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Posts posted by Nevres

  1. thanks for the quick response mace, but i have played before and did the respective procedure with no trouble, this is the first time, the files instead of coming in file format, come in text format, so i have to mark all the text and then copy it to notepad to create a text file and then copy the file to the folder, a longer process indeed. By the way, no code manipulation here. So what type of trouble do you think it is, some incompatibility with the mail formats?

  2. this may sound stupid, but its a first and i cant find an answer, i started a pbem game but the files do not go as attachments but as text, so were found in the necesity to copy the text to a notepad and then saving the file to the pbem folder, a longer process than the normal save the attachment to the pbem folder, could anyone shed some light on the subject?

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