD?? If not, it might be a good idea. Even though I'm downloading a lot,I still have lots left unplayed from the original game. Ratings might help me choose the next one.......

    [This message has been edited by Lloyd Heilbrunn (edited 08-05-2000).]

  3. I must be an idiot, I just realized the Star ratings for the games were by US gamers, not the site hosts smile.gif..........but when I tried to give some well deserved kudos to my favorites, it would not take my vote.I finally figured out what was wrong. I had only played the scens vs the computer so that was all I tried to rate(did not feel qualified to rate something I had not played)......But it would only take the info if you rated both solo and PBEM. So is the theory that you should only rate games if you've played both(since I play only solo I would disagree with this policy) or is this just an oversite in the program??

  4. Thanks Bill, since I completed the assignment, I'll consider it a win, since per the briefing I'd consider it a loss if I lost most the prisoners but took a lot of Allies with them........Hey, maybe you could revise the scenario to award enough points for exiting the prisoners off the board(is this possible?)so that if you give the rescue more priority than the flag, you still can win. Either way, good job Bill, another fun one........ smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Lloyd Heilbrunn (edited 07-30-2000).]

  5. Well, I got the prisoners,and quickly rushed off my board edge(east), taking only one KIA.The battle AAR said AXIS surrender and Allied tactical victory( Allies lost 7 cas.)

    Huh???? What am I missing?? Are you supposed to fight for the flag---which contradicts the assignment? Or is one KIA a loss, that might make sense...... but I did not surrender.......??

  6. Well, the second time thru I took a couple of the building's rooms but appearently not enough to change the flag and the allies won a tactical victory.Very fun and creative, never had to use a Tiger merely as a gun platform before....unfortunately it lost the long range battle after only getting one shot off!!!Good stuff Bill, Keep these minis coming---I like them a lot smile.gif

  7. I played this one the last two days as the US vs the AI.Had a great time climbing the hill on the left with a mortar team while sneaking two bazooka teams thru the woods on the right to overlook the righthand road.One HMG and Sherman had no trouble covering the left hand road, luckily only halftracks and armored cars came that way and none survived more than mere yards around the bend.The AT took out a Armored car and SP(?)Gun before biting the bullet.The sneaking paid off as the Bazookas got both the Panther and a Puma!! smile.gifThe tired guy with the Mortar chipped in with some vehicle too far away to ID. My only other major loss besides the AT was the other Mortar team who was also in the woods on the right. Once the Puma and Panther died I brought out the TD and other Sherman to mop up. 9 Vehicles destroyed, and a 75%-24% Allied Victory smile.gifwink.gif Great fun scenario.......Thanks Wild Bill!!

  8. Tried this neat looking mini tonite, playing as the attacking Germans.Tried bringing all my vechicles up the left side using the bocage and buildings as cover.I lost all the vechicles within 2 turns. One seemed to blow itself up trying to shoot thru bocage at an enemy who should have been out of los, another ignored my orders to stop behind the edge of the building, proceeded to drive around the corner of the bocage and ran over three of my squads.And I lost to tanks to what appeared to be infantry fire from the buildings out of los(I thought)also behind the bocage. Now I know the scenerio briefing mentioned sabotage but did not know that could be modeled in this game!!! But it would explain things...... smile.gif Any ideas whats going on???

  9. Hmm.Thats hard to figure under the circumstances.The gun was pointed at 11 oclock,setup in the light woods, right at the edge of the setup area, aiming toward the road into Riesberg....It ended up aimed @ 5 oclock,directly aiming at the friendly area behind the town.Unless it somehow targeted a friendly unit........

  10. I've been playing the demo a few days.I tried Riesberg tonight.After setting up the 88s with a view of the road I waited for the tanks to come into sight.But when I tried to target them the gun was facing the OPPOSITE

    direction and by the time I rotated it the shot was no longer there....but when I double checked the saved setup, the gun was placed correctly!!What happened???

    BTW,is the a group move command??

    Even with the above the game looks great,I preordered yesterday smile.gif

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