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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Darryl

  1. Thanks to those of you who've tried to be helpful. The fact is, my physical copy of CMSF went un-opened for over a year because I had the DD version and never had need to look at the physical manual.

    I was never advised that I would need to keep my DD number to activate my totally separate physical DVD. I naturally presumed that any needed key would be provided inside the box.

    I have now received two replies from a "forum admin." with a link to the Tech support help desk FAQ. Which has such helpful suggestions as: "update my drivers", "make sure I have the latest patch", "read the game manual", "read the Windows manual". And other gems of similarly helpful advice.

    WOW! To paraphrase obama: "Tech support I can believe in." Dear forum admin, what part of "I NEED MY E LICENSE NUMBER" are you having trouble understanding?

    Here's a thought BF......How about sending me my "E license number", so I can use the software I paid for? Well I've just sent off another round of emails to every tech support address I can find. Let us see if anyone actually bothers to read them, or even acknowledge their receipt.

  2. I've been a loyal customer of BF since CMBO's initial release. I've purchased every title in the CM series. When SF was released I opted for DD and physical shipment.

    Long story short: My HD crashed necessitating the installation of the physical copy onto my new system. I'm asked for an e-license number. I have no e-license number. I've searched for the elusive "sticker" that supposedly has this number, but to no avail.

    Two weeks ago I sent an email to tech support asking for guidance. To date I have received not even an automated response! Just thought I'd post this for consideration. I'd hate for anyone else to get ripped off.


    A FORMER loyal customer

  3. Didn't see this specific bug mentioned so here it is:

    I was just involved in an assault wherein my platoon of M1s aquired a LOS on some dug-in immobile Syrian T-55s. The T-55s were able to engage and hit my M1s. However when trying to target the T-55s with my M1s I recieved a message to the effect of 'Reverse slope unable to hit' (Or similar). I'm sorry, but if any portion of a target is visible to the GPS on an M1, YOU CAN SHOOT AND HIT IT. The SABOT round has a flat trajectory out past 2500 meters. So again...If you can see it, you can hit it.

    Remember, the GPS on the T-55 is on the front of the turret. So since they were engaging and hitting me that means that a fair portion of the turret front had to be exposed.

    So I've gotta call this a serious bug.

  4. Originally posted by Panzer76:

    I said it before, the TacAI is downright poor, and so is the pathfinding.

    Agreed, though actually the pathfinding isn't poor. It's absolutely horrible! What the heck were they thinking releasing the game in this state?!?!?

    I'm not a Battlefront hater by any means. Look at my date of registration. I've loved EVERY CM until now.

    The Tac AI is bad enough, but the pathfinding bug is a game killer for me. :(

  5. QUOTE:

    "I have concluded that the smarts we saw and loved/hated in the TacAI of past CM titles (which for my mind was one of the true achievments of those games) seems to be obviously missing in CMSF. I can say that not even once have I seen any evasive action by any of my vehicular units. No auto popping of smoke, no reverses out of LOS etc. Even the auto target selection/aquisition seems a bit lacking."

    I have to concur. Though Tanks do SEEM to automatically switch to engage threat tanks whenever they're identified. Short of that, Tac AI seems to be lacking in the self preservation mode.

    I've yet to see an enemy unit break, or surrender.

  6. If IRC the New Jersey class will move sideways about six feet as a result of a full broadside. Further, someone asked the range of her main battery. When using rocket assisted sub-munitions she has a range of approximately 50 miles. I don't recall the CEP off hand though.

    One of the main problems with the New Jerseys is that they're just too darned labor intensive. Remember they were designed when manpower was not a limiting factor. As a consequence there's virtually no automation of her powerplant and other subsystems.

    I do believe there is a place in the fleet for heavy fire support ships. I also believe with modern automation and fire control accuracy we can design and build a few ships with large caliber guns that could simply overwhelm an enemy at a per round cost that would be less expensive, and far more demoralizing than using cruise missles.

    Just my humble rambling.



  7. Two things caused me to purchase CMBO. Reading an AAR with pics, and playing the demo. Of the two the demo was really what sealed the deal for me.

    However since I've already pre-ordered, a demo is really moot for me at this point. smile.gif



  8. Originally posted by Amedeo:

    The ER weapons were designed to delivery an istantaneously incapacitating radiation dose to a T-72 crew. The Soviets anyway quickly devepoled a boron lining for their tanks and the fast neutron radiation capacity of the N bomb was wastly offset, and... yes, the outcome of WW3 in Central Europe would have been mainly a matter of air warfare. Take a look at this interesting thread:




    I'm not familiar enough with the shielding qualities of boron vs the gamma radiation from an E.R.W. But I do know that you can only shield so much without incurring a prohibitive weight penalty, as I alluded to in an earlier post.

    As for WWIII being essentially decided by airpower..I really don't think this is so. Witness the emergence during the time period in question of effective MANPADS. These alone could've caused prohibitive losses against soviet forward air forces (ie low level strike aircraft). Along with Chapparal, vulcan, and hawk air defense units I doubt the soviet air assets would've had things their own way for long.

    BTW anybody remember the aborted "Sgt. York"?

    One wonders why the soviets could field effective multi barrel anti air units (ie ZSU-23) while the west could not. Too many bells and whistles perhaps?

    Great discussion though! And I still want A CM WWW III game! LOL



  9. >

    Originally posted by flamingknives:

    > heh, tactical nukes, now there's an >oxymoron if ever I heard it.

    >A nuclear warhead is, almost by definition, a >strategic weapon, regardless of the delivery >system.

    So you see no difference between a 1 KT nuke used to stop a division sized breakthrough (tactical). And a multi MT sized nuke used against a major population center to disrupt an enemy's economy and civilian infrastructure (strategic)? Interesting....May I suggest you look up the words "tactical" and "strategic" in a dictionary?

    >It's also worth noting, with an eye on the >vaunted neutron bomb, that Soviet armour was >specifically designed to move through >radiation, both direct and fallout. The much >maligned BMP1, with it's fuel tanks in the rear >doors, for example. While bad news in >conventional warfare, the fuel within is a very >good beta-radiation blocker. Dropping a >radiation based weapon on them would have been >mostly counter-productive.

    I believe you have confused your radiation types and effects...

    E.R.W.s give off GAMMA radiation not beta. And gamma radiation will penetrate an AFV quite nicely fuel notwithstanding I suppose they could've built AFV's with a very thick shielding of dense material such as lead. But good lord how heavy do you want your AFV's to be? While it is true that an immediately incapacitating dose of radiation might not be recieved most research reveals that the majority of personnel inside an AFV will be dead within 24 hours or so. Depending on proximity to ground zero of course. This knowledge alone would certainly not have produced the highest morale among any soviets who would've been exposed.

    I believe you could've made a more interesting and relevant objection by making the supposition that the soviets, expecting us to use an E.R.W. against their forward elements would utilize their category B and/or C formations as a spearhead. Then once the west had shot it's bolt, so to speak. Sent in their category A formations without fear of losing them to mass destruction type weaponry.

    Also do not forget that the soviets fully expected to use non-persistant chemical weapons against us. One shudders at the thought of the havoc that would've caused among NATO units back in the late 70's/early 80's.

    Anyway it's good to hear opposite viewpoints. And of course thankfully we will never know EXACTLY what would've happened. But it's stimulating to speculate. Have a great day Flamingknives.



  10. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    If the Soviet aircraft had indeed prevailed (as per previous posts) I suspect little mushrooms (and perhaps not so little) would have started to appear and I suspect CMX2 would have issues dealing with those.

    Correct, Remember the enhanced radiation weapon (The so-called Neutron bomb)?

    Remember the soviet backed outcry over American plans to develop and deploy it to western Europe?

    We knew even then in the late 1970's that if the soviets came pouring through the Fulda gap, we were NOT going to be able to stop them with conventional weapons alone. The E.H.R. would've been our ace in the hole. That's why the soviets worked so hard to turn world opinion against it's deployment. It was a perfect example BTW of what Lenin called the "useful fools" of the west ie: the peace movement. Well the milquetoast Carter administration caved in, hence the west was once again at a major dis-advantage.

    The soviets, and their useful fools tried again when Reagan (along with another great leader, Mrs. Thatcher)deployed medium range tactical nukes to western Europe. But all their wailing, and moaning did them little good as the Reagan-Thatcher team was made of sterner stuff. The missles stayed. The soviets realized that they could now not mass their forces without risking losing them. And the only alternative would be smaller thrusts which would give our ATGMs, and M1 battle tanks (I hope my NATO brothers will forgive my Amero-centric viewpoint)a chance to defeat them in detail. This was (IMHO) the begining of the end for the evil empire.

    Have a wonderful time


  11. Bravo! And for anyone else out there with even a minor interest in a what if "world war III" scenario...Might I suggest a couple of excellent books?

    "Team Yankee" by Harold Coyle

    "The Third World War, August 1985" By General Sir John Hackett Yes the same one who commanded the 4th parachute Brigade at Arnhem. And he commanded the British Army of the Rhine in the late 60's. So he knows of what he writes. This is an oldie, published in the late 70's but by far the best novel on the subject EVER. So well worth searching for.

    And of course,

    "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy

    There are many others but if those three don't create a burning desire to play a good WWIII game nothing will. LOL

    Have a wonderful time!

  12. I personally feel a version of CM depicting the cold war era in Europe would ROCK! Not a mod, but a complete game. I love WWII, but for God's sake! let's please have a little variety! It would not take TOO much work for Battlefront to do a cold war version of CM. ATGMs, and NBC warfare might be a challenge, but airpower could still be somewhat abstacted as it is currently, without really taking anything away from the game as a whole. PLEASE Battlefront! Is there ANY chance of a cold war era version of CM?

    I for one would gladly pay a LOT for this.

    Thank you.

  13. Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the reply. I've got a newer Gateway system, which I never shut off, only an occaisional re-boot to "refresh" everything.

    I really can't understand this. In the way of a little extra detail, When the turn is playing itself out the "play" button is shown (Shouldn't it be the "pause" button? And the same thing happens when I try to replay the turn... When I hit the "return to beggining" button the "play" button appears. When I hit the play button it jumps to the end of the turn and the "pause" button appears. I'm wondering if attempting to play a tcp game solo could have corrupted something? Just before this problem appeared I had downloaded the operation this problem occured during and it stated it was intended as a tcp game. Perhaps trying to play it solo has caused a problem??????

    Perhaps later on I'll just try the old "uninstall, re-install" thing and see if the problem goes away.

    Also, as far as I know, there are no other programs running in the background.

    [ October 30, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Darryl ]

  14. I have suddenly developed a problem while trying to replay turns. When I rewind to the begining and press play it jumps to the end of the movie.

    I've never encountered this before, in fact it happened on turn 3 of a one player operation.

    None of the display seems corrupted, as I've read that others with similar problems are having. Any ideas as to what could be going on?

  15. I just can't get over how much the graphics of Combat Mission have improved with the pending arrival of CMBB. And another improvement I've noticed is how much more quickly those screenies

    load now that I've got a cable modem. smile.gif

    When I was waiting for CMBO to be released I would wait on pins and needles as a screenshot would take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to appear on my screen. Now it takes but a second. Ah, the sweet ambrosia of technology!! :D


  16. Xpav, and Marcus M,

    So if something is difficult to do, then one shouldn't attempt it, and refine it? No matter how worthwhile it is? Is that the message you're sending?

    Here are a few examples of things that were once thought to be impossible.....

    -Heavier than air flight

    -visitng the moon

    -Intercepting a missle with a missle

    Have a little faith in the American spirit.

    For us there is no such thing as "impossible".



  17. Mark Iv, you make some interesting comments but I think you misunderstood me. My point was to show that it would be quite easy to deliver a nuke to the U.S. without any sort of boost vehicle.

    That having been said, I do happen to believe that ABM is a very important project which must be continued. Don't forget the Patriot system (which used computer software developed thanks to Pres. Reagan's SDI) is a very rudimentary yet highly effective method of intercepting small high speed targets In a manner which was deemed "impossible" by the same sort of "experts" who now claim a workable ABM system is impractical, or would be "de-stabilizing" to world peace.

    Frankly why should I care if the people who might launch nukes at my country, are upset that if I build an ABM system they'll have to spend more to build more missles to destroy my country?



  18. The argument is made that no "rogue" nation would be willing to risk anihlation by using a nuke against the U.S. Here are a couple of facts...

    The clinton administration tells N. Korea a couple of years ago, "We'll give you a power generating nuclear reactor if you'll stop your nuclear weapons program." Naturally the N. Koreans take us up on the deal, then promptly add the reactor to their weapons program.

    Meanwhile in Iraq, Saddam thumbs his nose at clinton by restricting the U.N. weapons inspectors. So clinton has some explosives hurled into Iraq. As per clinton's other "successful" foreign policy fiascos, this one also fails and the U.N. inspectors haven't been allowed into Iraq since.

    Now here's a nifty scenario for you.....

    Let's pick one of these countries, say Iraq

    for the sake of discussion.

    Say in 5 years Iraq has built a crude nuclear device. Say also that they sell, or give it to a third party with a grudge against the U.S. That third party

    places the device in a truck container, the container is loaded onto a container ship in another country. That ship is bound for a major U.S. port. Do you know how many thousands of containers are loaded onto trucks in the U.S. everyday? Care to guess how many go unsearched by customs officials?

    The device is loaded onto a truck, driven into the heart of a major U.S. city, and detonated. Since the deed was comitted by this third party Iraq has some denial ability. The world would hardly approve of the U.S. using nukes against Iraq without undeniable proof of their responsibility.

    And that would never do since we seem to be basing so much of our policies on world opinion these days. Provides fuel for thought doesn't it?



    [This message has been edited by Darryl (edited 07-11-2000).]

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